diff --git a/src/api.js b/src/api.js
index 3d97dacd2..dee6c66b7 100644
--- a/src/api.js
+++ b/src/api.js
@@ -329,12 +329,18 @@ var PDFPageProxy = (function PDFPageProxyClosure() {
-     * Stub for future feature.
+     * @return {Promise} That is resolved with the a {string} that is the text
+     * content from the page.
     getTextContent: function() {
       var promise = new PDFJS.Promise();
-      var textContent = 'page text'; // not implemented
-      promise.resolve(textContent);
+      this.transport.messageHandler.send('GetTextContent', {
+          pageIndex: this.pageNumber - 1
+        },
+        function textContentCallback(textContent) {
+          promise.resolve(textContent);
+        }
+      );
       return promise;
diff --git a/src/core.js b/src/core.js
index 90a2c9733..5ce133dab 100644
--- a/src/core.js
+++ b/src/core.js
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ var Page = (function PageClosure() {
         // fetching items
         var streams = [];
         var i, n = content.length;
+        var streams = [];
         for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
         content = new StreamsSequenceStream(streams);
@@ -154,7 +155,53 @@ var Page = (function PageClosure() {
       return pe.getOperatorList(content, resources, dependency);
+    extractTextContent: function Page_extractTextContent() {
+      if ('textContent' in this) {
+        // text content was extracted
+        return this.textContent;
+      }
+      var handler = {
+        on: function nullHandlerOn() {},
+        send: function nullHandlerSend() {}
+      };
+      var xref = this.xref;
+      var content = xref.fetchIfRef(this.content);
+      var resources = xref.fetchIfRef(this.resources);
+      if (isArray(content)) {
+        // fetching items
+        var i, n = content.length;
+        var streams = [];
+        for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+          streams.push(xref.fetchIfRef(content[i]));
+        content = new StreamsSequenceStream(streams);
+      } else if (isStream(content))
+        content.reset();
+      var pe = new PartialEvaluator(
+                     xref, handler, 'p' + this.pageNumber + '_');
+      var text = pe.getTextContent(content, resources);
+      return (this.textContent = text);
+    },
+    ensureFonts: function Page_ensureFonts(fonts, callback) {
+      this.stats.time('Font Loading');
+      // Convert the font names to the corresponding font obj.
+      for (var i = 0, ii = fonts.length; i < ii; i++) {
+        fonts[i] = this.objs.objs[fonts[i]].data;
+      }
+      // Load all the fonts
+      FontLoader.bind(
+        fonts,
+        function pageEnsureFontsFontObjs(fontObjs) {
+          this.stats.timeEnd('Font Loading');
+          callback.call(this);
+        }.bind(this)
+      );
+    },
     getLinks: function Page_getLinks() {
       var links = [];
       var annotations = pageGetAnnotations();
@@ -466,3 +513,4 @@ var PDFDocument = (function PDFDocumentClosure() {
   return PDFDocument;
diff --git a/src/evaluator.js b/src/evaluator.js
index e07394201..6cefa57db 100644
--- a/src/evaluator.js
+++ b/src/evaluator.js
@@ -153,8 +153,9 @@ var PartialEvaluator = (function PartialEvaluatorClosure() {
         font = xref.fetchIfRef(font) || fontRes.get(fontName);
-        ++self.objIdCounter;
-        if (!font.translated) {
+        if (!font.loadedName) {
+          ++self.objIdCounter;
           font.translated = self.translateFont(font, xref, resources,
           if (font.translated) {
@@ -474,6 +475,71 @@ var PartialEvaluator = (function PartialEvaluatorClosure() {
       return queue;
+    getTextContent: function partialEvaluatorGetIRQueue(stream, resources) {
+      var self = this;
+      var xref = this.xref;
+      function handleSetFont(fontName, fontRef) {
+        var fontRes = resources.get('Font');
+        // TODO: TOASK: Is it possible to get here? If so, what does
+        // args[0].name should be like???
+        assert(fontRes, 'fontRes not available');
+        fontRes = xref.fetchIfRef(fontRes);
+        fontRef = fontRef || fontRes.get(fontName);
+        var font = xref.fetchIfRef(fontRef), tra;
+        assertWellFormed(isDict(font));
+        if (!font.translated) {
+          font.translated = self.translateFont(font, xref, resources);
+        }
+        return font;
+      }
+      resources = xref.fetchIfRef(resources) || new Dict();
+      var parser = new Parser(new Lexer(stream), false);
+      var res = resources;
+      var args = [], obj;
+      var text = '';
+      var font = null;
+      while (!isEOF(obj = parser.getObj())) {
+        if (isCmd(obj)) {
+          var cmd = obj.cmd;
+          switch (cmd) {
+            case 'Tf':
+              font = handleSetFont(args[0].name);
+              break;
+            case 'TJ':
+              var items = args[0];
+              for (var j = 0, jj = items.length; j < jj; j++) {
+                if (typeof items[j] === 'string') {
+                  text += fontCharsToUnicode(items[j],
+                    font.translated.properties);
+                } else if (items[j] < 0) {
+                  // making all negative offsets a space - better to have
+                  // a space in incorrect place than not have them at all
+                  text += ' ';
+                }
+              }
+              break;
+            case 'Tj':
+              text += fontCharsToUnicode(args[0], font.translated.properties);
+              break;
+          } // switch
+          args = [];
+        } else if (obj != null) {
+          assertWellFormed(args.length <= 33, 'Too many arguments');
+          args.push(obj);
+        }
+      }
+      return text;
+    },
     extractDataStructures: function
       partialEvaluatorExtractDataStructures(dict, baseDict,
                                             xref, properties) {
diff --git a/src/fonts.js b/src/fonts.js
index 7bd3ddd06..6881c7daf 100644
--- a/src/fonts.js
+++ b/src/fonts.js
@@ -753,6 +753,736 @@ function isSpecialUnicode(unicode) {
     unicode < kCmapGlyphOffset + kSizeOfGlyphArea);
+// The normalization table is obtained by filtering the Unicode characters
+// database with <compat> entries.
+var NormalizedUnicodes = {
+  '\u00A8': '\u0020\u0308',
+  '\u00AF': '\u0020\u0304',
+  '\u00B4': '\u0020\u0301',
+  '\u00B5': '\u03BC',
+  '\u00B8': '\u0020\u0327',
+  '\u0132': '\u0049\u004A',
+  '\u0133': '\u0069\u006A',
+  '\u013F': '\u004C\u00B7',
+  '\u0140': '\u006C\u00B7',
+  '\u0149': '\u02BC\u006E',
+  '\u017F': '\u0073',
+  '\u01C4': '\u0044\u017D',
+  '\u01C5': '\u0044\u017E',
+  '\u01C6': '\u0064\u017E',
+  '\u01C7': '\u004C\u004A',
+  '\u01C8': '\u004C\u006A',
+  '\u01C9': '\u006C\u006A',
+  '\u01CA': '\u004E\u004A',
+  '\u01CB': '\u004E\u006A',
+  '\u01CC': '\u006E\u006A',
+  '\u01F1': '\u0044\u005A',
+  '\u01F2': '\u0044\u007A',
+  '\u01F3': '\u0064\u007A',
+  '\u02D8': '\u0020\u0306',
+  '\u02D9': '\u0020\u0307',
+  '\u02DA': '\u0020\u030A',
+  '\u02DB': '\u0020\u0328',
+  '\u02DC': '\u0020\u0303',
+  '\u02DD': '\u0020\u030B',
+  '\u037A': '\u0020\u0345',
+  '\u0384': '\u0020\u0301',
+  '\u03D0': '\u03B2',
+  '\u03D1': '\u03B8',
+  '\u03D2': '\u03A5',
+  '\u03D5': '\u03C6',
+  '\u03D6': '\u03C0',
+  '\u03F0': '\u03BA',
+  '\u03F1': '\u03C1',
+  '\u03F2': '\u03C2',
+  '\u03F4': '\u0398',
+  '\u03F5': '\u03B5',
+  '\u03F9': '\u03A3',
+  '\u0587': '\u0565\u0582',
+  '\u0675': '\u0627\u0674',
+  '\u0676': '\u0648\u0674',
+  '\u0677': '\u06C7\u0674',
+  '\u0678': '\u064A\u0674',
+  '\u0E33': '\u0E4D\u0E32',
+  '\u0EB3': '\u0ECD\u0EB2',
+  '\u0EDC': '\u0EAB\u0E99',
+  '\u0EDD': '\u0EAB\u0EA1',
+  '\u0F77': '\u0FB2\u0F81',
+  '\u0F79': '\u0FB3\u0F81',
+  '\u1E9A': '\u0061\u02BE',
+  '\u1FBD': '\u0020\u0313',
+  '\u1FBF': '\u0020\u0313',
+  '\u1FC0': '\u0020\u0342',
+  '\u1FFE': '\u0020\u0314',
+  '\u2002': '\u0020',
+  '\u2003': '\u0020',
+  '\u2004': '\u0020',
+  '\u2005': '\u0020',
+  '\u2006': '\u0020',
+  '\u2008': '\u0020',
+  '\u2009': '\u0020',
+  '\u200A': '\u0020',
+  '\u2017': '\u0020\u0333',
+  '\u2024': '\u002E',
+  '\u2025': '\u002E\u002E',
+  '\u2026': '\u002E\u002E\u002E',
+  '\u2033': '\u2032\u2032',
+  '\u2034': '\u2032\u2032\u2032',
+  '\u2036': '\u2035\u2035',
+  '\u2037': '\u2035\u2035\u2035',
+  '\u203C': '\u0021\u0021',
+  '\u203E': '\u0020\u0305',
+  '\u2047': '\u003F\u003F',
+  '\u2048': '\u003F\u0021',
+  '\u2049': '\u0021\u003F',
+  '\u2057': '\u2032\u2032\u2032\u2032',
+  '\u205F': '\u0020',
+  '\u20A8': '\u0052\u0073',
+  '\u2100': '\u0061\u002F\u0063',
+  '\u2101': '\u0061\u002F\u0073',
+  '\u2103': '\u00B0\u0043',
+  '\u2105': '\u0063\u002F\u006F',
+  '\u2106': '\u0063\u002F\u0075',
+  '\u2107': '\u0190',
+  '\u2109': '\u00B0\u0046',
+  '\u2116': '\u004E\u006F',
+  '\u2121': '\u0054\u0045\u004C',
+  '\u2135': '\u05D0',
+  '\u2136': '\u05D1',
+  '\u2137': '\u05D2',
+  '\u2138': '\u05D3',
+  '\u213B': '\u0046\u0041\u0058',
+  '\u2160': '\u0049',
+  '\u2161': '\u0049\u0049',
+  '\u2162': '\u0049\u0049\u0049',
+  '\u2163': '\u0049\u0056',
+  '\u2164': '\u0056',
+  '\u2165': '\u0056\u0049',
+  '\u2166': '\u0056\u0049\u0049',
+  '\u2167': '\u0056\u0049\u0049\u0049',
+  '\u2168': '\u0049\u0058',
+  '\u2169': '\u0058',
+  '\u216A': '\u0058\u0049',
+  '\u216B': '\u0058\u0049\u0049',
+  '\u216C': '\u004C',
+  '\u216D': '\u0043',
+  '\u216E': '\u0044',
+  '\u216F': '\u004D',
+  '\u2170': '\u0069',
+  '\u2171': '\u0069\u0069',
+  '\u2172': '\u0069\u0069\u0069',
+  '\u2173': '\u0069\u0076',
+  '\u2174': '\u0076',
+  '\u2175': '\u0076\u0069',
+  '\u2176': '\u0076\u0069\u0069',
+  '\u2177': '\u0076\u0069\u0069\u0069',
+  '\u2178': '\u0069\u0078',
+  '\u2179': '\u0078',
+  '\u217A': '\u0078\u0069',
+  '\u217B': '\u0078\u0069\u0069',
+  '\u217C': '\u006C',
+  '\u217D': '\u0063',
+  '\u217E': '\u0064',
+  '\u217F': '\u006D',
+  '\u222C': '\u222B\u222B',
+  '\u222D': '\u222B\u222B\u222B',
+  '\u222F': '\u222E\u222E',
+  '\u2230': '\u222E\u222E\u222E',
+  '\u2474': '\u0028\u0031\u0029',
+  '\u2475': '\u0028\u0032\u0029',
+  '\u2476': '\u0028\u0033\u0029',
+  '\u2477': '\u0028\u0034\u0029',
+  '\u2478': '\u0028\u0035\u0029',
+  '\u2479': '\u0028\u0036\u0029',
+  '\u247A': '\u0028\u0037\u0029',
+  '\u247B': '\u0028\u0038\u0029',
+  '\u247C': '\u0028\u0039\u0029',
+  '\u247D': '\u0028\u0031\u0030\u0029',
+  '\u247E': '\u0028\u0031\u0031\u0029',
+  '\u247F': '\u0028\u0031\u0032\u0029',
+  '\u2480': '\u0028\u0031\u0033\u0029',
+  '\u2481': '\u0028\u0031\u0034\u0029',
+  '\u2482': '\u0028\u0031\u0035\u0029',
+  '\u2483': '\u0028\u0031\u0036\u0029',
+  '\u2484': '\u0028\u0031\u0037\u0029',
+  '\u2485': '\u0028\u0031\u0038\u0029',
+  '\u2486': '\u0028\u0031\u0039\u0029',
+  '\u2487': '\u0028\u0032\u0030\u0029',
+  '\u2488': '\u0031\u002E',
+  '\u2489': '\u0032\u002E',
+  '\u248A': '\u0033\u002E',
+  '\u248B': '\u0034\u002E',
+  '\u248C': '\u0035\u002E',
+  '\u248D': '\u0036\u002E',
+  '\u248E': '\u0037\u002E',
+  '\u248F': '\u0038\u002E',
+  '\u2490': '\u0039\u002E',
+  '\u2491': '\u0031\u0030\u002E',
+  '\u2492': '\u0031\u0031\u002E',
+  '\u2493': '\u0031\u0032\u002E',
+  '\u2494': '\u0031\u0033\u002E',
+  '\u2495': '\u0031\u0034\u002E',
+  '\u2496': '\u0031\u0035\u002E',
+  '\u2497': '\u0031\u0036\u002E',
+  '\u2498': '\u0031\u0037\u002E',
+  '\u2499': '\u0031\u0038\u002E',
+  '\u249A': '\u0031\u0039\u002E',
+  '\u249B': '\u0032\u0030\u002E',
+  '\u249C': '\u0028\u0061\u0029',
+  '\u249D': '\u0028\u0062\u0029',
+  '\u249E': '\u0028\u0063\u0029',
+  '\u249F': '\u0028\u0064\u0029',
+  '\u24A0': '\u0028\u0065\u0029',
+  '\u24A1': '\u0028\u0066\u0029',
+  '\u24A2': '\u0028\u0067\u0029',
+  '\u24A3': '\u0028\u0068\u0029',
+  '\u24A4': '\u0028\u0069\u0029',
+  '\u24A5': '\u0028\u006A\u0029',
+  '\u24A6': '\u0028\u006B\u0029',
+  '\u24A7': '\u0028\u006C\u0029',
+  '\u24A8': '\u0028\u006D\u0029',
+  '\u24A9': '\u0028\u006E\u0029',
+  '\u24AA': '\u0028\u006F\u0029',
+  '\u24AB': '\u0028\u0070\u0029',
+  '\u24AC': '\u0028\u0071\u0029',
+  '\u24AD': '\u0028\u0072\u0029',
+  '\u24AE': '\u0028\u0073\u0029',
+  '\u24AF': '\u0028\u0074\u0029',
+  '\u24B0': '\u0028\u0075\u0029',
+  '\u24B1': '\u0028\u0076\u0029',
+  '\u24B2': '\u0028\u0077\u0029',
+  '\u24B3': '\u0028\u0078\u0029',
+  '\u24B4': '\u0028\u0079\u0029',
+  '\u24B5': '\u0028\u007A\u0029',
+  '\u2A0C': '\u222B\u222B\u222B\u222B',
+  '\u2A74': '\u003A\u003A\u003D',
+  '\u2A75': '\u003D\u003D',
+  '\u2A76': '\u003D\u003D\u003D',
+  '\u2E9F': '\u6BCD',
+  '\u2EF3': '\u9F9F',
+  '\u2F00': '\u4E00',
+  '\u2F01': '\u4E28',
+  '\u2F02': '\u4E36',
+  '\u2F03': '\u4E3F',
+  '\u2F04': '\u4E59',
+  '\u2F05': '\u4E85',
+  '\u2F06': '\u4E8C',
+  '\u2F07': '\u4EA0',
+  '\u2F08': '\u4EBA',
+  '\u2F09': '\u513F',
+  '\u2F0A': '\u5165',
+  '\u2F0B': '\u516B',
+  '\u2F0C': '\u5182',
+  '\u2F0D': '\u5196',
+  '\u2F0E': '\u51AB',
+  '\u2F0F': '\u51E0',
+  '\u2F10': '\u51F5',
+  '\u2F11': '\u5200',
+  '\u2F12': '\u529B',
+  '\u2F13': '\u52F9',
+  '\u2F14': '\u5315',
+  '\u2F15': '\u531A',
+  '\u2F16': '\u5338',
+  '\u2F17': '\u5341',
+  '\u2F18': '\u535C',
+  '\u2F19': '\u5369',
+  '\u2F1A': '\u5382',
+  '\u2F1B': '\u53B6',
+  '\u2F1C': '\u53C8',
+  '\u2F1D': '\u53E3',
+  '\u2F1E': '\u56D7',
+  '\u2F1F': '\u571F',
+  '\u2F20': '\u58EB',
+  '\u2F21': '\u5902',
+  '\u2F22': '\u590A',
+  '\u2F23': '\u5915',
+  '\u2F24': '\u5927',
+  '\u2F25': '\u5973',
+  '\u2F26': '\u5B50',
+  '\u2F27': '\u5B80',
+  '\u2F28': '\u5BF8',
+  '\u2F29': '\u5C0F',
+  '\u2F2A': '\u5C22',
+  '\u2F2B': '\u5C38',
+  '\u2F2C': '\u5C6E',
+  '\u2F2D': '\u5C71',
+  '\u2F2E': '\u5DDB',
+  '\u2F2F': '\u5DE5',
+  '\u2F30': '\u5DF1',
+  '\u2F31': '\u5DFE',
+  '\u2F32': '\u5E72',
+  '\u2F33': '\u5E7A',
+  '\u2F34': '\u5E7F',
+  '\u2F35': '\u5EF4',
+  '\u2F36': '\u5EFE',
+  '\u2F37': '\u5F0B',
+  '\u2F38': '\u5F13',
+  '\u2F39': '\u5F50',
+  '\u2F3A': '\u5F61',
+  '\u2F3B': '\u5F73',
+  '\u2F3C': '\u5FC3',
+  '\u2F3D': '\u6208',
+  '\u2F3E': '\u6236',
+  '\u2F3F': '\u624B',
+  '\u2F40': '\u652F',
+  '\u2F41': '\u6534',
+  '\u2F42': '\u6587',
+  '\u2F43': '\u6597',
+  '\u2F44': '\u65A4',
+  '\u2F45': '\u65B9',
+  '\u2F46': '\u65E0',
+  '\u2F47': '\u65E5',
+  '\u2F48': '\u66F0',
+  '\u2F49': '\u6708',
+  '\u2F4A': '\u6728',
+  '\u2F4B': '\u6B20',
+  '\u2F4C': '\u6B62',
+  '\u2F4D': '\u6B79',
+  '\u2F4E': '\u6BB3',
+  '\u2F4F': '\u6BCB',
+  '\u2F50': '\u6BD4',
+  '\u2F51': '\u6BDB',
+  '\u2F52': '\u6C0F',
+  '\u2F53': '\u6C14',
+  '\u2F54': '\u6C34',
+  '\u2F55': '\u706B',
+  '\u2F56': '\u722A',
+  '\u2F57': '\u7236',
+  '\u2F58': '\u723B',
+  '\u2F59': '\u723F',
+  '\u2F5A': '\u7247',
+  '\u2F5B': '\u7259',
+  '\u2F5C': '\u725B',
+  '\u2F5D': '\u72AC',
+  '\u2F5E': '\u7384',
+  '\u2F5F': '\u7389',
+  '\u2F60': '\u74DC',
+  '\u2F61': '\u74E6',
+  '\u2F62': '\u7518',
+  '\u2F63': '\u751F',
+  '\u2F64': '\u7528',
+  '\u2F65': '\u7530',
+  '\u2F66': '\u758B',
+  '\u2F67': '\u7592',
+  '\u2F68': '\u7676',
+  '\u2F69': '\u767D',
+  '\u2F6A': '\u76AE',
+  '\u2F6B': '\u76BF',
+  '\u2F6C': '\u76EE',
+  '\u2F6D': '\u77DB',
+  '\u2F6E': '\u77E2',
+  '\u2F6F': '\u77F3',
+  '\u2F70': '\u793A',
+  '\u2F71': '\u79B8',
+  '\u2F72': '\u79BE',
+  '\u2F73': '\u7A74',
+  '\u2F74': '\u7ACB',
+  '\u2F75': '\u7AF9',
+  '\u2F76': '\u7C73',
+  '\u2F77': '\u7CF8',
+  '\u2F78': '\u7F36',
+  '\u2F79': '\u7F51',
+  '\u2F7A': '\u7F8A',
+  '\u2F7B': '\u7FBD',
+  '\u2F7C': '\u8001',
+  '\u2F7D': '\u800C',
+  '\u2F7E': '\u8012',
+  '\u2F7F': '\u8033',
+  '\u2F80': '\u807F',
+  '\u2F81': '\u8089',
+  '\u2F82': '\u81E3',
+  '\u2F83': '\u81EA',
+  '\u2F84': '\u81F3',
+  '\u2F85': '\u81FC',
+  '\u2F86': '\u820C',
+  '\u2F87': '\u821B',
+  '\u2F88': '\u821F',
+  '\u2F89': '\u826E',
+  '\u2F8A': '\u8272',
+  '\u2F8B': '\u8278',
+  '\u2F8C': '\u864D',
+  '\u2F8D': '\u866B',
+  '\u2F8E': '\u8840',
+  '\u2F8F': '\u884C',
+  '\u2F90': '\u8863',
+  '\u2F91': '\u897E',
+  '\u2F92': '\u898B',
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+  '\u320E': '\u0028\u1100\u1161\u0029',
+  '\u320F': '\u0028\u1102\u1161\u0029',
+  '\u3210': '\u0028\u1103\u1161\u0029',
+  '\u3211': '\u0028\u1105\u1161\u0029',
+  '\u3212': '\u0028\u1106\u1161\u0029',
+  '\u3213': '\u0028\u1107\u1161\u0029',
+  '\u3214': '\u0028\u1109\u1161\u0029',
+  '\u3215': '\u0028\u110B\u1161\u0029',
+  '\u3216': '\u0028\u110C\u1161\u0029',
+  '\u3217': '\u0028\u110E\u1161\u0029',
+  '\u3218': '\u0028\u110F\u1161\u0029',
+  '\u3219': '\u0028\u1110\u1161\u0029',
+  '\u321A': '\u0028\u1111\u1161\u0029',
+  '\u321B': '\u0028\u1112\u1161\u0029',
+  '\u321C': '\u0028\u110C\u116E\u0029',
+  '\u321D': '\u0028\u110B\u1169\u110C\u1165\u11AB\u0029',
+  '\u321E': '\u0028\u110B\u1169\u1112\u116E\u0029',
+  '\u3220': '\u0028\u4E00\u0029',
+  '\u3221': '\u0028\u4E8C\u0029',
+  '\u3222': '\u0028\u4E09\u0029',
+  '\u3223': '\u0028\u56DB\u0029',
+  '\u3224': '\u0028\u4E94\u0029',
+  '\u3225': '\u0028\u516D\u0029',
+  '\u3226': '\u0028\u4E03\u0029',
+  '\u3227': '\u0028\u516B\u0029',
+  '\u3228': '\u0028\u4E5D\u0029',
+  '\u3229': '\u0028\u5341\u0029',
+  '\u322A': '\u0028\u6708\u0029',
+  '\u322B': '\u0028\u706B\u0029',
+  '\u322C': '\u0028\u6C34\u0029',
+  '\u322D': '\u0028\u6728\u0029',
+  '\u322E': '\u0028\u91D1\u0029',
+  '\u322F': '\u0028\u571F\u0029',
+  '\u3230': '\u0028\u65E5\u0029',
+  '\u3231': '\u0028\u682A\u0029',
+  '\u3232': '\u0028\u6709\u0029',
+  '\u3233': '\u0028\u793E\u0029',
+  '\u3234': '\u0028\u540D\u0029',
+  '\u3235': '\u0028\u7279\u0029',
+  '\u3236': '\u0028\u8CA1\u0029',
+  '\u3237': '\u0028\u795D\u0029',
+  '\u3238': '\u0028\u52B4\u0029',
+  '\u3239': '\u0028\u4EE3\u0029',
+  '\u323A': '\u0028\u547C\u0029',
+  '\u323B': '\u0028\u5B66\u0029',
+  '\u323C': '\u0028\u76E3\u0029',
+  '\u323D': '\u0028\u4F01\u0029',
+  '\u323E': '\u0028\u8CC7\u0029',
+  '\u323F': '\u0028\u5354\u0029',
+  '\u3240': '\u0028\u796D\u0029',
+  '\u3241': '\u0028\u4F11\u0029',
+  '\u3242': '\u0028\u81EA\u0029',
+  '\u3243': '\u0028\u81F3\u0029',
+  '\u32C0': '\u0031\u6708',
+  '\u32C1': '\u0032\u6708',
+  '\u32C2': '\u0033\u6708',
+  '\u32C3': '\u0034\u6708',
+  '\u32C4': '\u0035\u6708',
+  '\u32C5': '\u0036\u6708',
+  '\u32C6': '\u0037\u6708',
+  '\u32C7': '\u0038\u6708',
+  '\u32C8': '\u0039\u6708',
+  '\u32C9': '\u0031\u0030\u6708',
+  '\u32CA': '\u0031\u0031\u6708',
+  '\u32CB': '\u0031\u0032\u6708',
+  '\u3358': '\u0030\u70B9',
+  '\u3359': '\u0031\u70B9',
+  '\u335A': '\u0032\u70B9',
+  '\u335B': '\u0033\u70B9',
+  '\u335C': '\u0034\u70B9',
+  '\u335D': '\u0035\u70B9',
+  '\u335E': '\u0036\u70B9',
+  '\u335F': '\u0037\u70B9',
+  '\u3360': '\u0038\u70B9',
+  '\u3361': '\u0039\u70B9',
+  '\u3362': '\u0031\u0030\u70B9',
+  '\u3363': '\u0031\u0031\u70B9',
+  '\u3364': '\u0031\u0032\u70B9',
+  '\u3365': '\u0031\u0033\u70B9',
+  '\u3366': '\u0031\u0034\u70B9',
+  '\u3367': '\u0031\u0035\u70B9',
+  '\u3368': '\u0031\u0036\u70B9',
+  '\u3369': '\u0031\u0037\u70B9',
+  '\u336A': '\u0031\u0038\u70B9',
+  '\u336B': '\u0031\u0039\u70B9',
+  '\u336C': '\u0032\u0030\u70B9',
+  '\u336D': '\u0032\u0031\u70B9',
+  '\u336E': '\u0032\u0032\u70B9',
+  '\u336F': '\u0032\u0033\u70B9',
+  '\u3370': '\u0032\u0034\u70B9',
+  '\u33E0': '\u0031\u65E5',
+  '\u33E1': '\u0032\u65E5',
+  '\u33E2': '\u0033\u65E5',
+  '\u33E3': '\u0034\u65E5',
+  '\u33E4': '\u0035\u65E5',
+  '\u33E5': '\u0036\u65E5',
+  '\u33E6': '\u0037\u65E5',
+  '\u33E7': '\u0038\u65E5',
+  '\u33E8': '\u0039\u65E5',
+  '\u33E9': '\u0031\u0030\u65E5',
+  '\u33EA': '\u0031\u0031\u65E5',
+  '\u33EB': '\u0031\u0032\u65E5',
+  '\u33EC': '\u0031\u0033\u65E5',
+  '\u33ED': '\u0031\u0034\u65E5',
+  '\u33EE': '\u0031\u0035\u65E5',
+  '\u33EF': '\u0031\u0036\u65E5',
+  '\u33F0': '\u0031\u0037\u65E5',
+  '\u33F1': '\u0031\u0038\u65E5',
+  '\u33F2': '\u0031\u0039\u65E5',
+  '\u33F3': '\u0032\u0030\u65E5',
+  '\u33F4': '\u0032\u0031\u65E5',
+  '\u33F5': '\u0032\u0032\u65E5',
+  '\u33F6': '\u0032\u0033\u65E5',
+  '\u33F7': '\u0032\u0034\u65E5',
+  '\u33F8': '\u0032\u0035\u65E5',
+  '\u33F9': '\u0032\u0036\u65E5',
+  '\u33FA': '\u0032\u0037\u65E5',
+  '\u33FB': '\u0032\u0038\u65E5',
+  '\u33FC': '\u0032\u0039\u65E5',
+  '\u33FD': '\u0033\u0030\u65E5',
+  '\u33FE': '\u0033\u0031\u65E5',
+  '\uFB00': '\u0066\u0066',
+  '\uFB01': '\u0066\u0069',
+  '\uFB02': '\u0066\u006C',
+  '\uFB03': '\u0066\u0066\u0069',
+  '\uFB04': '\u0066\u0066\u006C',
+  '\uFB05': '\u017F\u0074',
+  '\uFB06': '\u0073\u0074',
+  '\uFB13': '\u0574\u0576',
+  '\uFB14': '\u0574\u0565',
+  '\uFB15': '\u0574\u056B',
+  '\uFB16': '\u057E\u0576',
+  '\uFB17': '\u0574\u056D',
+  '\uFB4F': '\u05D0\u05DC',
+  '\uFE49': '\u203E',
+  '\uFE4A': '\u203E',
+  '\uFE4B': '\u203E',
+  '\uFE4C': '\u203E',
+  '\uFE4D': '\u005F',
+  '\uFE4E': '\u005F',
+  '\uFE4F': '\u005F'
+function fontCharsToUnicode(charCodes, fontProperties) {
+  var toUnicode = fontProperties.toUnicode;
+  var composite = fontProperties.composite;
+  var encoding, differences, cidToUnicode;
+  var result = '';
+  if (composite) {
+    cidToUnicode = fontProperties.cidToUnicode;
+    for (var i = 0, ii = charCodes.length; i < ii; i += 2) {
+      var charCode = (charCodes.charCodeAt(i) << 8) |
+        charCodes.charCodeAt(i + 1);
+      if (toUnicode && charCode in toUnicode) {
+        var unicode = toUnicode[charCode];
+        result += typeof unicode !== 'number' ? unicode :
+          String.fromCharCode(unicode);
+        continue;
+      }
+      result += String.fromCharCode(!cidToUnicode ? charCode :
+        cidToUnicode[charCode] || charCode);
+    }
+  } else {
+    differences = fontProperties.differences;
+    encoding = fontProperties.baseEncoding;
+    for (var i = 0, ii = charCodes.length; i < ii; i++) {
+      var charCode = charCodes.charCodeAt(i);
+      var unicode;
+      if (toUnicode && charCode in toUnicode) {
+        var unicode = toUnicode[charCode];
+        result += typeof unicode !== 'number' ? unicode :
+          String.fromCharCode(unicode);
+        continue;
+      }
+      var glyphName = charCode in differences ? differences[charCode] :
+        encoding[charCode];
+      if (glyphName in GlyphsUnicode) {
+        result += String.fromCharCode(GlyphsUnicode[glyphName]);
+        continue;
+      }
+      result += String.fromCharCode(charCode);
+    }
+  }
+  // normalizing the unicode characters
+  for (var i = 0, ii = result.length; i < ii; i++) {
+    if (!(result[i] in NormalizedUnicodes))
+      continue;
+    result = result.substring(0, i) + NormalizedUnicodes[result[i]] +
+      result.substring(i + 1);
+    ii = result.length;
+  }
+  return result;
  * 'Font' is the class the outside world should use, it encapsulate all the font
  * decoding logics whatever type it is (assuming the font type is supported).
@@ -2477,6 +3207,7 @@ var Font = (function FontClosure() {
           // MacRoman encoding address by re-encoding the cmap table
           fontCharCode = glyphName in this.glyphNameMap ?
             this.glyphNameMap[glyphName] : GlyphsUnicode[glyphName];
diff --git a/src/worker.js b/src/worker.js
index 25f3f52cd..b3ba7671e 100644
--- a/src/worker.js
+++ b/src/worker.js
@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ var WorkerMessageHandler = {
     handler.on('RenderPageRequest', function wphSetupRenderPage(data) {
       var pageNum = data.pageIndex + 1;
       // The following code does quite the same as
       // Page.prototype.startRendering, but stops at one point and sends the
       // result back to the main thread.
@@ -183,6 +182,24 @@ var WorkerMessageHandler = {
         depFonts: Object.keys(fonts)
     }, this);
+    handler.on('GetTextContent', function wphExtractText(data, promise) {
+      var pageNum = data.pageIndex + 1;
+      var start = Date.now();
+      var textContent = '';
+      try {
+        var page = pdfModel.getPage(pageNum);
+        textContent = page.extractTextContent();
+        promise.resolve(textContent);
+      } catch (e) {
+        // Skip errored pages
+        promise.reject(e);
+      }
+      console.log('text indexing: page=%d - time=%dms',
+                      pageNum, Date.now() - start);
+    });
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@@ -0,0 +1,750 @@
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