Move the FlateStream
from src/core/stream.js
and into its own file
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* Copyright 1996-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
* The flate stream implementation contained in this file is a JavaScript port
* of XPDF's implementation, made available under the Apache 2.0 open source
* license.
/* eslint-disable no-var */
import { DecodeStream } from "./stream.js";
import { FormatError } from "../shared/util.js";
var FlateStream = (function FlateStreamClosure() {
// prettier-ignore
var codeLenCodeMap = new Int32Array([
16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15
// prettier-ignore
var lengthDecode = new Int32Array([
0x00003, 0x00004, 0x00005, 0x00006, 0x00007, 0x00008, 0x00009, 0x0000a,
0x1000b, 0x1000d, 0x1000f, 0x10011, 0x20013, 0x20017, 0x2001b, 0x2001f,
0x30023, 0x3002b, 0x30033, 0x3003b, 0x40043, 0x40053, 0x40063, 0x40073,
0x50083, 0x500a3, 0x500c3, 0x500e3, 0x00102, 0x00102, 0x00102
// prettier-ignore
var distDecode = new Int32Array([
0x00001, 0x00002, 0x00003, 0x00004, 0x10005, 0x10007, 0x20009, 0x2000d,
0x30011, 0x30019, 0x40021, 0x40031, 0x50041, 0x50061, 0x60081, 0x600c1,
0x70101, 0x70181, 0x80201, 0x80301, 0x90401, 0x90601, 0xa0801, 0xa0c01,
0xb1001, 0xb1801, 0xc2001, 0xc3001, 0xd4001, 0xd6001
// prettier-ignore
var fixedLitCodeTab = [new Int32Array([
0x70100, 0x80050, 0x80010, 0x80118, 0x70110, 0x80070, 0x80030, 0x900c0,
0x70108, 0x80060, 0x80020, 0x900a0, 0x80000, 0x80080, 0x80040, 0x900e0,
0x70104, 0x80058, 0x80018, 0x90090, 0x70114, 0x80078, 0x80038, 0x900d0,
0x7010c, 0x80068, 0x80028, 0x900b0, 0x80008, 0x80088, 0x80048, 0x900f0,
0x70102, 0x80054, 0x80014, 0x8011c, 0x70112, 0x80074, 0x80034, 0x900c8,
0x7010a, 0x80064, 0x80024, 0x900a8, 0x80004, 0x80084, 0x80044, 0x900e8,
0x70106, 0x8005c, 0x8001c, 0x90098, 0x70116, 0x8007c, 0x8003c, 0x900d8,
0x7010e, 0x8006c, 0x8002c, 0x900b8, 0x8000c, 0x8008c, 0x8004c, 0x900f8,
0x70101, 0x80052, 0x80012, 0x8011a, 0x70111, 0x80072, 0x80032, 0x900c4,
0x70109, 0x80062, 0x80022, 0x900a4, 0x80002, 0x80082, 0x80042, 0x900e4,
0x70105, 0x8005a, 0x8001a, 0x90094, 0x70115, 0x8007a, 0x8003a, 0x900d4,
0x7010d, 0x8006a, 0x8002a, 0x900b4, 0x8000a, 0x8008a, 0x8004a, 0x900f4,
0x70103, 0x80056, 0x80016, 0x8011e, 0x70113, 0x80076, 0x80036, 0x900cc,
0x7010b, 0x80066, 0x80026, 0x900ac, 0x80006, 0x80086, 0x80046, 0x900ec,
0x70107, 0x8005e, 0x8001e, 0x9009c, 0x70117, 0x8007e, 0x8003e, 0x900dc,
0x7010f, 0x8006e, 0x8002e, 0x900bc, 0x8000e, 0x8008e, 0x8004e, 0x900fc,
0x70100, 0x80051, 0x80011, 0x80119, 0x70110, 0x80071, 0x80031, 0x900c2,
0x70108, 0x80061, 0x80021, 0x900a2, 0x80001, 0x80081, 0x80041, 0x900e2,
0x70104, 0x80059, 0x80019, 0x90092, 0x70114, 0x80079, 0x80039, 0x900d2,
0x7010c, 0x80069, 0x80029, 0x900b2, 0x80009, 0x80089, 0x80049, 0x900f2,
0x70102, 0x80055, 0x80015, 0x8011d, 0x70112, 0x80075, 0x80035, 0x900ca,
0x7010a, 0x80065, 0x80025, 0x900aa, 0x80005, 0x80085, 0x80045, 0x900ea,
0x70106, 0x8005d, 0x8001d, 0x9009a, 0x70116, 0x8007d, 0x8003d, 0x900da,
0x7010e, 0x8006d, 0x8002d, 0x900ba, 0x8000d, 0x8008d, 0x8004d, 0x900fa,
0x70101, 0x80053, 0x80013, 0x8011b, 0x70111, 0x80073, 0x80033, 0x900c6,
0x70109, 0x80063, 0x80023, 0x900a6, 0x80003, 0x80083, 0x80043, 0x900e6,
0x70105, 0x8005b, 0x8001b, 0x90096, 0x70115, 0x8007b, 0x8003b, 0x900d6,
0x7010d, 0x8006b, 0x8002b, 0x900b6, 0x8000b, 0x8008b, 0x8004b, 0x900f6,
0x70103, 0x80057, 0x80017, 0x8011f, 0x70113, 0x80077, 0x80037, 0x900ce,
0x7010b, 0x80067, 0x80027, 0x900ae, 0x80007, 0x80087, 0x80047, 0x900ee,
0x70107, 0x8005f, 0x8001f, 0x9009e, 0x70117, 0x8007f, 0x8003f, 0x900de,
0x7010f, 0x8006f, 0x8002f, 0x900be, 0x8000f, 0x8008f, 0x8004f, 0x900fe,
0x70100, 0x80050, 0x80010, 0x80118, 0x70110, 0x80070, 0x80030, 0x900c1,
0x70108, 0x80060, 0x80020, 0x900a1, 0x80000, 0x80080, 0x80040, 0x900e1,
0x70104, 0x80058, 0x80018, 0x90091, 0x70114, 0x80078, 0x80038, 0x900d1,
0x7010c, 0x80068, 0x80028, 0x900b1, 0x80008, 0x80088, 0x80048, 0x900f1,
0x70102, 0x80054, 0x80014, 0x8011c, 0x70112, 0x80074, 0x80034, 0x900c9,
0x7010a, 0x80064, 0x80024, 0x900a9, 0x80004, 0x80084, 0x80044, 0x900e9,
0x70106, 0x8005c, 0x8001c, 0x90099, 0x70116, 0x8007c, 0x8003c, 0x900d9,
0x7010e, 0x8006c, 0x8002c, 0x900b9, 0x8000c, 0x8008c, 0x8004c, 0x900f9,
0x70101, 0x80052, 0x80012, 0x8011a, 0x70111, 0x80072, 0x80032, 0x900c5,
0x70109, 0x80062, 0x80022, 0x900a5, 0x80002, 0x80082, 0x80042, 0x900e5,
0x70105, 0x8005a, 0x8001a, 0x90095, 0x70115, 0x8007a, 0x8003a, 0x900d5,
0x7010d, 0x8006a, 0x8002a, 0x900b5, 0x8000a, 0x8008a, 0x8004a, 0x900f5,
0x70103, 0x80056, 0x80016, 0x8011e, 0x70113, 0x80076, 0x80036, 0x900cd,
0x7010b, 0x80066, 0x80026, 0x900ad, 0x80006, 0x80086, 0x80046, 0x900ed,
0x70107, 0x8005e, 0x8001e, 0x9009d, 0x70117, 0x8007e, 0x8003e, 0x900dd,
0x7010f, 0x8006e, 0x8002e, 0x900bd, 0x8000e, 0x8008e, 0x8004e, 0x900fd,
0x70100, 0x80051, 0x80011, 0x80119, 0x70110, 0x80071, 0x80031, 0x900c3,
0x70108, 0x80061, 0x80021, 0x900a3, 0x80001, 0x80081, 0x80041, 0x900e3,
0x70104, 0x80059, 0x80019, 0x90093, 0x70114, 0x80079, 0x80039, 0x900d3,
0x7010c, 0x80069, 0x80029, 0x900b3, 0x80009, 0x80089, 0x80049, 0x900f3,
0x70102, 0x80055, 0x80015, 0x8011d, 0x70112, 0x80075, 0x80035, 0x900cb,
0x7010a, 0x80065, 0x80025, 0x900ab, 0x80005, 0x80085, 0x80045, 0x900eb,
0x70106, 0x8005d, 0x8001d, 0x9009b, 0x70116, 0x8007d, 0x8003d, 0x900db,
0x7010e, 0x8006d, 0x8002d, 0x900bb, 0x8000d, 0x8008d, 0x8004d, 0x900fb,
0x70101, 0x80053, 0x80013, 0x8011b, 0x70111, 0x80073, 0x80033, 0x900c7,
0x70109, 0x80063, 0x80023, 0x900a7, 0x80003, 0x80083, 0x80043, 0x900e7,
0x70105, 0x8005b, 0x8001b, 0x90097, 0x70115, 0x8007b, 0x8003b, 0x900d7,
0x7010d, 0x8006b, 0x8002b, 0x900b7, 0x8000b, 0x8008b, 0x8004b, 0x900f7,
0x70103, 0x80057, 0x80017, 0x8011f, 0x70113, 0x80077, 0x80037, 0x900cf,
0x7010b, 0x80067, 0x80027, 0x900af, 0x80007, 0x80087, 0x80047, 0x900ef,
0x70107, 0x8005f, 0x8001f, 0x9009f, 0x70117, 0x8007f, 0x8003f, 0x900df,
0x7010f, 0x8006f, 0x8002f, 0x900bf, 0x8000f, 0x8008f, 0x8004f, 0x900ff
]), 9];
// prettier-ignore
var fixedDistCodeTab = [new Int32Array([
0x50000, 0x50010, 0x50008, 0x50018, 0x50004, 0x50014, 0x5000c, 0x5001c,
0x50002, 0x50012, 0x5000a, 0x5001a, 0x50006, 0x50016, 0x5000e, 0x00000,
0x50001, 0x50011, 0x50009, 0x50019, 0x50005, 0x50015, 0x5000d, 0x5001d,
0x50003, 0x50013, 0x5000b, 0x5001b, 0x50007, 0x50017, 0x5000f, 0x00000
]), 5];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
function FlateStream(str, maybeLength) {
this.str = str;
this.dict = str.dict;
var cmf = str.getByte();
var flg = str.getByte();
if (cmf === -1 || flg === -1) {
throw new FormatError(`Invalid header in flate stream: ${cmf}, ${flg}`);
if ((cmf & 0x0f) !== 0x08) {
throw new FormatError(
`Unknown compression method in flate stream: ${cmf}, ${flg}`
if (((cmf << 8) + flg) % 31 !== 0) {
throw new FormatError(`Bad FCHECK in flate stream: ${cmf}, ${flg}`);
if (flg & 0x20) {
throw new FormatError(`FDICT bit set in flate stream: ${cmf}, ${flg}`);
this.codeSize = 0;
this.codeBuf = 0;
||||, maybeLength);
FlateStream.prototype = Object.create(DecodeStream.prototype);
FlateStream.prototype.getBits = function FlateStream_getBits(bits) {
var str = this.str;
var codeSize = this.codeSize;
var codeBuf = this.codeBuf;
var b;
while (codeSize < bits) {
if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) {
throw new FormatError("Bad encoding in flate stream");
codeBuf |= b << codeSize;
codeSize += 8;
b = codeBuf & ((1 << bits) - 1);
this.codeBuf = codeBuf >> bits;
this.codeSize = codeSize -= bits;
return b;
FlateStream.prototype.getCode = function FlateStream_getCode(table) {
var str = this.str;
var codes = table[0];
var maxLen = table[1];
var codeSize = this.codeSize;
var codeBuf = this.codeBuf;
var b;
while (codeSize < maxLen) {
if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) {
// premature end of stream. code might however still be valid.
// codeSize < codeLen check below guards against incomplete codeVal.
codeBuf |= b << codeSize;
codeSize += 8;
var code = codes[codeBuf & ((1 << maxLen) - 1)];
var codeLen = code >> 16;
var codeVal = code & 0xffff;
if (codeLen < 1 || codeSize < codeLen) {
throw new FormatError("Bad encoding in flate stream");
this.codeBuf = codeBuf >> codeLen;
this.codeSize = codeSize - codeLen;
return codeVal;
FlateStream.prototype.generateHuffmanTable = function flateStreamGenerateHuffmanTable(
) {
var n = lengths.length;
// find max code length
var maxLen = 0;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (lengths[i] > maxLen) {
maxLen = lengths[i];
// build the table
var size = 1 << maxLen;
var codes = new Int32Array(size);
for (
var len = 1, code = 0, skip = 2;
len <= maxLen;
++len, code <<= 1, skip <<= 1
) {
for (var val = 0; val < n; ++val) {
if (lengths[val] === len) {
// bit-reverse the code
var code2 = 0;
var t = code;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
code2 = (code2 << 1) | (t & 1);
t >>= 1;
// fill the table entries
for (i = code2; i < size; i += skip) {
codes[i] = (len << 16) | val;
return [codes, maxLen];
FlateStream.prototype.readBlock = function FlateStream_readBlock() {
var buffer, len;
var str = this.str;
// read block header
var hdr = this.getBits(3);
if (hdr & 1) {
this.eof = true;
hdr >>= 1;
if (hdr === 0) {
// uncompressed block
var b;
if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) {
throw new FormatError("Bad block header in flate stream");
var blockLen = b;
if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) {
throw new FormatError("Bad block header in flate stream");
blockLen |= b << 8;
if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) {
throw new FormatError("Bad block header in flate stream");
var check = b;
if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) {
throw new FormatError("Bad block header in flate stream");
check |= b << 8;
if (check !== (~blockLen & 0xffff) && (blockLen !== 0 || check !== 0)) {
// Ignoring error for bad "empty" block (see issue 1277)
throw new FormatError("Bad uncompressed block length in flate stream");
this.codeBuf = 0;
this.codeSize = 0;
const bufferLength = this.bufferLength,
end = bufferLength + blockLen;
buffer = this.ensureBuffer(end);
this.bufferLength = end;
if (blockLen === 0) {
if (str.peekByte() === -1) {
this.eof = true;
} else {
const block = str.getBytes(blockLen);
buffer.set(block, bufferLength);
if (block.length < blockLen) {
this.eof = true;
var litCodeTable;
var distCodeTable;
if (hdr === 1) {
// compressed block, fixed codes
litCodeTable = fixedLitCodeTab;
distCodeTable = fixedDistCodeTab;
} else if (hdr === 2) {
// compressed block, dynamic codes
var numLitCodes = this.getBits(5) + 257;
var numDistCodes = this.getBits(5) + 1;
var numCodeLenCodes = this.getBits(4) + 4;
// build the code lengths code table
var codeLenCodeLengths = new Uint8Array(codeLenCodeMap.length);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < numCodeLenCodes; ++i) {
codeLenCodeLengths[codeLenCodeMap[i]] = this.getBits(3);
var codeLenCodeTab = this.generateHuffmanTable(codeLenCodeLengths);
// build the literal and distance code tables
len = 0;
i = 0;
var codes = numLitCodes + numDistCodes;
var codeLengths = new Uint8Array(codes);
var bitsLength, bitsOffset, what;
while (i < codes) {
var code = this.getCode(codeLenCodeTab);
if (code === 16) {
bitsLength = 2;
bitsOffset = 3;
what = len;
} else if (code === 17) {
bitsLength = 3;
bitsOffset = 3;
what = len = 0;
} else if (code === 18) {
bitsLength = 7;
bitsOffset = 11;
what = len = 0;
} else {
codeLengths[i++] = len = code;
var repeatLength = this.getBits(bitsLength) + bitsOffset;
while (repeatLength-- > 0) {
codeLengths[i++] = what;
litCodeTable = this.generateHuffmanTable(
codeLengths.subarray(0, numLitCodes)
distCodeTable = this.generateHuffmanTable(
codeLengths.subarray(numLitCodes, codes)
} else {
throw new FormatError("Unknown block type in flate stream");
buffer = this.buffer;
var limit = buffer ? buffer.length : 0;
var pos = this.bufferLength;
while (true) {
var code1 = this.getCode(litCodeTable);
if (code1 < 256) {
if (pos + 1 >= limit) {
buffer = this.ensureBuffer(pos + 1);
limit = buffer.length;
buffer[pos++] = code1;
if (code1 === 256) {
this.bufferLength = pos;
code1 -= 257;
code1 = lengthDecode[code1];
var code2 = code1 >> 16;
if (code2 > 0) {
code2 = this.getBits(code2);
len = (code1 & 0xffff) + code2;
code1 = this.getCode(distCodeTable);
code1 = distDecode[code1];
code2 = code1 >> 16;
if (code2 > 0) {
code2 = this.getBits(code2);
var dist = (code1 & 0xffff) + code2;
if (pos + len >= limit) {
buffer = this.ensureBuffer(pos + len);
limit = buffer.length;
for (var k = 0; k < len; ++k, ++pos) {
buffer[pos] = buffer[pos - dist];
return FlateStream;
export { FlateStream };
@ -33,15 +33,16 @@ import {
} from "./primitives.js";
import { FlateStream, NullStream } from "./stream.js";
import { isWhiteSpace, MissingDataException } from "./core_utils.js";
import { Ascii85Stream } from "./ascii_85_stream.js";
import { AsciiHexStream } from "./ascii_hex_stream.js";
import { CCITTFaxStream } from "./ccitt_stream.js";
import { FlateStream } from "./flate_stream.js";
import { Jbig2Stream } from "./jbig2_stream.js";
import { JpegStream } from "./jpeg_stream.js";
import { JpxStream } from "./jpx_stream.js";
import { LZWStream } from "./lzw_stream.js";
import { NullStream } from "./stream.js";
import { PredictorStream } from "./predictor_stream.js";
import { RunLengthStream } from "./run_length_stream.js";
@ -12,15 +12,9 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* Copyright 1996-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
* The flate stream implementation contained in this file is a JavaScript port
* of XPDF's implementation, made available under the Apache 2.0 open source
* license.
/* eslint-disable no-var */
import { FormatError, stringToBytes, unreachable } from "../shared/util.js";
import { stringToBytes, unreachable } from "../shared/util.js";
var Stream = (function StreamClosure() {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
@ -342,389 +336,6 @@ var StreamsSequenceStream = (function StreamsSequenceStreamClosure() {
return StreamsSequenceStream;
var FlateStream = (function FlateStreamClosure() {
// prettier-ignore
var codeLenCodeMap = new Int32Array([
16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15
// prettier-ignore
var lengthDecode = new Int32Array([
0x00003, 0x00004, 0x00005, 0x00006, 0x00007, 0x00008, 0x00009, 0x0000a,
0x1000b, 0x1000d, 0x1000f, 0x10011, 0x20013, 0x20017, 0x2001b, 0x2001f,
0x30023, 0x3002b, 0x30033, 0x3003b, 0x40043, 0x40053, 0x40063, 0x40073,
0x50083, 0x500a3, 0x500c3, 0x500e3, 0x00102, 0x00102, 0x00102
// prettier-ignore
var distDecode = new Int32Array([
0x00001, 0x00002, 0x00003, 0x00004, 0x10005, 0x10007, 0x20009, 0x2000d,
0x30011, 0x30019, 0x40021, 0x40031, 0x50041, 0x50061, 0x60081, 0x600c1,
0x70101, 0x70181, 0x80201, 0x80301, 0x90401, 0x90601, 0xa0801, 0xa0c01,
0xb1001, 0xb1801, 0xc2001, 0xc3001, 0xd4001, 0xd6001
// prettier-ignore
var fixedLitCodeTab = [new Int32Array([
0x70100, 0x80050, 0x80010, 0x80118, 0x70110, 0x80070, 0x80030, 0x900c0,
0x70108, 0x80060, 0x80020, 0x900a0, 0x80000, 0x80080, 0x80040, 0x900e0,
0x70104, 0x80058, 0x80018, 0x90090, 0x70114, 0x80078, 0x80038, 0x900d0,
0x7010c, 0x80068, 0x80028, 0x900b0, 0x80008, 0x80088, 0x80048, 0x900f0,
0x70102, 0x80054, 0x80014, 0x8011c, 0x70112, 0x80074, 0x80034, 0x900c8,
0x7010a, 0x80064, 0x80024, 0x900a8, 0x80004, 0x80084, 0x80044, 0x900e8,
0x70106, 0x8005c, 0x8001c, 0x90098, 0x70116, 0x8007c, 0x8003c, 0x900d8,
0x7010e, 0x8006c, 0x8002c, 0x900b8, 0x8000c, 0x8008c, 0x8004c, 0x900f8,
0x70101, 0x80052, 0x80012, 0x8011a, 0x70111, 0x80072, 0x80032, 0x900c4,
0x70109, 0x80062, 0x80022, 0x900a4, 0x80002, 0x80082, 0x80042, 0x900e4,
0x70105, 0x8005a, 0x8001a, 0x90094, 0x70115, 0x8007a, 0x8003a, 0x900d4,
0x7010d, 0x8006a, 0x8002a, 0x900b4, 0x8000a, 0x8008a, 0x8004a, 0x900f4,
0x70103, 0x80056, 0x80016, 0x8011e, 0x70113, 0x80076, 0x80036, 0x900cc,
0x7010b, 0x80066, 0x80026, 0x900ac, 0x80006, 0x80086, 0x80046, 0x900ec,
0x70107, 0x8005e, 0x8001e, 0x9009c, 0x70117, 0x8007e, 0x8003e, 0x900dc,
0x7010f, 0x8006e, 0x8002e, 0x900bc, 0x8000e, 0x8008e, 0x8004e, 0x900fc,
0x70100, 0x80051, 0x80011, 0x80119, 0x70110, 0x80071, 0x80031, 0x900c2,
0x70108, 0x80061, 0x80021, 0x900a2, 0x80001, 0x80081, 0x80041, 0x900e2,
0x70104, 0x80059, 0x80019, 0x90092, 0x70114, 0x80079, 0x80039, 0x900d2,
0x7010c, 0x80069, 0x80029, 0x900b2, 0x80009, 0x80089, 0x80049, 0x900f2,
0x70102, 0x80055, 0x80015, 0x8011d, 0x70112, 0x80075, 0x80035, 0x900ca,
0x7010a, 0x80065, 0x80025, 0x900aa, 0x80005, 0x80085, 0x80045, 0x900ea,
0x70106, 0x8005d, 0x8001d, 0x9009a, 0x70116, 0x8007d, 0x8003d, 0x900da,
0x7010e, 0x8006d, 0x8002d, 0x900ba, 0x8000d, 0x8008d, 0x8004d, 0x900fa,
0x70101, 0x80053, 0x80013, 0x8011b, 0x70111, 0x80073, 0x80033, 0x900c6,
0x70109, 0x80063, 0x80023, 0x900a6, 0x80003, 0x80083, 0x80043, 0x900e6,
0x70105, 0x8005b, 0x8001b, 0x90096, 0x70115, 0x8007b, 0x8003b, 0x900d6,
0x7010d, 0x8006b, 0x8002b, 0x900b6, 0x8000b, 0x8008b, 0x8004b, 0x900f6,
0x70103, 0x80057, 0x80017, 0x8011f, 0x70113, 0x80077, 0x80037, 0x900ce,
0x7010b, 0x80067, 0x80027, 0x900ae, 0x80007, 0x80087, 0x80047, 0x900ee,
0x70107, 0x8005f, 0x8001f, 0x9009e, 0x70117, 0x8007f, 0x8003f, 0x900de,
0x7010f, 0x8006f, 0x8002f, 0x900be, 0x8000f, 0x8008f, 0x8004f, 0x900fe,
0x70100, 0x80050, 0x80010, 0x80118, 0x70110, 0x80070, 0x80030, 0x900c1,
0x70108, 0x80060, 0x80020, 0x900a1, 0x80000, 0x80080, 0x80040, 0x900e1,
0x70104, 0x80058, 0x80018, 0x90091, 0x70114, 0x80078, 0x80038, 0x900d1,
0x7010c, 0x80068, 0x80028, 0x900b1, 0x80008, 0x80088, 0x80048, 0x900f1,
0x70102, 0x80054, 0x80014, 0x8011c, 0x70112, 0x80074, 0x80034, 0x900c9,
0x7010a, 0x80064, 0x80024, 0x900a9, 0x80004, 0x80084, 0x80044, 0x900e9,
0x70106, 0x8005c, 0x8001c, 0x90099, 0x70116, 0x8007c, 0x8003c, 0x900d9,
0x7010e, 0x8006c, 0x8002c, 0x900b9, 0x8000c, 0x8008c, 0x8004c, 0x900f9,
0x70101, 0x80052, 0x80012, 0x8011a, 0x70111, 0x80072, 0x80032, 0x900c5,
0x70109, 0x80062, 0x80022, 0x900a5, 0x80002, 0x80082, 0x80042, 0x900e5,
0x70105, 0x8005a, 0x8001a, 0x90095, 0x70115, 0x8007a, 0x8003a, 0x900d5,
0x7010d, 0x8006a, 0x8002a, 0x900b5, 0x8000a, 0x8008a, 0x8004a, 0x900f5,
0x70103, 0x80056, 0x80016, 0x8011e, 0x70113, 0x80076, 0x80036, 0x900cd,
0x7010b, 0x80066, 0x80026, 0x900ad, 0x80006, 0x80086, 0x80046, 0x900ed,
0x70107, 0x8005e, 0x8001e, 0x9009d, 0x70117, 0x8007e, 0x8003e, 0x900dd,
0x7010f, 0x8006e, 0x8002e, 0x900bd, 0x8000e, 0x8008e, 0x8004e, 0x900fd,
0x70100, 0x80051, 0x80011, 0x80119, 0x70110, 0x80071, 0x80031, 0x900c3,
0x70108, 0x80061, 0x80021, 0x900a3, 0x80001, 0x80081, 0x80041, 0x900e3,
0x70104, 0x80059, 0x80019, 0x90093, 0x70114, 0x80079, 0x80039, 0x900d3,
0x7010c, 0x80069, 0x80029, 0x900b3, 0x80009, 0x80089, 0x80049, 0x900f3,
0x70102, 0x80055, 0x80015, 0x8011d, 0x70112, 0x80075, 0x80035, 0x900cb,
0x7010a, 0x80065, 0x80025, 0x900ab, 0x80005, 0x80085, 0x80045, 0x900eb,
0x70106, 0x8005d, 0x8001d, 0x9009b, 0x70116, 0x8007d, 0x8003d, 0x900db,
0x7010e, 0x8006d, 0x8002d, 0x900bb, 0x8000d, 0x8008d, 0x8004d, 0x900fb,
0x70101, 0x80053, 0x80013, 0x8011b, 0x70111, 0x80073, 0x80033, 0x900c7,
0x70109, 0x80063, 0x80023, 0x900a7, 0x80003, 0x80083, 0x80043, 0x900e7,
0x70105, 0x8005b, 0x8001b, 0x90097, 0x70115, 0x8007b, 0x8003b, 0x900d7,
0x7010d, 0x8006b, 0x8002b, 0x900b7, 0x8000b, 0x8008b, 0x8004b, 0x900f7,
0x70103, 0x80057, 0x80017, 0x8011f, 0x70113, 0x80077, 0x80037, 0x900cf,
0x7010b, 0x80067, 0x80027, 0x900af, 0x80007, 0x80087, 0x80047, 0x900ef,
0x70107, 0x8005f, 0x8001f, 0x9009f, 0x70117, 0x8007f, 0x8003f, 0x900df,
0x7010f, 0x8006f, 0x8002f, 0x900bf, 0x8000f, 0x8008f, 0x8004f, 0x900ff
]), 9];
// prettier-ignore
var fixedDistCodeTab = [new Int32Array([
0x50000, 0x50010, 0x50008, 0x50018, 0x50004, 0x50014, 0x5000c, 0x5001c,
0x50002, 0x50012, 0x5000a, 0x5001a, 0x50006, 0x50016, 0x5000e, 0x00000,
0x50001, 0x50011, 0x50009, 0x50019, 0x50005, 0x50015, 0x5000d, 0x5001d,
0x50003, 0x50013, 0x5000b, 0x5001b, 0x50007, 0x50017, 0x5000f, 0x00000
]), 5];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
function FlateStream(str, maybeLength) {
this.str = str;
this.dict = str.dict;
var cmf = str.getByte();
var flg = str.getByte();
if (cmf === -1 || flg === -1) {
throw new FormatError(`Invalid header in flate stream: ${cmf}, ${flg}`);
if ((cmf & 0x0f) !== 0x08) {
throw new FormatError(
`Unknown compression method in flate stream: ${cmf}, ${flg}`
if (((cmf << 8) + flg) % 31 !== 0) {
throw new FormatError(`Bad FCHECK in flate stream: ${cmf}, ${flg}`);
if (flg & 0x20) {
throw new FormatError(`FDICT bit set in flate stream: ${cmf}, ${flg}`);
this.codeSize = 0;
this.codeBuf = 0;
||||, maybeLength);
FlateStream.prototype = Object.create(DecodeStream.prototype);
FlateStream.prototype.getBits = function FlateStream_getBits(bits) {
var str = this.str;
var codeSize = this.codeSize;
var codeBuf = this.codeBuf;
var b;
while (codeSize < bits) {
if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) {
throw new FormatError("Bad encoding in flate stream");
codeBuf |= b << codeSize;
codeSize += 8;
b = codeBuf & ((1 << bits) - 1);
this.codeBuf = codeBuf >> bits;
this.codeSize = codeSize -= bits;
return b;
FlateStream.prototype.getCode = function FlateStream_getCode(table) {
var str = this.str;
var codes = table[0];
var maxLen = table[1];
var codeSize = this.codeSize;
var codeBuf = this.codeBuf;
var b;
while (codeSize < maxLen) {
if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) {
// premature end of stream. code might however still be valid.
// codeSize < codeLen check below guards against incomplete codeVal.
codeBuf |= b << codeSize;
codeSize += 8;
var code = codes[codeBuf & ((1 << maxLen) - 1)];
var codeLen = code >> 16;
var codeVal = code & 0xffff;
if (codeLen < 1 || codeSize < codeLen) {
throw new FormatError("Bad encoding in flate stream");
this.codeBuf = codeBuf >> codeLen;
this.codeSize = codeSize - codeLen;
return codeVal;
FlateStream.prototype.generateHuffmanTable = function flateStreamGenerateHuffmanTable(
) {
var n = lengths.length;
// find max code length
var maxLen = 0;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (lengths[i] > maxLen) {
maxLen = lengths[i];
// build the table
var size = 1 << maxLen;
var codes = new Int32Array(size);
for (
var len = 1, code = 0, skip = 2;
len <= maxLen;
++len, code <<= 1, skip <<= 1
) {
for (var val = 0; val < n; ++val) {
if (lengths[val] === len) {
// bit-reverse the code
var code2 = 0;
var t = code;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
code2 = (code2 << 1) | (t & 1);
t >>= 1;
// fill the table entries
for (i = code2; i < size; i += skip) {
codes[i] = (len << 16) | val;
return [codes, maxLen];
FlateStream.prototype.readBlock = function FlateStream_readBlock() {
var buffer, len;
var str = this.str;
// read block header
var hdr = this.getBits(3);
if (hdr & 1) {
this.eof = true;
hdr >>= 1;
if (hdr === 0) {
// uncompressed block
var b;
if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) {
throw new FormatError("Bad block header in flate stream");
var blockLen = b;
if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) {
throw new FormatError("Bad block header in flate stream");
blockLen |= b << 8;
if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) {
throw new FormatError("Bad block header in flate stream");
var check = b;
if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) {
throw new FormatError("Bad block header in flate stream");
check |= b << 8;
if (check !== (~blockLen & 0xffff) && (blockLen !== 0 || check !== 0)) {
// Ignoring error for bad "empty" block (see issue 1277)
throw new FormatError("Bad uncompressed block length in flate stream");
this.codeBuf = 0;
this.codeSize = 0;
const bufferLength = this.bufferLength,
end = bufferLength + blockLen;
buffer = this.ensureBuffer(end);
this.bufferLength = end;
if (blockLen === 0) {
if (str.peekByte() === -1) {
this.eof = true;
} else {
const block = str.getBytes(blockLen);
buffer.set(block, bufferLength);
if (block.length < blockLen) {
this.eof = true;
var litCodeTable;
var distCodeTable;
if (hdr === 1) {
// compressed block, fixed codes
litCodeTable = fixedLitCodeTab;
distCodeTable = fixedDistCodeTab;
} else if (hdr === 2) {
// compressed block, dynamic codes
var numLitCodes = this.getBits(5) + 257;
var numDistCodes = this.getBits(5) + 1;
var numCodeLenCodes = this.getBits(4) + 4;
// build the code lengths code table
var codeLenCodeLengths = new Uint8Array(codeLenCodeMap.length);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < numCodeLenCodes; ++i) {
codeLenCodeLengths[codeLenCodeMap[i]] = this.getBits(3);
var codeLenCodeTab = this.generateHuffmanTable(codeLenCodeLengths);
// build the literal and distance code tables
len = 0;
i = 0;
var codes = numLitCodes + numDistCodes;
var codeLengths = new Uint8Array(codes);
var bitsLength, bitsOffset, what;
while (i < codes) {
var code = this.getCode(codeLenCodeTab);
if (code === 16) {
bitsLength = 2;
bitsOffset = 3;
what = len;
} else if (code === 17) {
bitsLength = 3;
bitsOffset = 3;
what = len = 0;
} else if (code === 18) {
bitsLength = 7;
bitsOffset = 11;
what = len = 0;
} else {
codeLengths[i++] = len = code;
var repeatLength = this.getBits(bitsLength) + bitsOffset;
while (repeatLength-- > 0) {
codeLengths[i++] = what;
litCodeTable = this.generateHuffmanTable(
codeLengths.subarray(0, numLitCodes)
distCodeTable = this.generateHuffmanTable(
codeLengths.subarray(numLitCodes, codes)
} else {
throw new FormatError("Unknown block type in flate stream");
buffer = this.buffer;
var limit = buffer ? buffer.length : 0;
var pos = this.bufferLength;
while (true) {
var code1 = this.getCode(litCodeTable);
if (code1 < 256) {
if (pos + 1 >= limit) {
buffer = this.ensureBuffer(pos + 1);
limit = buffer.length;
buffer[pos++] = code1;
if (code1 === 256) {
this.bufferLength = pos;
code1 -= 257;
code1 = lengthDecode[code1];
var code2 = code1 >> 16;
if (code2 > 0) {
code2 = this.getBits(code2);
len = (code1 & 0xffff) + code2;
code1 = this.getCode(distCodeTable);
code1 = distDecode[code1];
code2 = code1 >> 16;
if (code2 > 0) {
code2 = this.getBits(code2);
var dist = (code1 & 0xffff) + code2;
if (pos + len >= limit) {
buffer = this.ensureBuffer(pos + len);
limit = buffer.length;
for (var k = 0; k < len; ++k, ++pos) {
buffer[pos] = buffer[pos - dist];
return FlateStream;
var NullStream = (function NullStreamClosure() {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
function NullStream() {
@ -738,7 +349,6 @@ var NullStream = (function NullStreamClosure() {
export {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user