Merge pull request #9170 from Snuffleupagus/rm-polyfills
Remove more polyfills for old browsers
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
* limitations under the License.
/* eslint-disable no-extend-native */
/* globals VBArray, PDFJS, global */
/* globals PDFJS */
// Skip compatibility checks for the extensions and if we already ran
// this module.
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ var isChrome = userAgent.indexOf('Chrom') >= 0;
var isIOSChrome = userAgent.indexOf('CriOS') >= 0;
var isIE = userAgent.indexOf('Trident') >= 0;
var isIOS = /\b(iPad|iPhone|iPod)(?=;)/.test(userAgent);
var isOpera = userAgent.indexOf('Opera') >= 0;
var isSafari = /Safari\//.test(userAgent) &&
@ -52,51 +51,6 @@ PDFJS.compatibilityChecked = true;
// Object.defineProperty()?
// Support: Android<4.0, Safari<5.1
(function checkObjectDefinePropertyCompatibility() {
if (typeof Object.defineProperty !== 'undefined') {
var definePropertyPossible = true;
try {
if (hasDOM) {
// some browsers (e.g. safari) cannot use defineProperty() on DOM
// objects and thus the native version is not sufficient
Object.defineProperty(new Image(), 'id', { value: 'test', });
// ... another test for android gb browser for non-DOM objects
var Test = function Test() {};
Test.prototype = { get id() { }, };
Object.defineProperty(new Test(), 'id',
{ value: '', configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: false, });
} catch (e) {
definePropertyPossible = false;
if (definePropertyPossible) {
Object.defineProperty = function objectDefineProperty(obj, name, def) {
delete obj[name];
if ('get' in def) {
obj.__defineGetter__(name, def['get']);
if ('set' in def) {
obj.__defineSetter__(name, def['set']);
if ('value' in def) {
obj.__defineSetter__(name, function objectDefinePropertySetter(value) {
this.__defineGetter__(name, function objectDefinePropertyGetter() {
return value;
return value;
obj[name] = def.value;
// No XMLHttpRequest#response?
// Support: IE<11, Android <4.0
(function checkXMLHttpRequestResponseCompatibility() {
@ -131,19 +85,6 @@ PDFJS.compatibilityChecked = true;
// Support: IE9
if (typeof VBArray !== 'undefined') {
Object.defineProperty(xhrPrototype, 'response', {
get: function xmlHttpRequestResponseGet() {
if (this.responseType === 'arraybuffer') {
return new Uint8Array(new VBArray(this.responseBody).toArray());
return this.responseText;
Object.defineProperty(xhrPrototype, 'response', {
get: function xmlHttpRequestResponseGet() {
if (this.responseType !== 'arraybuffer') {
@ -160,84 +101,6 @@ PDFJS.compatibilityChecked = true;
// window.btoa (base64 encode function) ?
// Support: IE<10
(function checkWindowBtoaCompatibility() {
if ('btoa' in globalScope) {
var digits =
globalScope.btoa = function (chars) {
var buffer = '';
var i, n;
for (i = 0, n = chars.length; i < n; i += 3) {
var b1 = chars.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF;
var b2 = chars.charCodeAt(i + 1) & 0xFF;
var b3 = chars.charCodeAt(i + 2) & 0xFF;
var d1 = b1 >> 2, d2 = ((b1 & 3) << 4) | (b2 >> 4);
var d3 = i + 1 < n ? ((b2 & 0xF) << 2) | (b3 >> 6) : 64;
var d4 = i + 2 < n ? (b3 & 0x3F) : 64;
buffer += (digits.charAt(d1) + digits.charAt(d2) +
digits.charAt(d3) + digits.charAt(d4));
return buffer;
// window.atob (base64 encode function)?
// Support: IE<10
(function checkWindowAtobCompatibility() {
if ('atob' in globalScope) {
var digits =
globalScope.atob = function (input) {
input = input.replace(/=+$/, '');
if (input.length % 4 === 1) {
throw new Error('bad atob input');
for (
// initialize result and counters
var bc = 0, bs, buffer, idx = 0, output = '';
// get next character
(buffer = input.charAt(idx++));
// character found in table?
// initialize bit storage and add its ascii value
~buffer && (bs = bc % 4 ? bs * 64 + buffer : buffer,
// and if not first of each 4 characters,
// convert the first 8 bits to one ascii character
bc++ % 4) ? output += String.fromCharCode(255 & bs >> (-2 * bc & 6)) : 0
) {
// try to find character in table (0-63, not found => -1)
buffer = digits.indexOf(buffer);
return output;
// Function.prototype.bind?
// Support: Android<4.0, iOS<6.0
(function checkFunctionPrototypeBindCompatibility() {
if (typeof Function.prototype.bind !== 'undefined') {
Function.prototype.bind = function functionPrototypeBind(obj) {
var fn = this, headArgs =, 1);
var bound = function functionPrototypeBindBound() {
var args = headArgs.concat(;
return fn.apply(obj, args);
return bound;
// HTMLElement dataset property
// Support: IE<11, Safari<5.1, Android<4.0
(function checkDatasetProperty() {
@ -279,93 +142,6 @@ PDFJS.compatibilityChecked = true;
// HTMLElement classList property
// Support: IE<10, Android<4.0, iOS<5.0
(function checkClassListProperty() {
function changeList(element, itemName, add, remove) {
var s = element.className || '';
var list = s.split(/\s+/g);
if (list[0] === '') {
var index = list.indexOf(itemName);
if (index < 0 && add) {
if (index >= 0 && remove) {
list.splice(index, 1);
element.className = list.join(' ');
return (index >= 0);
if (!hasDOM) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
if ('classList' in div) {
return; // classList property exists
var classListPrototype = {
add(name) {
changeList(this.element, name, true, false);
contains(name) {
return changeList(this.element, name, false, false);
remove(name) {
changeList(this.element, name, false, true);
toggle(name) {
changeList(this.element, name, true, true);
Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'classList', {
get() {
if (this._classList) {
return this._classList;
var classList = Object.create(classListPrototype, {
element: {
value: this,
writable: false,
enumerable: true,
Object.defineProperty(this, '_classList', {
value: classList,
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
return classList;
enumerable: true,
// Check onclick compatibility in Opera
// Support: Opera<15
(function checkOnClickCompatibility() {
// workaround for reported Opera bug DSK-354448:
// onclick fires on disabled buttons with opaque content
function ignoreIfTargetDisabled(event) {
if (isDisabled( {
function isDisabled(node) {
return node.disabled || (node.parentNode && isDisabled(node.parentNode));
if (isOpera) {
// use browser detection since we cannot feature-check this bug
document.addEventListener('click', ignoreIfTargetDisabled, true);
// Checks if possible to use URL.createObjectURL()
// Support: IE, Chrome on iOS
(function checkOnBlobSupport() {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user