Merge pull request #16954 from Snuffleupagus/rm-colorspace-closure
Remove the remaining closures in the `src/core/colorspace.js` file
This commit is contained in:
@ -781,14 +781,18 @@ class DeviceRgbCS extends ColorSpace {
* The default color is `new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 1])`.
const DeviceCmykCS = (function DeviceCmykCSClosure() {
class DeviceCmykCS extends ColorSpace {
constructor() {
super("DeviceCMYK", 4);
// The coefficients below was found using numerical analysis: the method of
// steepest descent for the sum((f_i - color_value_i)^2) for r/g/b colors,
// where color_value is the tabular value from the table of sampled RGB colors
// from CMYK US Web Coated (SWOP) colorspace, and f_i is the corresponding
// CMYK color conversion using the estimation below:
// f(A, B,.. N) = Acc+Bcm+Ccy+Dck+c+Fmm+Gmy+Hmk+Im+Jyy+Kyk+Ly+Mkk+Nk+255
function convertToRgb(src, srcOffset, srcScale, dest, destOffset) {
#toRgb(src, srcOffset, srcScale, dest, destOffset) {
const c = src[srcOffset] * srcScale;
const m = src[srcOffset + 1] * srcScale;
const y = src[srcOffset + 2] * srcScale;
@ -847,59 +851,91 @@ const DeviceCmykCS = (function DeviceCmykCSClosure() {
k * (-22.33816807309886 * k - 180.12613974708367);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
class DeviceCmykCS extends ColorSpace {
constructor() {
super("DeviceCMYK", 4);
getRgbItem(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset) {
if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) {
dest instanceof Uint8ClampedArray,
'DeviceCmykCS.getRgbItem: Unsupported "dest" type.'
this.#toRgb(src, srcOffset, 1, dest, destOffset);
getRgbItem(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset) {
if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) {
dest instanceof Uint8ClampedArray,
'DeviceCmykCS.getRgbItem: Unsupported "dest" type.'
convertToRgb(src, srcOffset, 1, dest, destOffset);
getRgbBuffer(src, srcOffset, count, dest, destOffset, bits, alpha01) {
if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) {
dest instanceof Uint8ClampedArray,
'DeviceCmykCS.getRgbBuffer: Unsupported "dest" type.'
getRgbBuffer(src, srcOffset, count, dest, destOffset, bits, alpha01) {
if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) {
dest instanceof Uint8ClampedArray,
'DeviceCmykCS.getRgbBuffer: Unsupported "dest" type.'
const scale = 1 / ((1 << bits) - 1);
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
convertToRgb(src, srcOffset, scale, dest, destOffset);
srcOffset += 4;
destOffset += 3 + alpha01;
getOutputLength(inputLength, alpha01) {
return ((inputLength / 4) * (3 + alpha01)) | 0;
const scale = 1 / ((1 << bits) - 1);
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
this.#toRgb(src, srcOffset, scale, dest, destOffset);
srcOffset += 4;
destOffset += 3 + alpha01;
return DeviceCmykCS;
getOutputLength(inputLength, alpha01) {
return ((inputLength / 4) * (3 + alpha01)) | 0;
* CalGrayCS: Based on "PDF Reference, Sixth Ed", p.245
* The default color is `new Float32Array([0])`.
const CalGrayCS = (function CalGrayCSClosure() {
function convertToRgb(cs, src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset, scale) {
class CalGrayCS extends ColorSpace {
constructor(whitePoint, blackPoint, gamma) {
super("CalGray", 1);
if (!whitePoint) {
throw new FormatError(
"WhitePoint missing - required for color space CalGray"
// Translate arguments to spec variables.
[this.XW, this.YW, this.ZW] = whitePoint;
[this.XB, this.YB, this.ZB] = blackPoint || [0, 0, 0];
this.G = gamma || 1;
// Validate variables as per spec.
if (this.XW < 0 || this.ZW < 0 || this.YW !== 1) {
throw new FormatError(
`Invalid WhitePoint components for ${}, no fallback available`
if (this.XB < 0 || this.YB < 0 || this.ZB < 0) {
info(`Invalid BlackPoint for ${}, falling back to default.`);
this.XB = this.YB = this.ZB = 0;
if (this.XB !== 0 || this.YB !== 0 || this.ZB !== 0) {
`${}, BlackPoint: XB: ${this.XB}, YB: ${this.YB}, ` +
`ZB: ${this.ZB}, only default values are supported.`
if (this.G < 1) {
`Invalid Gamma: ${this.G} for ${}, falling back to default.`
this.G = 1;
#toRgb(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset, scale) {
// A represents a gray component of a calibrated gray space.
// A <---> AG in the spec
const A = src[srcOffset] * scale;
const AG = A ** cs.G;
const AG = A ** this.G;
// Computes L as per spec. ( = cs.YW * AG )
// Computes L as per spec. ( = this.YW * AG )
// Except if other than default BlackPoint values are used.
const L = cs.YW * AG;
const L = this.YW * AG;
//, Ch 4.
// Convert values to rgb range [0, 255].
const val = Math.max(295.8 * L ** 0.3333333333333333 - 40.8, 0);
@ -908,140 +944,136 @@ const CalGrayCS = (function CalGrayCSClosure() {
dest[destOffset + 2] = val;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
class CalGrayCS extends ColorSpace {
constructor(whitePoint, blackPoint, gamma) {
super("CalGray", 1);
if (!whitePoint) {
throw new FormatError(
"WhitePoint missing - required for color space CalGray"
blackPoint ||= [0, 0, 0];
gamma ||= 1;
// Translate arguments to spec variables.
this.XW = whitePoint[0];
this.YW = whitePoint[1];
this.ZW = whitePoint[2];
this.XB = blackPoint[0];
this.YB = blackPoint[1];
this.ZB = blackPoint[2];
this.G = gamma;
// Validate variables as per spec.
if (this.XW < 0 || this.ZW < 0 || this.YW !== 1) {
throw new FormatError(
`Invalid WhitePoint components for ${}` +
", no fallback available"
if (this.XB < 0 || this.YB < 0 || this.ZB < 0) {
info(`Invalid BlackPoint for ${}, falling back to default.`);
this.XB = this.YB = this.ZB = 0;
if (this.XB !== 0 || this.YB !== 0 || this.ZB !== 0) {
`${}, BlackPoint: XB: ${this.XB}, YB: ${this.YB}, ` +
`ZB: ${this.ZB}, only default values are supported.`
if (this.G < 1) {
`Invalid Gamma: ${this.G} for ${}, ` +
"falling back to default."
this.G = 1;
getRgbItem(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset) {
if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) {
dest instanceof Uint8ClampedArray,
'CalGrayCS.getRgbItem: Unsupported "dest" type.'
this.#toRgb(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset, 1);
getRgbItem(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset) {
if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) {
dest instanceof Uint8ClampedArray,
'CalGrayCS.getRgbItem: Unsupported "dest" type.'
convertToRgb(this, src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset, 1);
getRgbBuffer(src, srcOffset, count, dest, destOffset, bits, alpha01) {
if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) {
dest instanceof Uint8ClampedArray,
'CalGrayCS.getRgbBuffer: Unsupported "dest" type.'
const scale = 1 / ((1 << bits) - 1);
getRgbBuffer(src, srcOffset, count, dest, destOffset, bits, alpha01) {
if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) {
dest instanceof Uint8ClampedArray,
'CalGrayCS.getRgbBuffer: Unsupported "dest" type.'
const scale = 1 / ((1 << bits) - 1);
for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
convertToRgb(this, src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset, scale);
srcOffset += 1;
destOffset += 3 + alpha01;
getOutputLength(inputLength, alpha01) {
return inputLength * (3 + alpha01);
for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
this.#toRgb(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset, scale);
srcOffset += 1;
destOffset += 3 + alpha01;
return CalGrayCS;
getOutputLength(inputLength, alpha01) {
return inputLength * (3 + alpha01);
* CalRGBCS: Based on "PDF Reference, Sixth Ed", p.247
* The default color is `new Float32Array([0, 0, 0])`.
const CalRGBCS = (function CalRGBCSClosure() {
class CalRGBCS extends ColorSpace {
// See for these
// matrices.
// prettier-ignore
const BRADFORD_SCALE_MATRIX = new Float32Array([
static #BRADFORD_SCALE_MATRIX = new Float32Array([
0.8951, 0.2664, -0.1614,
-0.7502, 1.7135, 0.0367,
0.0389, -0.0685, 1.0296]);
// prettier-ignore
const BRADFORD_SCALE_INVERSE_MATRIX = new Float32Array([
static #BRADFORD_SCALE_INVERSE_MATRIX = new Float32Array([
0.9869929, -0.1470543, 0.1599627,
0.4323053, 0.5183603, 0.0492912,
-0.0085287, 0.0400428, 0.9684867]);
// See
// prettier-ignore
const SRGB_D65_XYZ_TO_RGB_MATRIX = new Float32Array([
static #SRGB_D65_XYZ_TO_RGB_MATRIX = new Float32Array([
3.2404542, -1.5371385, -0.4985314,
-0.9692660, 1.8760108, 0.0415560,
0.0556434, -0.2040259, 1.0572252]);
const FLAT_WHITEPOINT_MATRIX = new Float32Array([1, 1, 1]);
static #FLAT_WHITEPOINT_MATRIX = new Float32Array([1, 1, 1]);
const tempNormalizeMatrix = new Float32Array(3);
const tempConvertMatrix1 = new Float32Array(3);
const tempConvertMatrix2 = new Float32Array(3);
static #tempNormalizeMatrix = new Float32Array(3);
const DECODE_L_CONSTANT = ((8 + 16) / 116) ** 3 / 8.0;
static #tempConvertMatrix1 = new Float32Array(3);
function matrixProduct(a, b, result) {
static #tempConvertMatrix2 = new Float32Array(3);
static #DECODE_L_CONSTANT = ((8 + 16) / 116) ** 3 / 8.0;
constructor(whitePoint, blackPoint, gamma, matrix) {
super("CalRGB", 3);
if (!whitePoint) {
throw new FormatError(
"WhitePoint missing - required for color space CalRGB"
// Translate arguments to spec variables.
const [XW, YW, ZW] = (this.whitePoint = whitePoint);
const [XB, YB, ZB] = (this.blackPoint = blackPoint || new Float32Array(3));
[this.GR, this.GG, this.GB] = gamma || new Float32Array([1, 1, 1]);
] = matrix || new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
// Validate variables as per spec.
if (XW < 0 || ZW < 0 || YW !== 1) {
throw new FormatError(
`Invalid WhitePoint components for ${}, no fallback available`
if (XB < 0 || YB < 0 || ZB < 0) {
`Invalid BlackPoint for ${} [${XB}, ${YB}, ${ZB}], ` +
"falling back to default."
this.blackPoint = new Float32Array(3);
if (this.GR < 0 || this.GG < 0 || this.GB < 0) {
`Invalid Gamma [${this.GR}, ${this.GG}, ${this.GB}] for ` +
`${}, falling back to default.`
this.GR = this.GG = this.GB = 1;
#matrixProduct(a, b, result) {
result[0] = a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];
result[1] = a[3] * b[0] + a[4] * b[1] + a[5] * b[2];
result[2] = a[6] * b[0] + a[7] * b[1] + a[8] * b[2];
function convertToFlat(sourceWhitePoint, LMS, result) {
#toFlat(sourceWhitePoint, LMS, result) {
result[0] = (LMS[0] * 1) / sourceWhitePoint[0];
result[1] = (LMS[1] * 1) / sourceWhitePoint[1];
result[2] = (LMS[2] * 1) / sourceWhitePoint[2];
function convertToD65(sourceWhitePoint, LMS, result) {
#toD65(sourceWhitePoint, LMS, result) {
const D65X = 0.95047;
const D65Y = 1;
const D65Z = 1.08883;
@ -1051,10 +1083,10 @@ const CalRGBCS = (function CalRGBCSClosure() {
result[2] = (LMS[2] * D65Z) / sourceWhitePoint[2];
function sRGBTransferFunction(color) {
#sRGBTransferFunction(color) {
// See
if (color <= 0.0031308) {
return adjustToRange(0, 1, 12.92 * color);
return this.#adjustToRange(0, 1, 12.92 * color);
// Optimization:
// If color is close enough to 1, skip calling the following transform
@ -1065,24 +1097,24 @@ const CalRGBCS = (function CalRGBCSClosure() {
if (color >= 0.99554525) {
return 1;
return adjustToRange(0, 1, (1 + 0.055) * color ** (1 / 2.4) - 0.055);
return this.#adjustToRange(0, 1, (1 + 0.055) * color ** (1 / 2.4) - 0.055);
function adjustToRange(min, max, value) {
#adjustToRange(min, max, value) {
return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, value));
function decodeL(L) {
#decodeL(L) {
if (L < 0) {
return -decodeL(-L);
return -this.#decodeL(-L);
if (L > 8.0) {
return ((L + 16) / 116) ** 3;
function compensateBlackPoint(sourceBlackPoint, XYZ_Flat, result) {
#compensateBlackPoint(sourceBlackPoint, XYZ_Flat, result) {
// In case the blackPoint is already the default blackPoint then there is
// no need to do compensation.
if (
@ -1100,16 +1132,16 @@ const CalRGBCS = (function CalRGBCSClosure() {
// AdobeBPC.pdf.
// The destination blackPoint is the default blackPoint [0, 0, 0].
const zeroDecodeL = decodeL(0);
const zeroDecodeL = this.#decodeL(0);
const X_DST = zeroDecodeL;
const X_SRC = decodeL(sourceBlackPoint[0]);
const X_SRC = this.#decodeL(sourceBlackPoint[0]);
const Y_DST = zeroDecodeL;
const Y_SRC = decodeL(sourceBlackPoint[1]);
const Y_SRC = this.#decodeL(sourceBlackPoint[1]);
const Z_DST = zeroDecodeL;
const Z_SRC = decodeL(sourceBlackPoint[2]);
const Z_SRC = this.#decodeL(sourceBlackPoint[2]);
const X_Scale = (1 - X_DST) / (1 - X_SRC);
const X_Offset = 1 - X_Scale;
@ -1125,7 +1157,7 @@ const CalRGBCS = (function CalRGBCSClosure() {
result[2] = XYZ_Flat[2] * Z_Scale + Z_Offset;
function normalizeWhitePointToFlat(sourceWhitePoint, XYZ_In, result) {
#normalizeWhitePointToFlat(sourceWhitePoint, XYZ_In, result) {
// In case the whitePoint is already flat then there is no need to do
// normalization.
if (sourceWhitePoint[0] === 1 && sourceWhitePoint[2] === 1) {
@ -1136,184 +1168,169 @@ const CalRGBCS = (function CalRGBCSClosure() {
const LMS = result;
this.#matrixProduct(CalRGBCS.#BRADFORD_SCALE_MATRIX, XYZ_In, LMS);
const LMS_Flat = tempNormalizeMatrix;
convertToFlat(sourceWhitePoint, LMS, LMS_Flat);
const LMS_Flat = CalRGBCS.#tempNormalizeMatrix;
this.#toFlat(sourceWhitePoint, LMS, LMS_Flat);
matrixProduct(BRADFORD_SCALE_INVERSE_MATRIX, LMS_Flat, result);
function normalizeWhitePointToD65(sourceWhitePoint, XYZ_In, result) {
#normalizeWhitePointToD65(sourceWhitePoint, XYZ_In, result) {
const LMS = result;
this.#matrixProduct(CalRGBCS.#BRADFORD_SCALE_MATRIX, XYZ_In, LMS);
const LMS_D65 = tempNormalizeMatrix;
convertToD65(sourceWhitePoint, LMS, LMS_D65);
const LMS_D65 = CalRGBCS.#tempNormalizeMatrix;
this.#toD65(sourceWhitePoint, LMS, LMS_D65);
matrixProduct(BRADFORD_SCALE_INVERSE_MATRIX, LMS_D65, result);
function convertToRgb(cs, src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset, scale) {
#toRgb(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset, scale) {
// A, B and C represent a red, green and blue components of a calibrated
// rgb space.
const A = adjustToRange(0, 1, src[srcOffset] * scale);
const B = adjustToRange(0, 1, src[srcOffset + 1] * scale);
const C = adjustToRange(0, 1, src[srcOffset + 2] * scale);
const A = this.#adjustToRange(0, 1, src[srcOffset] * scale);
const B = this.#adjustToRange(0, 1, src[srcOffset + 1] * scale);
const C = this.#adjustToRange(0, 1, src[srcOffset + 2] * scale);
// A <---> AGR in the spec
// B <---> BGG in the spec
// C <---> CGB in the spec
const AGR = A === 1 ? 1 : A ** cs.GR;
const BGG = B === 1 ? 1 : B ** cs.GG;
const CGB = C === 1 ? 1 : C ** cs.GB;
const AGR = A === 1 ? 1 : A ** this.GR;
const BGG = B === 1 ? 1 : B ** this.GG;
const CGB = C === 1 ? 1 : C ** this.GB;
// Computes intermediate variables L, M, N as per spec.
// To decode X, Y, Z values map L, M, N directly to them.
const X = cs.MXA * AGR + cs.MXB * BGG + cs.MXC * CGB;
const Y = cs.MYA * AGR + cs.MYB * BGG + cs.MYC * CGB;
const Z = cs.MZA * AGR + cs.MZB * BGG + cs.MZC * CGB;
const X = this.MXA * AGR + this.MXB * BGG + this.MXC * CGB;
const Y = this.MYA * AGR + this.MYB * BGG + this.MYC * CGB;
const Z = this.MZA * AGR + this.MZB * BGG + this.MZC * CGB;
// The following calculations are based on this document:
// AdobeBPC.pdf.
const XYZ = tempConvertMatrix1;
const XYZ = CalRGBCS.#tempConvertMatrix1;
XYZ[0] = X;
XYZ[1] = Y;
XYZ[2] = Z;
const XYZ_Flat = tempConvertMatrix2;
const XYZ_Flat = CalRGBCS.#tempConvertMatrix2;
normalizeWhitePointToFlat(cs.whitePoint, XYZ, XYZ_Flat);
this.#normalizeWhitePointToFlat(this.whitePoint, XYZ, XYZ_Flat);
const XYZ_Black = tempConvertMatrix1;
compensateBlackPoint(cs.blackPoint, XYZ_Flat, XYZ_Black);
const XYZ_Black = CalRGBCS.#tempConvertMatrix1;
this.#compensateBlackPoint(this.blackPoint, XYZ_Flat, XYZ_Black);
const XYZ_D65 = tempConvertMatrix2;
normalizeWhitePointToD65(FLAT_WHITEPOINT_MATRIX, XYZ_Black, XYZ_D65);
const XYZ_D65 = CalRGBCS.#tempConvertMatrix2;
const SRGB = tempConvertMatrix1;
matrixProduct(SRGB_D65_XYZ_TO_RGB_MATRIX, XYZ_D65, SRGB);
const SRGB = CalRGBCS.#tempConvertMatrix1;
this.#matrixProduct(CalRGBCS.#SRGB_D65_XYZ_TO_RGB_MATRIX, XYZ_D65, SRGB);
// Convert the values to rgb range [0, 255].
dest[destOffset] = sRGBTransferFunction(SRGB[0]) * 255;
dest[destOffset + 1] = sRGBTransferFunction(SRGB[1]) * 255;
dest[destOffset + 2] = sRGBTransferFunction(SRGB[2]) * 255;
dest[destOffset] = this.#sRGBTransferFunction(SRGB[0]) * 255;
dest[destOffset + 1] = this.#sRGBTransferFunction(SRGB[1]) * 255;
dest[destOffset + 2] = this.#sRGBTransferFunction(SRGB[2]) * 255;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
class CalRGBCS extends ColorSpace {
constructor(whitePoint, blackPoint, gamma, matrix) {
super("CalRGB", 3);
if (!whitePoint) {
throw new FormatError(
"WhitePoint missing - required for color space CalRGB"
blackPoint ||= new Float32Array(3);
gamma ||= new Float32Array([1, 1, 1]);
matrix ||= new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
// Translate arguments to spec variables.
const XW = whitePoint[0];
const YW = whitePoint[1];
const ZW = whitePoint[2];
this.whitePoint = whitePoint;
const XB = blackPoint[0];
const YB = blackPoint[1];
const ZB = blackPoint[2];
this.blackPoint = blackPoint;
this.GR = gamma[0];
this.GG = gamma[1];
this.GB = gamma[2];
this.MXA = matrix[0];
this.MYA = matrix[1];
this.MZA = matrix[2];
this.MXB = matrix[3];
this.MYB = matrix[4];
this.MZB = matrix[5];
this.MXC = matrix[6];
this.MYC = matrix[7];
this.MZC = matrix[8];
// Validate variables as per spec.
if (XW < 0 || ZW < 0 || YW !== 1) {
throw new FormatError(
`Invalid WhitePoint components for ${}` +
", no fallback available"
if (XB < 0 || YB < 0 || ZB < 0) {
`Invalid BlackPoint for ${} [${XB}, ${YB}, ${ZB}], ` +
"falling back to default."
this.blackPoint = new Float32Array(3);
if (this.GR < 0 || this.GG < 0 || this.GB < 0) {
`Invalid Gamma [${this.GR}, ${this.GG}, ${this.GB}] for ` +
`${}, falling back to default.`
this.GR = this.GG = this.GB = 1;
getRgbItem(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset) {
if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) {
dest instanceof Uint8ClampedArray,
'CalRGBCS.getRgbItem: Unsupported "dest" type.'
this.#toRgb(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset, 1);
getRgbItem(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset) {
if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) {
dest instanceof Uint8ClampedArray,
'CalRGBCS.getRgbItem: Unsupported "dest" type.'
convertToRgb(this, src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset, 1);
getRgbBuffer(src, srcOffset, count, dest, destOffset, bits, alpha01) {
if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) {
dest instanceof Uint8ClampedArray,
'CalRGBCS.getRgbBuffer: Unsupported "dest" type.'
const scale = 1 / ((1 << bits) - 1);
getRgbBuffer(src, srcOffset, count, dest, destOffset, bits, alpha01) {
if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) {
dest instanceof Uint8ClampedArray,
'CalRGBCS.getRgbBuffer: Unsupported "dest" type.'
const scale = 1 / ((1 << bits) - 1);
for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
convertToRgb(this, src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset, scale);
srcOffset += 3;
destOffset += 3 + alpha01;
getOutputLength(inputLength, alpha01) {
return ((inputLength * (3 + alpha01)) / 3) | 0;
for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
this.#toRgb(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset, scale);
srcOffset += 3;
destOffset += 3 + alpha01;
return CalRGBCS;
getOutputLength(inputLength, alpha01) {
return ((inputLength * (3 + alpha01)) / 3) | 0;
* LabCS: Based on "PDF Reference, Sixth Ed", p.250
* The default color is `new Float32Array([0, 0, 0])`.
const LabCS = (function LabCSClosure() {
class LabCS extends ColorSpace {
constructor(whitePoint, blackPoint, range) {
super("Lab", 3);
if (!whitePoint) {
throw new FormatError(
"WhitePoint missing - required for color space Lab"
// Translate args to spec variables
[this.XW, this.YW, this.ZW] = whitePoint;
[this.amin, this.amax, this.bmin, this.bmax] = range || [
-100, 100, -100, 100,
// These are here just for completeness - the spec doesn't offer any
// formulas that use BlackPoint in Lab
[this.XB, this.YB, this.ZB] = blackPoint || [0, 0, 0];
// Validate vars as per spec
if (this.XW < 0 || this.ZW < 0 || this.YW !== 1) {
throw new FormatError(
"Invalid WhitePoint components, no fallback available"
if (this.XB < 0 || this.YB < 0 || this.ZB < 0) {
info("Invalid BlackPoint, falling back to default");
this.XB = this.YB = this.ZB = 0;
if (this.amin > this.amax || this.bmin > this.bmax) {
info("Invalid Range, falling back to defaults");
this.amin = -100;
this.amax = 100;
this.bmin = -100;
this.bmax = 100;
// Function g(x) from spec
function fn_g(x) {
#fn_g(x) {
return x >= 6 / 29 ? x ** 3 : (108 / 841) * (x - 4 / 29);
function decode(value, high1, low2, high2) {
#decode(value, high1, low2, high2) {
return low2 + (value * (high2 - low2)) / high1;
// If decoding is needed maxVal should be 2^bits per component - 1.
function convertToRgb(cs, src, srcOffset, maxVal, dest, destOffset) {
#toRgb(src, srcOffset, maxVal, dest, destOffset) {
// XXX: Lab input is in the range of [0, 100], [amin, amax], [bmin, bmax]
// not the usual [0, 1]. If a command like setFillColor is used the src
// values will already be within the correct range. However, if we are
@ -1324,21 +1341,21 @@ const LabCS = (function LabCSClosure() {
let as = src[srcOffset + 1];
let bs = src[srcOffset + 2];
if (maxVal !== false) {
Ls = decode(Ls, maxVal, 0, 100);
as = decode(as, maxVal, cs.amin, cs.amax);
bs = decode(bs, maxVal, cs.bmin, cs.bmax);
Ls = this.#decode(Ls, maxVal, 0, 100);
as = this.#decode(as, maxVal, this.amin, this.amax);
bs = this.#decode(bs, maxVal, this.bmin, this.bmax);
// Adjust limits of 'as' and 'bs'
if (as > cs.amax) {
as = cs.amax;
} else if (as < cs.amin) {
as = cs.amin;
if (as > this.amax) {
as = this.amax;
} else if (as < this.amin) {
as = this.amin;
if (bs > cs.bmax) {
bs = cs.bmax;
} else if (bs < cs.bmin) {
bs = cs.bmin;
if (bs > this.bmax) {
bs = this.bmax;
} else if (bs < this.bmin) {
bs = this.bmin;
// Computes intermediate variables X,Y,Z as per spec
@ -1346,14 +1363,14 @@ const LabCS = (function LabCSClosure() {
const L = M + as / 500;
const N = M - bs / 200;
const X = cs.XW * fn_g(L);
const Y = cs.YW * fn_g(M);
const Z = cs.ZW * fn_g(N);
const X = this.XW * this.#fn_g(L);
const Y = this.YW * this.#fn_g(M);
const Z = this.ZW * this.#fn_g(N);
let r, g, b;
// Using different conversions for D50 and D65 white points,
// per
if (cs.ZW < 1) {
if (this.ZW < 1) {
// Assuming D50 (X=0.9642, Y=1.00, Z=0.8249)
r = X * 3.1339 + Y * -1.617 + Z * -0.4906;
g = X * -0.9785 + Y * 1.916 + Z * 0.0333;
@ -1370,95 +1387,44 @@ const LabCS = (function LabCSClosure() {
dest[destOffset + 2] = Math.sqrt(b) * 255;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
class LabCS extends ColorSpace {
constructor(whitePoint, blackPoint, range) {
super("Lab", 3);
if (!whitePoint) {
throw new FormatError(
"WhitePoint missing - required for color space Lab"
blackPoint ||= [0, 0, 0];
range ||= [-100, 100, -100, 100];
// Translate args to spec variables
this.XW = whitePoint[0];
this.YW = whitePoint[1];
this.ZW = whitePoint[2];
this.amin = range[0];
this.amax = range[1];
this.bmin = range[2];
this.bmax = range[3];
// These are here just for completeness - the spec doesn't offer any
// formulas that use BlackPoint in Lab
this.XB = blackPoint[0];
this.YB = blackPoint[1];
this.ZB = blackPoint[2];
// Validate vars as per spec
if (this.XW < 0 || this.ZW < 0 || this.YW !== 1) {
throw new FormatError(
"Invalid WhitePoint components, no fallback available"
if (this.XB < 0 || this.YB < 0 || this.ZB < 0) {
info("Invalid BlackPoint, falling back to default");
this.XB = this.YB = this.ZB = 0;
if (this.amin > this.amax || this.bmin > this.bmax) {
info("Invalid Range, falling back to defaults");
this.amin = -100;
this.amax = 100;
this.bmin = -100;
this.bmax = 100;
getRgbItem(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset) {
if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) {
dest instanceof Uint8ClampedArray,
'LabCS.getRgbItem: Unsupported "dest" type.'
this.#toRgb(src, srcOffset, false, dest, destOffset);
getRgbItem(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset) {
if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) {
dest instanceof Uint8ClampedArray,
'LabCS.getRgbItem: Unsupported "dest" type.'
convertToRgb(this, src, srcOffset, false, dest, destOffset);
getRgbBuffer(src, srcOffset, count, dest, destOffset, bits, alpha01) {
if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) {
dest instanceof Uint8ClampedArray,
'LabCS.getRgbBuffer: Unsupported "dest" type.'
getRgbBuffer(src, srcOffset, count, dest, destOffset, bits, alpha01) {
if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) {
dest instanceof Uint8ClampedArray,
'LabCS.getRgbBuffer: Unsupported "dest" type.'
const maxVal = (1 << bits) - 1;
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
convertToRgb(this, src, srcOffset, maxVal, dest, destOffset);
srcOffset += 3;
destOffset += 3 + alpha01;
getOutputLength(inputLength, alpha01) {
return ((inputLength * (3 + alpha01)) / 3) | 0;
isDefaultDecode(decodeMap, bpc) {
// XXX: Decoding is handled with the lab conversion because of the strange
// ranges that are used.
return true;
get usesZeroToOneRange() {
return shadow(this, "usesZeroToOneRange", false);
const maxVal = (1 << bits) - 1;
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
this.#toRgb(src, srcOffset, maxVal, dest, destOffset);
srcOffset += 3;
destOffset += 3 + alpha01;
return LabCS;
getOutputLength(inputLength, alpha01) {
return ((inputLength * (3 + alpha01)) / 3) | 0;
isDefaultDecode(decodeMap, bpc) {
// XXX: Decoding is handled with the lab conversion because of the strange
// ranges that are used.
return true;
get usesZeroToOneRange() {
return shadow(this, "usesZeroToOneRange", false);
export { ColorSpace };
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