Continuing fairexpand

1. Expanding divs to improve text selection. (Yury)
2. Adding enhanceTextSelection as an option.
3. Moving feature functionality from text_layer_builder.js to text_layer.js.
4. Added expandTextDivs method to only load expanded divs on first click, and only show on subsequent clicks
This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Press 2016-08-16 16:06:35 -07:00
parent 31cd23a6df
commit 6faa84abdb
8 changed files with 433 additions and 36 deletions

@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ var renderTextLayer = (function renderTextLayerClosure() {
return !NonWhitespaceRegexp.test(str);
function appendText(textDivs, viewport, geom, styles) {
function appendText(textDivs, viewport, geom, styles, bounds,
enhanceTextSelection) {
var style = styles[geom.fontName];
var textDiv = document.createElement('div');
@ -112,6 +113,34 @@ var renderTextLayer = (function renderTextLayerClosure() {
textDiv.dataset.canvasWidth = geom.width * viewport.scale;
if (enhanceTextSelection) {
var angleCos = 1, angleSin = 0;
if (angle !== 0) {
angleCos = Math.cos(angle);
angleSin = Math.sin(angle);
var divWidth = (style.vertical ? geom.height : geom.width) *
var divHeight = fontHeight;
var m, b;
if (angle !== 0) {
m = [angleCos, angleSin, -angleSin, angleCos, left, top];
b = Util.getAxialAlignedBoundingBox([0, 0, divWidth, divHeight], m);
} else {
b = [left, top, left + divWidth, top + divHeight];
left: b[0],
top: b[1],
right: b[2],
bottom: b[3],
div: textDiv,
size: [divWidth, divHeight],
m: m
function render(task) {
@ -126,6 +155,7 @@ var renderTextLayer = (function renderTextLayerClosure() {
// No point in rendering many divs as it would make the browser
// unusable even after the divs are rendered.
if (textDivsLength > MAX_TEXT_DIVS_TO_RENDER) {
task._renderingDone = true;
@ -155,26 +185,292 @@ var renderTextLayer = (function renderTextLayerClosure() {
var width = ctx.measureText(textDiv.textContent).width;
textDiv.dataset.originalWidth = width;
var transform;
if (textDiv.dataset.canvasWidth !== undefined && width > 0) {
// Dataset values come of type string.
var textScale = textDiv.dataset.canvasWidth / width;
transform = 'scaleX(' + textScale + ')';
} else {
transform = '';
var rotation = textDiv.dataset.angle;
if (rotation) {
transform = 'rotate(' + rotation + 'deg) ' + transform;
if (transform) {
CustomStyle.setProp('transform' , textDiv, transform);
var transform;
if (textDiv.dataset.canvasWidth !== undefined && width > 0) {
// Dataset values come of type string.
var textScale = textDiv.dataset.canvasWidth / width;
transform = 'scaleX(' + textScale + ')';
} else {
transform = '';
var rotation = textDiv.dataset.angle;
if (rotation) {
transform = 'rotate(' + rotation + 'deg) ' + transform;
if (transform) {
textDiv.dataset.originalTransform = transform;
CustomStyle.setProp('transform' , textDiv, transform);
task._renderingDone = true;
function expand(bounds, viewport) {
var expanded = expandBounds(viewport.width, viewport.height, bounds);
for (var i = 0; i < expanded.length; i++) {
var div = bounds[i].div;
if (!div.dataset.angle) {
div.dataset.paddingLeft = bounds[i].left - expanded[i].left;
div.dataset.paddingTop = bounds[i].top - expanded[i].top;
div.dataset.paddingRight = expanded[i].right - bounds[i].right;
div.dataset.paddingBottom = expanded[i].bottom - bounds[i].bottom;
// Box is rotated -- trying to find padding so rotated div will not
// exceed its expanded bounds.
var e = expanded[i], b = bounds[i];
var m = b.m, c = m[0], s = m[1];
// Finding intersections with expanded box.
var points = [[0, 0], [0, b.size[1]], [b.size[0], 0], b.size];
var ts = new Float64Array(64);
points.forEach(function (p, i) {
var t = Util.applyTransform(p, m);
ts[i + 0] = c && (e.left - t[0]) / c;
ts[i + 4] = s && ( - t[1]) / s;
ts[i + 8] = c && (e.right - t[0]) / c;
ts[i + 12] = s && (e.bottom - t[1]) / s;
ts[i + 16] = s && (e.left - t[0]) / -s;
ts[i + 20] = c && ( - t[1]) / c;
ts[i + 24] = s && (e.right - t[0]) / -s;
ts[i + 28] = c && (e.bottom - t[1]) / c;
ts[i + 32] = c && (e.left - t[0]) / -c;
ts[i + 36] = s && ( - t[1]) / -s;
ts[i + 40] = c && (e.right - t[0]) / -c;
ts[i + 44] = s && (e.bottom - t[1]) / -s;
ts[i + 48] = s && (e.left - t[0]) / s;
ts[i + 52] = c && ( - t[1]) / -c;
ts[i + 56] = s && (e.right - t[0]) / s;
ts[i + 60] = c && (e.bottom - t[1]) / -c;
var findPositiveMin = function (ts, offset, count) {
var result = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var t = ts[offset++];
if (t > 0) {
result = result ? Math.min(t, result) : t;
return result;
// Not based on math, but to simplify calculations, using cos and sin
// absolute values to not exceed the box (it can but insignificantly).
var boxScale = 1 + Math.min(Math.abs(c), Math.abs(s));
div.dataset.paddingLeft = findPositiveMin(ts, 32, 16) / boxScale;
div.dataset.paddingTop = findPositiveMin(ts, 48, 16) / boxScale;
div.dataset.paddingRight = findPositiveMin(ts, 0, 16) / boxScale;
div.dataset.paddingBottom = findPositiveMin(ts, 16, 16) / boxScale;
function expandBounds(width, height, boxes) {
var bounds = (box, i) {
return {
x1: box.left,
x2: box.right,
y2: box.bottom,
index: i,
x1New: undefined,
x2New: undefined
expandBoundsLTR(width, bounds);
var expanded = new Array(boxes.length);
bounds.forEach(function (b) {
var i = b.index;
expanded[i] = {
left: b.x1New,
top: 0,
right: b.x2New,
bottom: 0
// Rotating on 90 degrees and extending extended boxes. Reusing the bounds
// array and objects. (box, i) {
var e = expanded[i], b = bounds[i];
b.x1 =;
b.y1 = width - e.right;
b.x2 = box.bottom;
b.y2 = width - e.left;
b.index = i;
b.x1New = undefined;
b.x2New = undefined;
expandBoundsLTR(height, bounds);
bounds.forEach(function (b) {
var i = b.index;
expanded[i].top = b.x1New;
expanded[i].bottom = b.x2New;
return expanded;
function expandBoundsLTR(width, bounds) {
// Sorting by x1 coordinate and walk by the bounds in the same order.
bounds.sort(function (a, b) { return a.x1 - b.x1 || a.index - b.index; });
// First we see on the horizon is a fake boundary.
var fakeBoundary = {
x1: -Infinity,
y1: -Infinity,
x2: 0,
y2: Infinity,
index: -1,
x1New: 0,
x2New: 0
var horizon = [{
start: -Infinity,
end: Infinity,
boundary: fakeBoundary
bounds.forEach(function (boundary) {
// Searching for the affected part of horizon.
// TODO red-black tree or simple binary search
var i = 0;
while (i < horizon.length && horizon[i].end <= boundary.y1) {
var j = horizon.length - 1;
while(j >= 0 && horizon[j].start >= boundary.y2) {
var horizonPart, affectedBoundary;
var q, k, maxXNew = -Infinity;
for (q = i; q <= j; q++) {
horizonPart = horizon[q];
affectedBoundary = horizonPart.boundary;
var xNew;
if (affectedBoundary.x2 > boundary.x1) {
// In the middle of the previous element, new x shall be at the
// boundary start. Extending if further if the affected bondary
// placed on top of the current one.
xNew = affectedBoundary.index > boundary.index ?
affectedBoundary.x1New : boundary.x1;
} else if (affectedBoundary.x2New === undefined) {
// We have some space in between, new x in middle will be a fair
// choice.
xNew = (affectedBoundary.x2 + boundary.x1) / 2;
} else {
// Affected boundary has x2new set, using it as new x.
xNew = affectedBoundary.x2New;
if (xNew > maxXNew) {
maxXNew = xNew;
// Set new x1 for current boundary.
boundary.x1New = maxXNew;
// Adjusts new x2 for the affected boundaries.
for (q = i; q <= j; q++) {
horizonPart = horizon[q];
affectedBoundary = horizonPart.boundary;
if (affectedBoundary.x2New === undefined) {
// Was not set yet, choosing new x if possible.
if (affectedBoundary.x2 > boundary.x1) {
// Current and affected boundaries intersect. If affected boundary
// is placed on top of the current, shrinking the affected.
if (affectedBoundary.index > boundary.index) {
affectedBoundary.x2New = affectedBoundary.x2;
} else {
affectedBoundary.x2New = maxXNew;
} else if (affectedBoundary.x2New > maxXNew) {
// Affected boundary is touching new x, pushing it back.
affectedBoundary.x2New = Math.max(maxXNew, affectedBoundary.x2);
// Fixing the horizon.
var changedHorizon = [], lastBoundary = null;
for (q = i; q <= j; q++) {
horizonPart = horizon[q];
affectedBoundary = horizonPart.boundary;
// Checking which boundary will be visible.
var useBoundary = affectedBoundary.x2 > boundary.x2 ?
affectedBoundary : boundary;
if (lastBoundary === useBoundary) {
// Merging with previous.
changedHorizon[changedHorizon.length - 1].end = horizonPart.end;
} else {
start: horizonPart.start,
end: horizonPart.end,
boundary: useBoundary
lastBoundary = useBoundary;
if (horizon[i].start < boundary.y1) {
changedHorizon[0].start = boundary.y1;
start: horizon[i].start,
end: boundary.y1,
boundary: horizon[i].boundary
if (boundary.y2 < horizon[j].end) {
changedHorizon[changedHorizon.length - 1].end = boundary.y2;
start: boundary.y2,
end: horizon[j].end,
boundary: horizon[j].boundary
// Set x2 new of boundary that is no longer visible (see overlapping case
// above).
// TODO more efficient, e.g. via reference counting.
for (q = i; q <= j; q++) {
horizonPart = horizon[q];
affectedBoundary = horizonPart.boundary;
if (affectedBoundary.x2New !== undefined) {
var used = false;
for (k = i - 1; !used && k >= 0 &&
horizon[k].start >= affectedBoundary.y1; k--) {
used = horizon[k].boundary === affectedBoundary;
for (k = j + 1; !used && k < horizon.length &&
horizon[k].end <= affectedBoundary.y2; k++) {
used = horizon[k].boundary === affectedBoundary;
for (k = 0; !used && k < changedHorizon.length; k++) {
used = changedHorizon[k].boundary === affectedBoundary;
if (!used) {
affectedBoundary.x2New = maxXNew;
[i, j - i + 1].concat(changedHorizon));
// Set new x2 for all unset boundaries.
horizon.forEach(function (horizonPart) {
var affectedBoundary = horizonPart.boundary;
if (affectedBoundary.x2New === undefined) {
affectedBoundary.x2New = Math.max(width, affectedBoundary.x2);
* Text layer rendering task.
@ -182,17 +478,23 @@ var renderTextLayer = (function renderTextLayerClosure() {
* @param {HTMLElement} container
* @param {PageViewport} viewport
* @param {Array} textDivs
* @param {boolean} enhanceTextSelection
* @private
function TextLayerRenderTask(textContent, container, viewport, textDivs) {
function TextLayerRenderTask(textContent, container, viewport, textDivs,
enhanceTextSelection) {
this._textContent = textContent;
this._container = container;
this._viewport = viewport;
textDivs = textDivs || [];
this._textDivs = textDivs;
this._renderingDone = false;
this._canceled = false;
this._capability = createPromiseCapability();
this._renderTimer = null;
this._bounds = [];
this._enhanceTextSelection = !!enhanceTextSelection;
this._expanded = false;
TextLayerRenderTask.prototype = {
get promise() {
@ -213,8 +515,11 @@ var renderTextLayer = (function renderTextLayerClosure() {
var styles = this._textContent.styles;
var textDivs = this._textDivs;
var viewport = this._viewport;
var enhanceTextSelection = this._enhanceTextSelection;
for (var i = 0, len = textItems.length; i < len; i++) {
appendText(textDivs, viewport, textItems[i], styles);
appendText(textDivs, viewport, textItems[i], styles, this._bounds,
if (!timeout) { // Render right away
@ -226,7 +531,63 @@ var renderTextLayer = (function renderTextLayerClosure() {
self._renderTimer = null;
}, timeout);
expandTextDivs: function TextLayer_expandTextDivs(expandDivs) {
if (!this._enhanceTextSelection || !this._renderingDone) {
if (!this._expanded) {
expand(this._bounds, this._viewport);
this._expanded = true;
this._bounds.length = 0;
if (expandDivs) {
for (var i = 0, ii = this._textDivs.length; i < ii; i++) {
var div = this._textDivs[i];
var transform;
var width = div.dataset.originalWidth;
if (div.dataset.canvasWidth !== undefined && width > 0) {
// Dataset values come of type string.
var textScale = div.dataset.canvasWidth / width;
transform = 'scaleX(' + textScale + ')';
} else {
transform = '';
var rotation = div.dataset.angle;
if (rotation) {
transform = 'rotate(' + rotation + 'deg) ' + transform;
if (div.dataset.paddingLeft) { =
(div.dataset.paddingLeft / textScale) + 'px';
transform += ' translateX(' +
(-div.dataset.paddingLeft / textScale) + 'px)';
if (div.dataset.paddingTop) { = div.dataset.paddingTop + 'px';
transform += ' translateY(' + (-div.dataset.paddingTop) + 'px)';
if (div.dataset.paddingRight) { =
div.dataset.paddingRight / textScale + 'px';
if (div.dataset.paddingBottom) { = div.dataset.paddingBottom + 'px';
if (transform) {
CustomStyle.setProp('transform' , div, transform);
} else {
for (i = 0, ii = this._textDivs.length; i < ii; i++) {
div = this._textDivs[i]; = 0;
transform = div.dataset.originalTransform || '';
CustomStyle.setProp('transform', div, transform);
@ -240,7 +601,8 @@ var renderTextLayer = (function renderTextLayerClosure() {
var task = new TextLayerRenderTask(renderParameters.textContent,
return task;

@ -90,9 +90,11 @@ var rasterizeTextLayer = (function rasterizeTextLayerClosure() {
var task = PDFJS.renderTextLayer({
textContent: textContent,
container: div,
viewport: viewport
viewport: viewport,
enhanceTextSelection: enhanceTextSelection,
Promise.all([stylePromise, task.promise]).then(function (results) {
style.textContent = results[0];

@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ var SCALE_SELECT_CONTAINER_PADDING = 8;
var PAGE_NUMBER_LOADING_INDICATOR = 'visiblePageIsLoading';
function configure(PDFJS) {
PDFJS.imageResourcesPath = './images/';
@ -209,7 +210,8 @@ var PDFViewerApplication = {
eventBus: eventBus,
renderingQueue: pdfRenderingQueue,
linkService: pdfLinkService,
downloadManager: downloadManager
downloadManager: downloadManager,
enhanceTextSelection: ENHANCE_TEXT_SELECTION,

@ -12,4 +12,4 @@
"disableTextLayer": false,
"useOnlyCssZoom": false,
"externalLinkTarget": 0

@ -98,9 +98,11 @@ IPDFTextLayerFactory.prototype = {
* @param {HTMLDivElement} textLayerDiv
* @param {number} pageIndex
* @param {PageViewport} viewport
* @param {Boolean} enhanceTextSelection
* @returns {TextLayerBuilder}
createTextLayerBuilder: function (textLayerDiv, pageIndex, viewport) {}
createTextLayerBuilder: function (textLayerDiv, pageIndex, viewport,
enhanceTextSelection) {}

@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ var TEXT_LAYER_RENDER_DELAY = 200; // ms
* @property {PDFRenderingQueue} renderingQueue - The rendering queue object.
* @property {IPDFTextLayerFactory} textLayerFactory
* @property {IPDFAnnotationLayerFactory} annotationLayerFactory
* @property {boolean} enhanceTextSelection - Turns on the text selection
* enhancement. The default is `false`.
@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ var PDFPageView = (function PDFPageViewClosure() {
var renderingQueue = options.renderingQueue;
var textLayerFactory = options.textLayerFactory;
var annotationLayerFactory = options.annotationLayerFactory;
var enhanceTextSelection = options.enhanceTextSelection || false; = id;
this.renderingId = 'page' + id;
@ -78,6 +81,7 @@ var PDFPageView = (function PDFPageViewClosure() {
this.viewport = defaultViewport;
this.pdfPageRotate = defaultViewport.rotation;
this.hasRestrictedScaling = false;
this.enhanceTextSelection = enhanceTextSelection;
this.eventBus = options.eventBus || domEvents.getGlobalEventBus();
this.renderingQueue = renderingQueue;
@ -395,9 +399,9 @@ var PDFPageView = (function PDFPageViewClosure() {
textLayer = this.textLayerFactory.createTextLayerBuilder(textLayerDiv, - 1,
textLayer = this.textLayerFactory.
createTextLayerBuilder(textLayerDiv, - 1, this.viewport,
this.textLayer = textLayer;

@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ var DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE = 10;
* queue object.
* @property {boolean} removePageBorders - (optional) Removes the border shadow
* around the pages. The default is false.
* @property {boolean} enhanceTextSelection - (optional) Enables the improved
* text selection behaviour. The default is `false`.
@ -127,6 +129,7 @@ var PDFViewer = (function pdfViewer() {
this.linkService = options.linkService || new SimpleLinkService();
this.downloadManager = options.downloadManager || null;
this.removePageBorders = options.removePageBorders || false;
this.enhanceTextSelection = options.enhanceTextSelection || false;
this.defaultRenderingQueue = !options.renderingQueue;
if (this.defaultRenderingQueue) {
@ -352,7 +355,8 @@ var PDFViewer = (function pdfViewer() {
defaultViewport: viewport.clone(),
renderingQueue: this.renderingQueue,
textLayerFactory: textLayerFactory,
annotationLayerFactory: this
annotationLayerFactory: this,
enhanceTextSelection: this.enhanceTextSelection,
@ -798,13 +802,16 @@ var PDFViewer = (function pdfViewer() {
* @param {PageViewport} viewport
* @returns {TextLayerBuilder}
createTextLayerBuilder: function (textLayerDiv, pageIndex, viewport) {
createTextLayerBuilder: function (textLayerDiv, pageIndex, viewport,
enhanceTextSelection) {
return new TextLayerBuilder({
textLayerDiv: textLayerDiv,
eventBus: this.eventBus,
pageIndex: pageIndex,
viewport: viewport,
findController: this.isInPresentationMode ? null : this.findController
findController: this.isInPresentationMode ? null : this.findController,
enhanceTextSelection: this.isInPresentationMode ? false :

@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
* @property {number} pageIndex - The page index.
* @property {PageViewport} viewport - The viewport of the text layer.
* @property {PDFFindController} findController
* @property {boolean} enhanceTextSelection - Option to turn on improved
* text selection.
@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ var TextLayerBuilder = (function TextLayerBuilderClosure() {
this.textDivs = [];
this.findController = options.findController || null;
this.textLayerRenderTask = null;
this.enhanceTextSelection = options.enhanceTextSelection;
@ -64,9 +67,11 @@ var TextLayerBuilder = (function TextLayerBuilderClosure() {
_finishRendering: function TextLayerBuilder_finishRendering() {
this.renderingDone = true;
var endOfContent = document.createElement('div');
endOfContent.className = 'endOfContent';
if (!this.enhanceTextSelection) {
var endOfContent = document.createElement('div');
endOfContent.className = 'endOfContent';
this.eventBus.dispatch('textlayerrendered', {
source: this,
@ -96,7 +101,8 @@ var TextLayerBuilder = (function TextLayerBuilderClosure() {
container: textLayerFrag,
viewport: this.viewport,
textDivs: this.textDivs,
timeout: timeout
timeout: timeout,
enhanceTextSelection: this.enhanceTextSelection,
this.textLayerRenderTask.promise.then(function () {
@ -314,7 +320,12 @@ var TextLayerBuilder = (function TextLayerBuilderClosure() {
_bindMouse: function TextLayerBuilder_bindMouse() {
var div = this.textLayerDiv;
var self = this;
div.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) {
if (self.enhanceTextSelection && self.textLayerRenderTask) {
var end = div.querySelector('.endOfContent');
if (!end) {
@ -338,6 +349,10 @@ var TextLayerBuilder = (function TextLayerBuilderClosure() {
div.addEventListener('mouseup', function (e) {
if (self.enhanceTextSelection && self.textLayerRenderTask) {
var end = div.querySelector('.endOfContent');
if (!end) {
@ -362,13 +377,16 @@ DefaultTextLayerFactory.prototype = {
* @param {HTMLDivElement} textLayerDiv
* @param {number} pageIndex
* @param {PageViewport} viewport
* @param {boolean} enhanceTextSelection
* @returns {TextLayerBuilder}
createTextLayerBuilder: function (textLayerDiv, pageIndex, viewport) {
createTextLayerBuilder: function (textLayerDiv, pageIndex, viewport,
enhanceTextSelection) {
return new TextLayerBuilder({
textLayerDiv: textLayerDiv,
pageIndex: pageIndex,
viewport: viewport
viewport: viewport,
enhanceTextSelection: enhanceTextSelection