diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e2a28ae02..e49790b9e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -27,15 +27,9 @@ Feel free to stop by #pdfjs on irc.mozilla.org for questions or guidance.
### Browser Extensions
-#### Firefox (and Seamonkey)
+#### Firefox
-PDF.js is built into version 19+ of Firefox, however, one extension is still available:
-+ [Development Version](http://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/extensions/firefox/pdf.js.xpi) - This extension is mainly intended for developers/testers, and it is updated every time new code is merged into the PDF.js codebase. It should be quite stable but might break from time to time.
- + Please note that the extension is *not* guaranteed to be compatible with Firefox versions that are *older* than the current Nightly version, see the [Release Calendar](https://wiki.mozilla.org/RapidRelease/Calendar#Past_branch_dates).
- + The extension *may* also work in Seamonkey, provided that it is based on a Firefox version as above (see [Which version of Firefox does SeaMonkey 2.x correspond with?](https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/FAQ#General)), but we do *not* guarantee compatibility.
+PDF.js is built into version 19+ of Firefox.
#### Chrome
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/bootstrap.js b/extensions/firefox/bootstrap.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fc481993..000000000
--- a/extensions/firefox/bootstrap.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/* globals PdfStreamConverter, APP_SHUTDOWN, PdfjsChromeUtils,
- PdfjsContentUtils */
-"use strict";
-const RESOURCE_NAME = "pdf.js";
-const EXT_PREFIX = "extensions.uriloader@pdf.js";
-const Cm = Components.manager;
-function initializeDefaultPreferences() {
- /* eslint-disable semi */
-//#include ../../web/default_preferences.json
-//#if false
- /* eslint-enable semi */
- var defaultBranch = Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch(EXT_PREFIX + ".");
- var defaultValue;
- for (var key in DEFAULT_PREFERENCES) {
- defaultValue = DEFAULT_PREFERENCES[key];
- switch (typeof defaultValue) {
- case "boolean":
- defaultBranch.setBoolPref(key, defaultValue);
- break;
- case "number":
- defaultBranch.setIntPref(key, defaultValue);
- break;
- case "string":
- defaultBranch.setCharPref(key, defaultValue);
- break;
- }
- }
-// Factory that registers/unregisters a constructor as a component.
-function Factory() {}
-Factory.prototype = {
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIFactory]),
- _targetConstructor: null,
- register: function register(targetConstructor) {
- this._targetConstructor = targetConstructor;
- var proto = targetConstructor.prototype;
- var registrar = Cm.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar);
- registrar.registerFactory(proto.classID, proto.classDescription,
- proto.contractID, this);
- if (proto.classID2) {
- this._classID2 = proto.classID2;
- registrar.registerFactory(proto.classID2, proto.classDescription,
- proto.contractID2, this);
- }
- },
- unregister: function unregister() {
- var proto = this._targetConstructor.prototype;
- var registrar = Cm.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar);
- registrar.unregisterFactory(proto.classID, this);
- if (this._classID2) {
- registrar.unregisterFactory(this._classID2, this);
- }
- this._targetConstructor = null;
- },
- // nsIFactory
- createInstance: function createInstance(aOuter, iid) {
- if (aOuter !== null) {
- }
- return (new (this._targetConstructor)()).QueryInterface(iid);
- },
- // nsIFactory
- lockFactory: function lockFactory(lock) {
- // No longer used as of gecko 1.7.
- },
-var pdfStreamConverterFactory = new Factory();
-var pdfBaseUrl = null;
-var e10sEnabled = false;
-// As of Firefox 13 bootstrapped add-ons don't support automatic registering and
-// unregistering of resource urls and components/contracts. Until then we do
-// it programatically. See ManifestDirective ManifestParser.cpp for support.
-function startup(aData, aReason) {
- // Setup the resource url.
- var ioService = Services.io;
- var resProt = ioService.getProtocolHandler("resource")
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIResProtocolHandler);
- var aliasURI = ioService.newURI("content/", "UTF-8", aData.resourceURI);
- resProt.setSubstitution(RESOURCE_NAME, aliasURI);
- pdfBaseUrl = aData.resourceURI.spec;
- ChromeUtils.import(pdfBaseUrl + "content/PdfjsChromeUtils.jsm");
- PdfjsChromeUtils.init();
- ChromeUtils.import(pdfBaseUrl + "content/PdfjsContentUtils.jsm");
- PdfjsContentUtils.init();
- // Load the component and register it.
- var pdfStreamConverterUrl = pdfBaseUrl + "content/PdfStreamConverter.jsm";
- ChromeUtils.import(pdfStreamConverterUrl);
- pdfStreamConverterFactory.register(PdfStreamConverter);
- try {
- Services.mm.loadFrameScript("chrome://pdf.js/content/content.js", true);
- e10sEnabled = true;
- } catch (ex) {
- }
- initializeDefaultPreferences();
-function shutdown(aData, aReason) {
- if (aReason === APP_SHUTDOWN) {
- return;
- }
- if (e10sEnabled) {
- let globalMM = Cc["@mozilla.org/globalmessagemanager;1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIMessageBroadcaster);
- globalMM.broadcastAsyncMessage("PDFJS:Child:shutdown");
- globalMM.removeDelayedFrameScript("chrome://pdf.js/content/content.js");
- }
- var ioService = Services.io;
- var resProt = ioService.getProtocolHandler("resource")
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIResProtocolHandler);
- // Remove the resource url.
- resProt.setSubstitution(RESOURCE_NAME, null);
- // Remove the contract/component.
- pdfStreamConverterFactory.unregister();
- // Unload the converter
- var pdfStreamConverterUrl = pdfBaseUrl + "content/PdfStreamConverter.jsm";
- Cu.unload(pdfStreamConverterUrl);
- PdfjsContentUtils.uninit();
- Cu.unload(pdfBaseUrl + "content/PdfjsContentUtils.jsm");
- PdfjsChromeUtils.uninit();
- Cu.unload(pdfBaseUrl + "content/PdfjsChromeUtils.jsm");
-function install(aData, aReason) {
-function uninstall(aData, aReason) {
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/chrome-mozcentral.manifest b/extensions/firefox/chrome-mozcentral.manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aef83abc..000000000
--- a/extensions/firefox/chrome-mozcentral.manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-resource pdf.js content/
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/chrome.manifest b/extensions/firefox/chrome.manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a92e73ac..000000000
--- a/extensions/firefox/chrome.manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Additional resources for pdf.js
-content pdf.js chrome/
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/chrome/content.js b/extensions/firefox/chrome/content.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 44bc792af..000000000
--- a/extensions/firefox/chrome/content.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2014 Mozilla Foundation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/* eslint-env mozilla/frame-script */
-"use strict";
-(function contentScriptClosure() {
- // we need to use closure here -- we are running in the global context
- const Cm = Components.manager;
- ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm");
- ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
- var isRemote = Services.appinfo.processType ===
- Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT;
- // Factory that registers/unregisters a constructor as a component.
- function Factory() {
- }
- Factory.prototype = {
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIFactory]),
- _targetConstructor: null,
- register: function register(targetConstructor) {
- this._targetConstructor = targetConstructor;
- var proto = targetConstructor.prototype;
- var registrar = Cm.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar);
- registrar.registerFactory(proto.classID, proto.classDescription,
- proto.contractID, this);
- },
- unregister: function unregister() {
- var proto = this._targetConstructor.prototype;
- var registrar = Cm.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar);
- registrar.unregisterFactory(proto.classID, this);
- this._targetConstructor = null;
- },
- // nsIFactory
- createInstance: function createInstance(aOuter, iid) {
- if (aOuter !== null) {
- }
- return (new (this._targetConstructor)()).QueryInterface(iid);
- },
- // nsIFactory
- lockFactory: function lockFactory(lock) {
- // No longer used as of gecko 1.7.
- },
- };
- var pdfStreamConverterFactory = new Factory();
- function startup() {
- ChromeUtils.import("resource://pdf.js/PdfjsContentUtils.jsm");
- PdfjsContentUtils.init();
- ChromeUtils.import("resource://pdf.js/PdfStreamConverter.jsm");
- pdfStreamConverterFactory.register(PdfStreamConverter);
- }
- function shutdown() {
- // Remove the contract/component.
- pdfStreamConverterFactory.unregister();
- // Unload the converter
- Cu.unload("resource://pdf.js/PdfStreamConverter.jsm");
- PdfjsContentUtils.uninit();
- Cu.unload("resource://pdf.js/PdfjsContentUtils.jsm");
- }
- if (isRemote) {
- startup();
- addMessageListener("PDFJS:Child:shutdown", function() {
- shutdown();
- });
- }
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/content/PdfJs-stub.jsm b/extensions/firefox/content/PdfJs-stub.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index cea1a6e1b..000000000
--- a/extensions/firefox/content/PdfJs-stub.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-"use strict";
-// Don't remove this file!
-// FF15+ expects `PdfJs` module to be present at `resource://pdf.js/PdfJs.jsm`,
-// see https://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js
-var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["PdfJs"];
-var PdfJs = {
- init: function PdfJs_init() {},
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/content/PdfJs.jsm b/extensions/firefox/content/PdfJs.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index fd905086c..000000000
--- a/extensions/firefox/content/PdfJs.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-"use strict";
-var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["PdfJs"];
-const Cm = Components.manager;
-const PREF_PREFIX = "pdfjs";
-const PREF_DISABLED = PREF_PREFIX + ".disabled";
-const PREF_MIGRATION_VERSION = PREF_PREFIX + ".migrationVersion";
-const PREF_PREVIOUS_ACTION = PREF_PREFIX + ".previousHandler.preferredAction";
- ".previousHandler.alwaysAskBeforeHandling";
-const PREF_DISABLED_PLUGIN_TYPES = "plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types";
-const PREF_ENABLED_CACHE_STATE = PREF_PREFIX + ".enabledCache.state";
- ".enabledCache.initialized";
-const PREF_APP_UPDATE_POSTUPDATE = "app.update.postupdate";
-const TOPIC_PDFJS_HANDLER_CHANGED = "pdfjs:handlerChanged";
-const TOPIC_PLUGINS_LIST_UPDATED = "plugins-list-updated";
-const TOPIC_PLUGIN_INFO_UPDATED = "plugin-info-updated";
-const PDF_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/pdf";
-var Svc = {};
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(Svc, "mime",
- "@mozilla.org/mime;1",
- "nsIMIMEService");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(Svc, "pluginHost",
- "@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1",
- "nsIPluginHost");
-ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "PdfjsChromeUtils",
- "resource://pdf.js/PdfjsChromeUtils.jsm");
-ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "PdfjsContentUtils",
- "resource://pdf.js/PdfjsContentUtils.jsm");
-ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "PdfJsDefaultPreferences",
- "resource://pdf.js/PdfJsDefaultPreferences.jsm");
-function getBoolPref(aPref, aDefaultValue) {
- try {
- return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(aPref);
- } catch (ex) {
- return aDefaultValue;
- }
-function getIntPref(aPref, aDefaultValue) {
- try {
- return Services.prefs.getIntPref(aPref);
- } catch (ex) {
- return aDefaultValue;
- }
-function isDefaultHandler() {
- if (Services.appinfo.processType !== Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
- throw new Error("isDefaultHandler should only get called in the parent " +
- "process.");
- }
- return PdfjsChromeUtils.isDefaultHandlerApp();
-function initializeDefaultPreferences() {
- var defaultBranch = Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch(PREF_PREFIX + ".");
- var defaultValue;
- for (var key in PdfJsDefaultPreferences) {
- defaultValue = PdfJsDefaultPreferences[key];
- switch (typeof defaultValue) {
- case "boolean":
- defaultBranch.setBoolPref(key, defaultValue);
- break;
- case "number":
- defaultBranch.setIntPref(key, defaultValue);
- break;
- case "string":
- defaultBranch.setCharPref(key, defaultValue);
- break;
- }
- }
-// Register/unregister a constructor as a factory.
-function Factory() {}
-Factory.prototype = {
- register: function register(targetConstructor) {
- var proto = targetConstructor.prototype;
- this._classID = proto.classID;
- var factory = XPCOMUtils._getFactory(targetConstructor);
- this._factory = factory;
- var registrar = Cm.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar);
- registrar.registerFactory(proto.classID, proto.classDescription,
- proto.contractID, factory);
- if (proto.classID2) {
- this._classID2 = proto.classID2;
- registrar.registerFactory(proto.classID2, proto.classDescription,
- proto.contractID2, factory);
- }
- },
- unregister: function unregister() {
- var registrar = Cm.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar);
- registrar.unregisterFactory(this._classID, this._factory);
- if (this._classID2) {
- registrar.unregisterFactory(this._classID2, this._factory);
- }
- this._factory = null;
- },
-var PdfJs = {
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver]),
- _registered: false,
- _initialized: false,
- init: function init(remote) {
- if (Services.appinfo.processType !==
- Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
- throw new Error("PdfJs.init should only get called " +
- "in the parent process.");
- }
- PdfjsChromeUtils.init();
- if (!remote) {
- PdfjsContentUtils.init();
- }
- this.initPrefs();
- this.updateRegistration();
- },
- initPrefs: function initPrefs() {
- if (this._initialized) {
- return;
- }
- this._initialized = true;
- if (!getBoolPref(PREF_DISABLED, true)) {
- this._migrate();
- }
- // Listen for when pdf.js is completely disabled or a different pdf handler
- // is chosen.
- Services.prefs.addObserver(PREF_DISABLED, this);
- Services.prefs.addObserver(PREF_DISABLED_PLUGIN_TYPES, this);
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, TOPIC_PDFJS_HANDLER_CHANGED);
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, TOPIC_PLUGINS_LIST_UPDATED);
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, TOPIC_PLUGIN_INFO_UPDATED);
- initializeDefaultPreferences();
- },
- updateRegistration: function updateRegistration() {
- if (this.checkEnabled()) {
- this.ensureRegistered();
- } else {
- this.ensureUnregistered();
- }
- },
- uninit: function uninit() {
- if (this._initialized) {
- Services.prefs.removeObserver(PREF_DISABLED, this);
- Services.prefs.removeObserver(PREF_DISABLED_PLUGIN_TYPES, this);
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, TOPIC_PDFJS_HANDLER_CHANGED);
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, TOPIC_PLUGINS_LIST_UPDATED);
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, TOPIC_PLUGIN_INFO_UPDATED);
- this._initialized = false;
- }
- this.ensureUnregistered();
- },
- _migrate: function migrate() {
- const VERSION = 2;
- var currentVersion = getIntPref(PREF_MIGRATION_VERSION, 0);
- if (currentVersion >= VERSION) {
- return;
- }
- // Make pdf.js the default pdf viewer on the first migration.
- if (currentVersion < 1) {
- this._becomeHandler();
- }
- if (currentVersion < 2) {
- // cleaning up of unused database preference (see #3994)
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_PREFIX + ".database");
- }
- Services.prefs.setIntPref(PREF_MIGRATION_VERSION, VERSION);
- },
- _becomeHandler: function _becomeHandler() {
- let handlerInfo = Svc.mime.getFromTypeAndExtension(PDF_CONTENT_TYPE, "pdf");
- let prefs = Services.prefs;
- if (handlerInfo.preferredAction !== Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.handleInternally &&
- handlerInfo.preferredAction !== false) {
- // Store the previous settings of preferredAction and
- // alwaysAskBeforeHandling in case we need to revert them in a hotfix that
- // would turn pdf.js off.
- prefs.setIntPref(PREF_PREVIOUS_ACTION, handlerInfo.preferredAction);
- prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_PREVIOUS_ASK, handlerInfo.alwaysAskBeforeHandling);
- }
- let handlerService = Cc["@mozilla.org/uriloader/handler-service;1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIHandlerService);
- // Change and save mime handler settings.
- handlerInfo.alwaysAskBeforeHandling = false;
- handlerInfo.preferredAction = Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.handleInternally;
- handlerService.store(handlerInfo);
- // Also disable any plugins for pdfs.
- var stringTypes = "";
- var types = [];
- if (prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_DISABLED_PLUGIN_TYPES)) {
- stringTypes = prefs.getCharPref(PREF_DISABLED_PLUGIN_TYPES);
- }
- if (stringTypes !== "") {
- types = stringTypes.split(",");
- }
- if (!types.includes(PDF_CONTENT_TYPE)) {
- types.push(PDF_CONTENT_TYPE);
- }
- prefs.setCharPref(PREF_DISABLED_PLUGIN_TYPES, types.join(","));
- // Update the category manager in case the plugins are already loaded.
- let categoryManager = Cc["@mozilla.org/categorymanager;1"];
- categoryManager.getService(Ci.nsICategoryManager).
- deleteCategoryEntry("Gecko-Content-Viewers",
- false);
- },
- _isEnabled: function _isEnabled() {
- var disabled = getBoolPref(PREF_DISABLED, true);
- if (disabled) {
- return false;
- }
- // Check if the 'application/pdf' preview handler is configured properly.
- if (!isDefaultHandler()) {
- return false;
- }
- // Check if we have disabled plugin handling of 'application/pdf' in prefs
- if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_DISABLED_PLUGIN_TYPES)) {
- let disabledPluginTypes =
- Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_DISABLED_PLUGIN_TYPES).split(",");
- if (disabledPluginTypes.includes(PDF_CONTENT_TYPE)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Check if there is an enabled pdf plugin.
- // Note: this check is performed last because getPluginTags() triggers
- // costly plugin list initialization (bug 881575)
- let tags = Cc["@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIPluginHost).
- getPluginTags();
- let enabledPluginFound = tags.some(function(tag) {
- if (tag.disabled) {
- return false;
- }
- let mimeTypes = tag.getMimeTypes();
- return mimeTypes.some(function(mimeType) {
- return mimeType === PDF_CONTENT_TYPE;
- });
- });
- // Use pdf.js if pdf plugin is not present or disabled
- return !enabledPluginFound;
- },
- checkEnabled: function checkEnabled() {
- let isEnabled = this._isEnabled();
- // This will be updated any time we observe a dependency changing, since
- // updateRegistration internally calls enabled.
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_ENABLED_CACHE_STATE, isEnabled);
- return isEnabled;
- },
- // nsIObserver
- observe: function observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- if (Services.appinfo.processType !==
- Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
- throw new Error("Only the parent process should be observing PDF " +
- "handler changes.");
- }
- this.updateRegistration();
- let jsm = "resource://pdf.js/PdfjsChromeUtils.jsm";
- let PdfjsChromeUtils = ChromeUtils.import(jsm, {}).PdfjsChromeUtils;
- PdfjsChromeUtils.notifyChildOfSettingsChange(this.enabled);
- },
- /**
- * pdf.js is only enabled if it is both selected as the pdf viewer and if the
- * global switch enabling it is true.
- * @return {boolean} Whether or not it's enabled.
- */
- get enabled() {
- if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_ENABLED_CACHE_INITIALIZED, false)) {
- // If we just updated, and the cache hasn't been initialized, then we
- // can't assume a default state, and need to synchronously initialize
- // PdfJs
- if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_APP_UPDATE_POSTUPDATE)) {
- this.checkEnabled();
- }
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_ENABLED_CACHE_INITIALIZED, true);
- }
- return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_ENABLED_CACHE_STATE, true);
- },
- ensureRegistered: function ensureRegistered() {
- if (this._registered) {
- return;
- }
- this._pdfStreamConverterFactory = new Factory();
- ChromeUtils.import("resource://pdf.js/PdfStreamConverter.jsm");
- this._pdfStreamConverterFactory.register(PdfStreamConverter);
- this._registered = true;
- },
- ensureUnregistered: function ensureUnregistered() {
- if (!this._registered) {
- return;
- }
- this._pdfStreamConverterFactory.unregister();
- Cu.unload("resource://pdf.js/PdfStreamConverter.jsm");
- delete this._pdfStreamConverterFactory;
- this._registered = false;
- },
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/content/PdfJsNetwork.jsm b/extensions/firefox/content/PdfJsNetwork.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 64523aeb1..000000000
--- a/extensions/firefox/content/PdfJsNetwork.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-"use strict";
-var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["NetworkManager"];
-function log(aMsg) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- var msg = "PdfJsNetwork.jsm: " + (aMsg.join ? aMsg.join("") : aMsg);
- Services.console.logStringMessage(msg);
-var NetworkManager = (function NetworkManagerClosure() {
- const OK_RESPONSE = 200;
- function getArrayBuffer(xhr) {
- var data = xhr.response;
- if (typeof data !== "string") {
- return data;
- }
- var length = data.length;
- var array = new Uint8Array(length);
- for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- array[i] = data.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF;
- }
- return array.buffer;
- }
- class NetworkManagerClass {
- constructor(url, args) {
- this.url = url;
- args = args || {};
- this.isHttp = /^https?:/i.test(url);
- this.httpHeaders = (this.isHttp && args.httpHeaders) || {};
- this.withCredentials = args.withCredentials || false;
- this.getXhr = args.getXhr ||
- function NetworkManager_getXhr() {
- return new XMLHttpRequest();
- };
- this.currXhrId = 0;
- this.pendingRequests = Object.create(null);
- this.loadedRequests = Object.create(null);
- }
- requestRange(begin, end, listeners) {
- var args = {
- begin,
- end,
- };
- for (var prop in listeners) {
- args[prop] = listeners[prop];
- }
- return this.request(args);
- }
- requestFull(listeners) {
- return this.request(listeners);
- }
- request(args) {
- var xhr = this.getXhr();
- var xhrId = this.currXhrId++;
- var pendingRequest = this.pendingRequests[xhrId] = {
- xhr,
- };
- xhr.open("GET", this.url);
- xhr.withCredentials = this.withCredentials;
- for (var property in this.httpHeaders) {
- var value = this.httpHeaders[property];
- if (typeof value === "undefined") {
- continue;
- }
- xhr.setRequestHeader(property, value);
- }
- if (this.isHttp && "begin" in args && "end" in args) {
- var rangeStr = args.begin + "-" + (args.end - 1);
- xhr.setRequestHeader("Range", "bytes=" + rangeStr);
- pendingRequest.expectedStatus = 206;
- } else {
- pendingRequest.expectedStatus = 200;
- }
- var useMozChunkedLoading = !!args.onProgressiveData;
- if (useMozChunkedLoading) {
- xhr.responseType = "moz-chunked-arraybuffer";
- pendingRequest.onProgressiveData = args.onProgressiveData;
- pendingRequest.mozChunked = true;
- } else {
- xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
- }
- if (args.onError) {
- xhr.onerror = function(evt) {
- args.onError(xhr.status);
- };
- }
- xhr.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.bind(this, xhrId);
- xhr.onprogress = this.onProgress.bind(this, xhrId);
- pendingRequest.onHeadersReceived = args.onHeadersReceived;
- pendingRequest.onDone = args.onDone;
- pendingRequest.onError = args.onError;
- pendingRequest.onProgress = args.onProgress;
- xhr.send(null);
- return xhrId;
- }
- onProgress(xhrId, evt) {
- var pendingRequest = this.pendingRequests[xhrId];
- if (!pendingRequest) {
- // Maybe abortRequest was called...
- return;
- }
- if (pendingRequest.mozChunked) {
- var chunk = getArrayBuffer(pendingRequest.xhr);
- pendingRequest.onProgressiveData(chunk);
- }
- var onProgress = pendingRequest.onProgress;
- if (onProgress) {
- onProgress(evt);
- }
- }
- onStateChange(xhrId, evt) {
- var pendingRequest = this.pendingRequests[xhrId];
- if (!pendingRequest) {
- // Maybe abortRequest was called...
- return;
- }
- var xhr = pendingRequest.xhr;
- if (xhr.readyState >= 2 && pendingRequest.onHeadersReceived) {
- pendingRequest.onHeadersReceived();
- delete pendingRequest.onHeadersReceived;
- }
- if (xhr.readyState !== 4) {
- return;
- }
- if (!(xhrId in this.pendingRequests)) {
- // The XHR request might have been aborted in onHeadersReceived()
- // callback, in which case we should abort request
- return;
- }
- delete this.pendingRequests[xhrId];
- // success status == 0 can be on ftp, file and other protocols
- if (xhr.status === 0 && this.isHttp) {
- if (pendingRequest.onError) {
- pendingRequest.onError(xhr.status);
- }
- return;
- }
- var xhrStatus = xhr.status || OK_RESPONSE;
- // From http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.35.2:
- // "A server MAY ignore the Range header". This means it's possible to
- // get a 200 rather than a 206 response from a range request.
- var ok_response_on_range_request =
- xhrStatus === OK_RESPONSE &&
- pendingRequest.expectedStatus === PARTIAL_CONTENT_RESPONSE;
- if (!ok_response_on_range_request &&
- xhrStatus !== pendingRequest.expectedStatus) {
- if (pendingRequest.onError) {
- pendingRequest.onError(xhr.status);
- }
- return;
- }
- this.loadedRequests[xhrId] = true;
- var chunk = getArrayBuffer(xhr);
- if (xhrStatus === PARTIAL_CONTENT_RESPONSE) {
- var rangeHeader = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Range");
- var matches = /bytes (\d+)-(\d+)\/(\d+)/.exec(rangeHeader);
- var begin = parseInt(matches[1], 10);
- pendingRequest.onDone({
- begin,
- chunk,
- });
- } else if (pendingRequest.onProgressiveData) {
- pendingRequest.onDone(null);
- } else if (chunk) {
- pendingRequest.onDone({
- begin: 0,
- chunk,
- });
- } else if (pendingRequest.onError) {
- pendingRequest.onError(xhr.status);
- }
- }
- hasPendingRequests() {
- for (var xhrId in this.pendingRequests) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- getRequestXhr(xhrId) {
- return this.pendingRequests[xhrId].xhr;
- }
- isStreamingRequest(xhrId) {
- return !!(this.pendingRequests[xhrId].onProgressiveData);
- }
- isPendingRequest(xhrId) {
- return xhrId in this.pendingRequests;
- }
- isLoadedRequest(xhrId) {
- return xhrId in this.loadedRequests;
- }
- abortAllRequests() {
- for (var xhrId in this.pendingRequests) {
- this.abortRequest(xhrId | 0);
- }
- }
- abortRequest(xhrId) {
- var xhr = this.pendingRequests[xhrId].xhr;
- delete this.pendingRequests[xhrId];
- xhr.abort();
- }
- }
- return NetworkManagerClass;
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/content/PdfJsTelemetry-stub.jsm b/extensions/firefox/content/PdfJsTelemetry-stub.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f4a1844..000000000
--- a/extensions/firefox/content/PdfJsTelemetry-stub.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2013 Mozilla Foundation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-"use strict";
-var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["PdfJsTelemetry"];
-var PdfJsTelemetry = {
- onViewerIsUsed() {
- },
- onFallback() {
- },
- onDocumentSize(size) {
- },
- onDocumentVersion(versionId) {
- },
- onDocumentGenerator(generatorId) {
- },
- onEmbed(isObject) {
- },
- onFontType(fontTypeId) {
- },
- onForm(isAcroform) {
- },
- onPrint() {
- },
- onStreamType(streamTypeId) {
- },
- onTimeToView(ms) {
- },
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/content/PdfJsTelemetry.jsm b/extensions/firefox/content/PdfJsTelemetry.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0436debd2..000000000
--- a/extensions/firefox/content/PdfJsTelemetry.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2013 Mozilla Foundation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/* eslint max-len: ["error", 100] */
-"use strict";
-var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["PdfJsTelemetry"];
-var PdfJsTelemetry = {
- onViewerIsUsed() {
- let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("PDF_VIEWER_USED");
- histogram.add(true);
- },
- onFallback() {
- let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("PDF_VIEWER_FALLBACK_SHOWN");
- histogram.add(true);
- },
- onDocumentSize(size) {
- let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("PDF_VIEWER_DOCUMENT_SIZE_KB");
- histogram.add(size / 1024);
- },
- onDocumentVersion(versionId) {
- let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("PDF_VIEWER_DOCUMENT_VERSION");
- histogram.add(versionId);
- },
- onDocumentGenerator(generatorId) {
- let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("PDF_VIEWER_DOCUMENT_GENERATOR");
- histogram.add(generatorId);
- },
- onEmbed(isObject) {
- let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("PDF_VIEWER_EMBED");
- histogram.add(isObject);
- },
- onFontType(fontTypeId) {
- let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("PDF_VIEWER_FONT_TYPES");
- histogram.add(fontTypeId);
- },
- onForm(isAcroform) {
- let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("PDF_VIEWER_FORM");
- histogram.add(isAcroform);
- },
- onPrint() {
- let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("PDF_VIEWER_PRINT");
- histogram.add(true);
- },
- onStreamType(streamTypeId) {
- let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("PDF_VIEWER_STREAM_TYPES");
- histogram.add(streamTypeId);
- },
- onTimeToView(ms) {
- let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("PDF_VIEWER_TIME_TO_VIEW_MS");
- histogram.add(ms);
- },
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/content/PdfStreamConverter.jsm b/extensions/firefox/content/PdfStreamConverter.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 613553c48..000000000
--- a/extensions/firefox/content/PdfStreamConverter.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1038 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-"use strict";
-var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["PdfStreamConverter"];
-const PDFJS_EVENT_ID = "pdf.js.message";
-const PDF_VIEWER_WEB_PAGE = "resource://pdf.js/web/viewer.html";
-const MAX_NUMBER_OF_PREFS = 50;
-ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "NetUtil",
- "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm");
-ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "NetworkManager",
- "resource://pdf.js/PdfJsNetwork.jsm");
-ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "PrivateBrowsingUtils",
- "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.jsm");
-ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "PdfJsTelemetry",
- "resource://pdf.js/PdfJsTelemetry.jsm");
-ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "PdfjsContentUtils",
- "resource://pdf.js/PdfjsContentUtils.jsm");
-var Svc = {};
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(Svc, "mime",
- "@mozilla.org/mime;1",
- "nsIMIMEService");
-function getContainingBrowser(domWindow) {
- return domWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell)
- .chromeEventHandler;
-function getFindBar(domWindow) {
- if (PdfjsContentUtils.isRemote) {
- throw new Error("FindBar is not accessible from the content process.");
- }
- try {
- var browser = getContainingBrowser(domWindow);
- var tabbrowser = browser.getTabBrowser();
- var tab = tabbrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser);
- return tabbrowser.getFindBar(tab);
- } catch (e) {
- // Suppress errors for PDF files opened in the bookmark sidebar, see
- // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1248959.
- return null;
- }
-function getBoolPref(pref, def) {
- try {
- return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(pref);
- } catch (ex) {
- return def;
- }
-function getIntPref(pref, def) {
- try {
- return Services.prefs.getIntPref(pref);
- } catch (ex) {
- return def;
- }
-function getStringPref(pref, def) {
- try {
- return Services.prefs.getStringPref(pref);
- } catch (ex) {
- return def;
- }
-function log(aMsg) {
- if (!getBoolPref(PREF_PREFIX + ".pdfBugEnabled", false)) {
- return;
- }
- var msg = "PdfStreamConverter.js: " + (aMsg.join ? aMsg.join("") : aMsg);
- Services.console.logStringMessage(msg);
- dump(msg + "\n");
-function getDOMWindow(aChannel) {
- var requestor = aChannel.notificationCallbacks ?
- aChannel.notificationCallbacks :
- aChannel.loadGroup.notificationCallbacks;
- var win = requestor.getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
- return win;
-function getLocalizedStrings(path) {
- var stringBundle =
- Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://pdf.js/locale/" + path);
- var map = {};
- var enumerator = stringBundle.getSimpleEnumeration();
- while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
- var string = enumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPropertyElement);
- var key = string.key, property = "textContent";
- var i = key.lastIndexOf(".");
- if (i >= 0) {
- property = key.substring(i + 1);
- key = key.substring(0, i);
- }
- if (!(key in map)) {
- map[key] = {};
- }
- map[key][property] = string.value;
- }
- return map;
-function getLocalizedString(strings, id, property) {
- property = property || "textContent";
- if (id in strings) {
- return strings[id][property];
- }
- return id;
-// PDF data storage
-function PdfDataListener(length) {
- this.length = length; // less than 0, if length is unknown
- this.buffers = [];
- this.loaded = 0;
-PdfDataListener.prototype = {
- append: function PdfDataListener_append(chunk) {
- // In most of the cases we will pass data as we receive it, but at the
- // beginning of the loading we may accumulate some data.
- this.buffers.push(chunk);
- this.loaded += chunk.length;
- if (this.length >= 0 && this.length < this.loaded) {
- this.length = -1; // reset the length, server is giving incorrect one
- }
- this.onprogress(this.loaded, this.length >= 0 ? this.length : void 0);
- },
- readData: function PdfDataListener_readData() {
- if (this.buffers.length === 0) {
- return null;
- }
- if (this.buffers.length === 1) {
- return this.buffers.pop();
- }
- // There are multiple buffers that need to be combined into a single
- // buffer.
- let combinedLength = 0;
- for (let buffer of this.buffers) {
- combinedLength += buffer.length;
- }
- let combinedArray = new Uint8Array(combinedLength);
- let writeOffset = 0;
- while (this.buffers.length) {
- let buffer = this.buffers.shift();
- combinedArray.set(buffer, writeOffset);
- writeOffset += buffer.length;
- }
- return combinedArray;
- },
- finish: function PdfDataListener_finish() {
- this.isDataReady = true;
- if (this.oncompleteCallback) {
- this.oncompleteCallback(this.readData());
- }
- },
- error: function PdfDataListener_error(errorCode) {
- this.errorCode = errorCode;
- if (this.oncompleteCallback) {
- this.oncompleteCallback(null, errorCode);
- }
- },
- onprogress() {},
- get oncomplete() {
- return this.oncompleteCallback;
- },
- set oncomplete(value) {
- this.oncompleteCallback = value;
- if (this.isDataReady) {
- value(this.readData());
- }
- if (this.errorCode) {
- value(null, this.errorCode);
- }
- },
- * All the privileged actions.
- */
-class ChromeActions {
- constructor(domWindow, contentDispositionFilename) {
- this.domWindow = domWindow;
- this.contentDispositionFilename = contentDispositionFilename;
- this.telemetryState = {
- documentInfo: false,
- firstPageInfo: false,
- streamTypesUsed: [],
- fontTypesUsed: [],
- startAt: Date.now(),
- };
- }
- isInPrivateBrowsing() {
- return PrivateBrowsingUtils.isContentWindowPrivate(this.domWindow);
- }
- download(data, sendResponse) {
- var self = this;
- var originalUrl = data.originalUrl;
- var blobUrl = data.blobUrl || originalUrl;
- // The data may not be downloaded so we need just retry getting the pdf with
- // the original url.
- var originalUri = NetUtil.newURI(originalUrl);
- var filename = data.filename;
- if (typeof filename !== "string" ||
- (!/\.pdf$/i.test(filename) && !data.isAttachment)) {
- filename = "document.pdf";
- }
- var blobUri = NetUtil.newURI(blobUrl);
- var extHelperAppSvc =
- Cc["@mozilla.org/uriloader/external-helper-app-service;1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIExternalHelperAppService);
- var docIsPrivate = this.isInPrivateBrowsing();
- var netChannel = NetUtil.newChannel({
- uri: blobUri,
- loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true,
- });
- if ("nsIPrivateBrowsingChannel" in Ci &&
- netChannel instanceof Ci.nsIPrivateBrowsingChannel) {
- netChannel.setPrivate(docIsPrivate);
- }
- NetUtil.asyncFetch(netChannel, function(aInputStream, aResult) {
- if (!Components.isSuccessCode(aResult)) {
- if (sendResponse) {
- sendResponse(true);
- }
- return;
- }
- // Create a nsIInputStreamChannel so we can set the url on the channel
- // so the filename will be correct.
- var channel = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/input-stream-channel;1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsIInputStreamChannel);
- channel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIChannel);
- try {
- // contentDisposition/contentDispositionFilename is readonly before FF18
- channel.contentDisposition = Ci.nsIChannel.DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT;
- if (self.contentDispositionFilename && !data.isAttachment) {
- channel.contentDispositionFilename = self.contentDispositionFilename;
- } else {
- channel.contentDispositionFilename = filename;
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- channel.setURI(originalUri);
- channel.loadInfo = netChannel.loadInfo;
- channel.contentStream = aInputStream;
- if ("nsIPrivateBrowsingChannel" in Ci &&
- channel instanceof Ci.nsIPrivateBrowsingChannel) {
- channel.setPrivate(docIsPrivate);
- }
- var listener = {
- extListener: null,
- onStartRequest(aRequest, aContext) {
- var loadContext = self.domWindow
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext);
- this.extListener = extHelperAppSvc.doContent(
- (data.isAttachment ? "application/octet-stream" :
- "application/pdf"),
- aRequest, loadContext, false);
- this.extListener.onStartRequest(aRequest, aContext);
- },
- onStopRequest(aRequest, aContext, aStatusCode) {
- if (this.extListener) {
- this.extListener.onStopRequest(aRequest, aContext, aStatusCode);
- }
- // Notify the content code we're done downloading.
- if (sendResponse) {
- sendResponse(false);
- }
- },
- onDataAvailable(aRequest, aContext, aDataInputStream, aOffset, aCount) {
- this.extListener.onDataAvailable(aRequest, aContext, aDataInputStream,
- aOffset, aCount);
- },
- };
- channel.asyncOpen2(listener);
- });
- }
- getLocale() {
- return Services.locale.getRequestedLocale() || "en-US";
- }
- getStrings(data) {
- try {
- // Lazy initialization of localizedStrings
- if (!("localizedStrings" in this)) {
- this.localizedStrings = getLocalizedStrings("viewer.properties");
- }
- var result = this.localizedStrings[data];
- return JSON.stringify(result || null);
- } catch (e) {
- log("Unable to retrieve localized strings: " + e);
- return "null";
- }
- }
- supportsIntegratedFind() {
- // Integrated find is only supported when we're not in a frame
- if (this.domWindow.frameElement !== null) {
- return false;
- }
- // ... and we are in a child process
- if (PdfjsContentUtils.isRemote) {
- return true;
- }
- // ... or when the new find events code exists.
- var findBar = getFindBar(this.domWindow);
- return !!findBar && ("updateControlState" in findBar);
- }
- supportsDocumentFonts() {
- var prefBrowser = getIntPref("browser.display.use_document_fonts", 1);
- var prefGfx = getBoolPref("gfx.downloadable_fonts.enabled", true);
- return (!!prefBrowser && prefGfx);
- }
- supportsDocumentColors() {
- return getIntPref("browser.display.document_color_use", 0) !== 2;
- }
- supportedMouseWheelZoomModifierKeys() {
- return {
- ctrlKey: getIntPref("mousewheel.with_control.action", 3) === 3,
- metaKey: getIntPref("mousewheel.with_meta.action", 1) === 3,
- };
- }
- reportTelemetry(data) {
- var probeInfo = JSON.parse(data);
- switch (probeInfo.type) {
- case "documentInfo":
- if (!this.telemetryState.documentInfo) {
- PdfJsTelemetry.onDocumentVersion(probeInfo.version | 0);
- PdfJsTelemetry.onDocumentGenerator(probeInfo.generator | 0);
- if (probeInfo.formType) {
- PdfJsTelemetry.onForm(probeInfo.formType === "acroform");
- }
- this.telemetryState.documentInfo = true;
- }
- break;
- case "pageInfo":
- if (!this.telemetryState.firstPageInfo) {
- var duration = Date.now() - this.telemetryState.startAt;
- PdfJsTelemetry.onTimeToView(duration);
- this.telemetryState.firstPageInfo = true;
- }
- break;
- case "documentStats":
- // documentStats can be called several times for one documents.
- // if stream/font types are reported, trying not to submit the same
- // enumeration value multiple times.
- var documentStats = probeInfo.stats;
- if (!documentStats || typeof documentStats !== "object") {
- break;
- }
- var i, streamTypes = documentStats.streamTypes;
- if (Array.isArray(streamTypes)) {
- for (i = 0; i < STREAM_TYPE_ID_LIMIT; i++) {
- if (streamTypes[i] &&
- !this.telemetryState.streamTypesUsed[i]) {
- PdfJsTelemetry.onStreamType(i);
- this.telemetryState.streamTypesUsed[i] = true;
- }
- }
- }
- var fontTypes = documentStats.fontTypes;
- if (Array.isArray(fontTypes)) {
- var FONT_TYPE_ID_LIMIT = 20;
- for (i = 0; i < FONT_TYPE_ID_LIMIT; i++) {
- if (fontTypes[i] &&
- !this.telemetryState.fontTypesUsed[i]) {
- PdfJsTelemetry.onFontType(i);
- this.telemetryState.fontTypesUsed[i] = true;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case "print":
- PdfJsTelemetry.onPrint();
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param {Object} args - Object with `featureId` and `url` properties.
- * @param {function} sendResponse - Callback function.
- */
- fallback(args, sendResponse) {
- var featureId = args.featureId;
- var domWindow = this.domWindow;
- var strings = getLocalizedStrings("chrome.properties");
- var message;
- if (featureId === "forms") {
- message = getLocalizedString(strings, "unsupported_feature_forms");
- } else {
- message = getLocalizedString(strings, "unsupported_feature");
- }
- PdfJsTelemetry.onFallback();
- PdfjsContentUtils.displayWarning(domWindow, message,
- getLocalizedString(strings, "open_with_different_viewer"),
- getLocalizedString(strings, "open_with_different_viewer", "accessKey"));
- let winmm = domWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsIContentFrameMessageManager);
- winmm.addMessageListener("PDFJS:Child:fallbackDownload",
- function fallbackDownload(msg) {
- let data = msg.data;
- sendResponse(data.download);
- winmm.removeMessageListener("PDFJS:Child:fallbackDownload",
- fallbackDownload);
- });
- }
- updateFindControlState(data) {
- if (!this.supportsIntegratedFind()) {
- return;
- }
- // Verify what we're sending to the findbar.
- var result = data.result;
- var findPrevious = data.findPrevious;
- var findPreviousType = typeof findPrevious;
- if ((typeof result !== "number" || result < 0 || result > 3) ||
- (findPreviousType !== "undefined" && findPreviousType !== "boolean")) {
- return;
- }
- var winmm = this.domWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsIContentFrameMessageManager);
- winmm.sendAsyncMessage("PDFJS:Parent:updateControlState", data);
- }
- setPreferences(prefs, sendResponse) {
- var defaultBranch = Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch(PREF_PREFIX + ".");
- var numberOfPrefs = 0;
- var prefValue, prefName;
- for (var key in prefs) {
- if (++numberOfPrefs > MAX_NUMBER_OF_PREFS) {
- log("setPreferences - Exceeded the maximum number of preferences " +
- "that is allowed to be set at once.");
- break;
- } else if (!defaultBranch.getPrefType(key)) {
- continue;
- }
- prefValue = prefs[key];
- prefName = (PREF_PREFIX + "." + key);
- switch (typeof prefValue) {
- case "boolean":
- PdfjsContentUtils.setBoolPref(prefName, prefValue);
- break;
- case "number":
- PdfjsContentUtils.setIntPref(prefName, prefValue);
- break;
- case "string":
- if (prefValue.length > MAX_STRING_PREF_LENGTH) {
- log("setPreferences - Exceeded the maximum allowed length " +
- "for a string preference.");
- } else {
- PdfjsContentUtils.setStringPref(prefName, prefValue);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (sendResponse) {
- sendResponse(true);
- }
- }
- getPreferences(prefs, sendResponse) {
- var defaultBranch = Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch(PREF_PREFIX + ".");
- var currentPrefs = {}, numberOfPrefs = 0;
- var prefValue, prefName;
- for (var key in prefs) {
- if (++numberOfPrefs > MAX_NUMBER_OF_PREFS) {
- log("getPreferences - Exceeded the maximum number of preferences " +
- "that is allowed to be fetched at once.");
- break;
- } else if (!defaultBranch.getPrefType(key)) {
- continue;
- }
- prefValue = prefs[key];
- prefName = (PREF_PREFIX + "." + key);
- switch (typeof prefValue) {
- case "boolean":
- currentPrefs[key] = getBoolPref(prefName, prefValue);
- break;
- case "number":
- currentPrefs[key] = getIntPref(prefName, prefValue);
- break;
- case "string":
- currentPrefs[key] = getStringPref(prefName, prefValue);
- break;
- }
- }
- let result = JSON.stringify(currentPrefs);
- if (sendResponse) {
- sendResponse(result);
- }
- return result;
- }
- * This is for range requests.
- */
-class RangedChromeActions extends ChromeActions {
- constructor(domWindow, contentDispositionFilename, originalRequest,
- rangeEnabled, streamingEnabled, dataListener) {
- super(domWindow, contentDispositionFilename);
- this.dataListener = dataListener;
- this.originalRequest = originalRequest;
- this.rangeEnabled = rangeEnabled;
- this.streamingEnabled = streamingEnabled;
- this.pdfUrl = originalRequest.URI.spec;
- this.contentLength = originalRequest.contentLength;
- // Pass all the headers from the original request through
- var httpHeaderVisitor = {
- headers: {},
- visitHeader(aHeader, aValue) {
- if (aHeader === "Range") {
- // When loading the PDF from cache, firefox seems to set the Range
- // request header to fetch only the unfetched portions of the file
- // (e.g. 'Range: bytes=1024-'). However, we want to set this header
- // manually to fetch the PDF in chunks.
- return;
- }
- this.headers[aHeader] = aValue;
- },
- };
- if (originalRequest.visitRequestHeaders) {
- originalRequest.visitRequestHeaders(httpHeaderVisitor);
- }
- var self = this;
- var xhr_onreadystatechange = function xhr_onreadystatechange() {
- if (this.readyState === 1) { // LOADING
- var netChannel = this.channel;
- if ("nsIPrivateBrowsingChannel" in Ci &&
- netChannel instanceof Ci.nsIPrivateBrowsingChannel) {
- var docIsPrivate = self.isInPrivateBrowsing();
- netChannel.setPrivate(docIsPrivate);
- }
- }
- };
- var getXhr = function getXhr() {
- var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", xhr_onreadystatechange);
- return xhr;
- };
- this.networkManager = new NetworkManager(this.pdfUrl, {
- httpHeaders: httpHeaderVisitor.headers,
- getXhr,
- });
- // If we are in range request mode, this means we manually issued xhr
- // requests, which we need to abort when we leave the page
- domWindow.addEventListener("unload", function unload(e) {
- domWindow.removeEventListener(e.type, unload);
- self.abortLoading();
- });
- }
- initPassiveLoading() {
- var data;
- if (!this.streamingEnabled) {
- this.originalRequest.cancel(Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED);
- this.originalRequest = null;
- data = this.dataListener.readData();
- this.dataListener = null;
- } else {
- data = this.dataListener.readData();
- this.dataListener.onprogress = (loaded, total) => {
- this.domWindow.postMessage({
- pdfjsLoadAction: "progressiveRead",
- loaded,
- total,
- chunk: this.dataListener.readData(),
- }, "*");
- };
- this.dataListener.oncomplete = () => {
- this.dataListener = null;
- };
- }
- this.domWindow.postMessage({
- pdfjsLoadAction: "supportsRangedLoading",
- rangeEnabled: this.rangeEnabled,
- streamingEnabled: this.streamingEnabled,
- pdfUrl: this.pdfUrl,
- length: this.contentLength,
- data,
- }, "*");
- return true;
- }
- requestDataRange(args) {
- if (!this.rangeEnabled) {
- return;
- }
- var begin = args.begin;
- var end = args.end;
- var domWindow = this.domWindow;
- // TODO(mack): Support error handler. We're not currently not handling
- // errors from chrome code for non-range requests, so this doesn't
- // seem high-pri
- this.networkManager.requestRange(begin, end, {
- onDone: function RangedChromeActions_onDone(aArgs) {
- domWindow.postMessage({
- pdfjsLoadAction: "range",
- begin: aArgs.begin,
- chunk: aArgs.chunk,
- }, "*");
- },
- onProgress: function RangedChromeActions_onProgress(evt) {
- domWindow.postMessage({
- pdfjsLoadAction: "rangeProgress",
- loaded: evt.loaded,
- }, "*");
- },
- });
- }
- abortLoading() {
- this.networkManager.abortAllRequests();
- if (this.originalRequest) {
- this.originalRequest.cancel(Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED);
- this.originalRequest = null;
- }
- this.dataListener = null;
- }
- * This is for a single network stream.
- */
-class StandardChromeActions extends ChromeActions {
- constructor(domWindow, contentDispositionFilename, originalRequest,
- dataListener) {
- super(domWindow, contentDispositionFilename);
- this.originalRequest = originalRequest;
- this.dataListener = dataListener;
- }
- initPassiveLoading() {
- if (!this.dataListener) {
- return false;
- }
- this.dataListener.onprogress = (loaded, total) => {
- this.domWindow.postMessage({
- pdfjsLoadAction: "progress",
- loaded,
- total,
- }, "*");
- };
- this.dataListener.oncomplete = (data, errorCode) => {
- this.domWindow.postMessage({
- pdfjsLoadAction: "complete",
- data,
- errorCode,
- }, "*");
- this.dataListener = null;
- this.originalRequest = null;
- };
- return true;
- }
- abortLoading() {
- if (this.originalRequest) {
- this.originalRequest.cancel(Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED);
- this.originalRequest = null;
- }
- this.dataListener = null;
- }
- * Event listener to trigger chrome privileged code.
- */
-class RequestListener {
- constructor(actions) {
- this.actions = actions;
- }
- // Receive an event and synchronously or asynchronously responds.
- receive(event) {
- var message = event.target;
- var doc = message.ownerDocument;
- var action = event.detail.action;
- var data = event.detail.data;
- var sync = event.detail.sync;
- var actions = this.actions;
- if (!(action in actions)) {
- log("Unknown action: " + action);
- return;
- }
- var response;
- if (sync) {
- response = actions[action].call(this.actions, data);
- event.detail.response = Cu.cloneInto(response, doc.defaultView);
- } else {
- if (!event.detail.responseExpected) {
- doc.documentElement.removeChild(message);
- response = null;
- } else {
- response = function sendResponse(aResponse) {
- try {
- var listener = doc.createEvent("CustomEvent");
- let detail = Cu.cloneInto({ response: aResponse, },
- doc.defaultView);
- listener.initCustomEvent("pdf.js.response", true, false, detail);
- return message.dispatchEvent(listener);
- } catch (e) {
- // doc is no longer accessible because the requestor is already
- // gone. unloaded content cannot receive the response anyway.
- return false;
- }
- };
- }
- actions[action].call(this.actions, data, response);
- }
- }
- * Forwards events from the eventElement to the contentWindow only if the
- * content window matches the currently selected browser window.
- */
-class FindEventManager {
- constructor(contentWindow) {
- this.contentWindow = contentWindow;
- this.winmm = contentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsIContentFrameMessageManager);
- }
- bind() {
- var unload = (evt) => {
- this.unbind();
- this.contentWindow.removeEventListener(evt.type, unload);
- };
- this.contentWindow.addEventListener("unload", unload);
- // We cannot directly attach listeners to for the find events
- // since the FindBar is in the parent process. Instead we're
- // asking the PdfjsChromeUtils to do it for us and forward
- // all the find events to us.
- this.winmm.sendAsyncMessage("PDFJS:Parent:addEventListener");
- this.winmm.addMessageListener("PDFJS:Child:handleEvent", this);
- }
- receiveMessage(msg) {
- var detail = msg.data.detail;
- var type = msg.data.type;
- var contentWindow = this.contentWindow;
- detail = Cu.cloneInto(detail, contentWindow);
- var forward = contentWindow.document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
- forward.initCustomEvent(type, true, true, detail);
- contentWindow.dispatchEvent(forward);
- }
- unbind() {
- this.winmm.sendAsyncMessage("PDFJS:Parent:removeEventListener");
- }
-function PdfStreamConverter() {
-PdfStreamConverter.prototype = {
- // properties required for XPCOM registration:
- classDescription: "pdf.js Component",
- contractID: "@mozilla.org/streamconv;1?from=application/pdf&to=*/*",
- contractID2: "@mozilla.org/streamconv;1?from=application/pdf&to=text/html",
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
- Ci.nsISupports,
- Ci.nsIStreamConverter,
- Ci.nsIStreamListener,
- Ci.nsIRequestObserver
- ]),
- /*
- * This component works as such:
- * 1. asyncConvertData stores the listener
- * 2. onStartRequest creates a new channel, streams the viewer
- * 3. If range requests are supported:
- * 3.1. Leave the request open until the viewer is ready to switch to
- * range requests.
- *
- * If range rquests are not supported:
- * 3.1. Read the stream as it's loaded in onDataAvailable to send
- * to the viewer
- *
- * The convert function just returns the stream, it's just the synchronous
- * version of asyncConvertData.
- */
- // nsIStreamConverter::convert
- convert(aFromStream, aFromType, aToType, aCtxt) {
- },
- // nsIStreamConverter::asyncConvertData
- asyncConvertData(aFromType, aToType, aListener, aCtxt) {
- // Store the listener passed to us
- this.listener = aListener;
- },
- // nsIStreamListener::onDataAvailable
- onDataAvailable(aRequest, aContext, aInputStream, aOffset, aCount) {
- if (!this.dataListener) {
- return;
- }
- var binaryStream = this.binaryStream;
- binaryStream.setInputStream(aInputStream);
- let chunk = new ArrayBuffer(aCount);
- binaryStream.readArrayBuffer(aCount, chunk);
- this.dataListener.append(new Uint8Array(chunk));
- },
- // nsIRequestObserver::onStartRequest
- onStartRequest(aRequest, aContext) {
- // Setup the request so we can use it below.
- var isHttpRequest = false;
- try {
- aRequest.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel);
- isHttpRequest = true;
- } catch (e) {}
- var rangeRequest = false;
- var streamRequest = false;
- if (isHttpRequest) {
- var contentEncoding = "identity";
- try {
- contentEncoding = aRequest.getResponseHeader("Content-Encoding");
- } catch (e) {}
- var acceptRanges;
- try {
- acceptRanges = aRequest.getResponseHeader("Accept-Ranges");
- } catch (e) {}
- var hash = aRequest.URI.ref;
- var isPDFBugEnabled = getBoolPref(PREF_PREFIX + ".pdfBugEnabled", false);
- rangeRequest = contentEncoding === "identity" &&
- acceptRanges === "bytes" &&
- aRequest.contentLength >= 0 &&
- !getBoolPref(PREF_PREFIX + ".disableRange", false) &&
- (!isPDFBugEnabled ||
- !hash.toLowerCase().includes("disablerange=true"));
- streamRequest = contentEncoding === "identity" &&
- aRequest.contentLength >= 0 &&
- !getBoolPref(PREF_PREFIX + ".disableStream", false) &&
- (!isPDFBugEnabled ||
- !hash.toLowerCase().includes("disablestream=true"));
- }
- aRequest.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIChannel);
- aRequest.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag);
- var contentDispositionFilename;
- try {
- contentDispositionFilename = aRequest.contentDispositionFilename;
- } catch (e) {}
- // Change the content type so we don't get stuck in a loop.
- aRequest.setProperty("contentType", aRequest.contentType);
- aRequest.contentType = "text/html";
- if (isHttpRequest) {
- // We trust PDF viewer, using no CSP
- aRequest.setResponseHeader("Content-Security-Policy", "", false);
- aRequest.setResponseHeader("Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only", "",
- false);
- // The viewer does not need to handle HTTP Refresh header.
- aRequest.setResponseHeader("Refresh", "", false);
- }
- PdfJsTelemetry.onViewerIsUsed();
- PdfJsTelemetry.onDocumentSize(aRequest.contentLength);
- // Creating storage for PDF data
- var contentLength = aRequest.contentLength;
- this.dataListener = new PdfDataListener(contentLength);
- this.binaryStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/binaryinputstream;1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsIBinaryInputStream);
- // Create a new channel that is viewer loaded as a resource.
- var channel = NetUtil.newChannel({
- loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true,
- });
- var listener = this.listener;
- var dataListener = this.dataListener;
- // Proxy all the request observer calls, when it gets to onStopRequest
- // we can get the dom window. We also intentionally pass on the original
- // request(aRequest) below so we don't overwrite the original channel and
- // trigger an assertion.
- var proxy = {
- onStartRequest(request, context) {
- listener.onStartRequest(aRequest, aContext);
- },
- onDataAvailable(request, context, inputStream, offset, count) {
- listener.onDataAvailable(aRequest, aContext, inputStream,
- offset, count);
- },
- onStopRequest(request, context, statusCode) {
- // We get the DOM window here instead of before the request since it
- // may have changed during a redirect.
- var domWindow = getDOMWindow(channel);
- var actions;
- if (rangeRequest || streamRequest) {
- actions = new RangedChromeActions(
- domWindow, contentDispositionFilename, aRequest,
- rangeRequest, streamRequest, dataListener);
- } else {
- actions = new StandardChromeActions(
- domWindow, contentDispositionFilename, aRequest, dataListener);
- }
- var requestListener = new RequestListener(actions);
- domWindow.addEventListener(PDFJS_EVENT_ID, function(event) {
- requestListener.receive(event);
- }, false, true);
- if (actions.supportsIntegratedFind()) {
- var findEventManager = new FindEventManager(domWindow);
- findEventManager.bind();
- }
- listener.onStopRequest(aRequest, aContext, statusCode);
- if (domWindow.frameElement) {
- var isObjectEmbed = domWindow.frameElement.tagName !== "IFRAME" ||
- domWindow.frameElement.className === "previewPluginContentFrame";
- PdfJsTelemetry.onEmbed(isObjectEmbed);
- }
- },
- };
- // Keep the URL the same so the browser sees it as the same.
- channel.originalURI = aRequest.URI;
- channel.loadGroup = aRequest.loadGroup;
- channel.loadInfo.originAttributes = aRequest.loadInfo.originAttributes;
- // We can use the resource principal when data is fetched by the chrome,
- // e.g. useful for NoScript. Make make sure we reuse the origin attributes
- // from the request channel to keep isolation consistent.
- var uri = NetUtil.newURI(PDF_VIEWER_WEB_PAGE);
- var resourcePrincipal =
- Services.scriptSecurityManager.createCodebasePrincipal(uri,
- aRequest.loadInfo.originAttributes);
- aRequest.owner = resourcePrincipal;
- channel.asyncOpen2(proxy);
- },
- // nsIRequestObserver::onStopRequest
- onStopRequest(aRequest, aContext, aStatusCode) {
- if (!this.dataListener) {
- // Do nothing
- return;
- }
- if (Components.isSuccessCode(aStatusCode)) {
- this.dataListener.finish();
- } else {
- this.dataListener.error(aStatusCode);
- }
- delete this.dataListener;
- delete this.binaryStream;
- },
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/content/PdfjsChromeUtils.jsm b/extensions/firefox/content/PdfjsChromeUtils.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index f045d44df..000000000
--- a/extensions/firefox/content/PdfjsChromeUtils.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-"use strict";
-var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["PdfjsChromeUtils"];
-const PDF_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/pdf";
-ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "PdfJsDefaultPreferences",
- "resource://pdf.js/PdfJsDefaultPreferences.jsm");
-var Svc = {};
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(Svc, "mime",
- "@mozilla.org/mime;1",
- "nsIMIMEService");
-var PdfjsChromeUtils = {
- // For security purposes when running remote, we restrict preferences
- // content can access.
- _allowedPrefNames: Object.keys(PdfJsDefaultPreferences),
- _ppmm: null,
- _mmg: null,
- /*
- * Public API
- */
- init() {
- this._browsers = new WeakSet();
- if (!this._ppmm) {
- // global parent process message manager (PPMM)
- this._ppmm = Services.ppmm;
- this._ppmm.addMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:clearUserPref", this);
- this._ppmm.addMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:setIntPref", this);
- this._ppmm.addMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:setBoolPref", this);
- this._ppmm.addMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:setCharPref", this);
- this._ppmm.addMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:setStringPref", this);
- this._ppmm.addMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:isDefaultHandlerApp", this);
- // global dom message manager (MMg)
- this._mmg = Services.mm;
- this._mmg.addMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:displayWarning", this);
- this._mmg.addMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:addEventListener", this);
- this._mmg.addMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:removeEventListener", this);
- this._mmg.addMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:updateControlState", this);
- // Observer to handle shutdown.
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, "quit-application");
- }
- },
- uninit() {
- if (this._ppmm) {
- this._ppmm.removeMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:clearUserPref", this);
- this._ppmm.removeMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:setIntPref", this);
- this._ppmm.removeMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:setBoolPref", this);
- this._ppmm.removeMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:setCharPref", this);
- this._ppmm.removeMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:setStringPref", this);
- this._ppmm.removeMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:isDefaultHandlerApp",
- this);
- this._mmg.removeMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:displayWarning", this);
- this._mmg.removeMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:addEventListener", this);
- this._mmg.removeMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:removeEventListener", this);
- this._mmg.removeMessageListener("PDFJS:Parent:updateControlState", this);
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "quit-application");
- this._mmg = null;
- this._ppmm = null;
- }
- },
- /*
- * Called by the main module when preference changes are picked up
- * in the parent process. Observers don't propagate so we need to
- * instruct the child to refresh its configuration and (possibly)
- * the module's registration.
- */
- notifyChildOfSettingsChange(enabled) {
- if (Services.appinfo.processType ===
- Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT && this._ppmm) {
- // XXX kinda bad, we want to get the parent process mm associated
- // with the content process. _ppmm is currently the global process
- // manager, which means this is going to fire to every child process
- // we have open. Unfortunately I can't find a way to get at that
- // process specific mm from js.
- this._ppmm.broadcastAsyncMessage("PDFJS:Child:updateSettings",
- { enabled, });
- }
- },
- /*
- * Events
- */
- observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- if (aTopic === "quit-application") {
- this.uninit();
- }
- },
- receiveMessage(aMsg) {
- switch (aMsg.name) {
- case "PDFJS:Parent:clearUserPref":
- this._clearUserPref(aMsg.data.name);
- break;
- case "PDFJS:Parent:setIntPref":
- this._setIntPref(aMsg.data.name, aMsg.data.value);
- break;
- case "PDFJS:Parent:setBoolPref":
- this._setBoolPref(aMsg.data.name, aMsg.data.value);
- break;
- case "PDFJS:Parent:setCharPref":
- this._setCharPref(aMsg.data.name, aMsg.data.value);
- break;
- case "PDFJS:Parent:setStringPref":
- this._setStringPref(aMsg.data.name, aMsg.data.value);
- break;
- case "PDFJS:Parent:isDefaultHandlerApp":
- return this.isDefaultHandlerApp();
- case "PDFJS:Parent:displayWarning":
- this._displayWarning(aMsg);
- break;
- case "PDFJS:Parent:updateControlState":
- return this._updateControlState(aMsg);
- case "PDFJS:Parent:addEventListener":
- return this._addEventListener(aMsg);
- case "PDFJS:Parent:removeEventListener":
- return this._removeEventListener(aMsg);
- }
- return undefined;
- },
- /*
- * Internal
- */
- _findbarFromMessage(aMsg) {
- let browser = aMsg.target;
- let tabbrowser = browser.getTabBrowser();
- let tab = tabbrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser);
- return tabbrowser.getFindBar(tab);
- },
- _updateControlState(aMsg) {
- let data = aMsg.data;
- this._findbarFromMessage(aMsg)
- .updateControlState(data.result, data.findPrevious);
- },
- handleEvent(aEvent) {
- // To avoid forwarding the message as a CPOW, create a structured cloneable
- // version of the event for both performance, and ease of usage, reasons.
- let type = aEvent.type;
- let detail = {
- query: aEvent.detail.query,
- caseSensitive: aEvent.detail.caseSensitive,
- highlightAll: aEvent.detail.highlightAll,
- findPrevious: aEvent.detail.findPrevious,
- };
- let browser = aEvent.currentTarget.browser;
- if (!this._browsers.has(browser)) {
- throw new Error("FindEventManager was not bound " +
- "for the current browser.");
- }
- // Only forward the events if the current browser is a registered browser.
- let mm = browser.messageManager;
- mm.sendAsyncMessage("PDFJS:Child:handleEvent", { type, detail, });
- aEvent.preventDefault();
- },
- _types: ["find",
- "findagain",
- "findhighlightallchange",
- "findcasesensitivitychange"],
- _addEventListener(aMsg) {
- let browser = aMsg.target;
- if (this._browsers.has(browser)) {
- throw new Error("FindEventManager was bound 2nd time " +
- "without unbinding it first.");
- }
- // Since this jsm is global, we need to store all the browsers
- // we have to forward the messages for.
- this._browsers.add(browser);
- // And we need to start listening to find events.
- for (var i = 0; i < this._types.length; i++) {
- var type = this._types[i];
- this._findbarFromMessage(aMsg)
- .addEventListener(type, this, true);
- }
- },
- _removeEventListener(aMsg) {
- let browser = aMsg.target;
- if (!this._browsers.has(browser)) {
- throw new Error("FindEventManager was unbound without binding it first.");
- }
- this._browsers.delete(browser);
- // No reason to listen to find events any longer.
- for (var i = 0; i < this._types.length; i++) {
- var type = this._types[i];
- this._findbarFromMessage(aMsg)
- .removeEventListener(type, this, true);
- }
- },
- _ensurePreferenceAllowed(aPrefName) {
- let unPrefixedName = aPrefName.split(PREF_PREFIX + ".");
- if (unPrefixedName[0] !== "" ||
- !this._allowedPrefNames.includes(unPrefixedName[1])) {
- let msg = "\"" + aPrefName + "\" " +
- "can't be accessed from content. See PdfjsChromeUtils.";
- throw new Error(msg);
- }
- },
- _clearUserPref(aPrefName) {
- this._ensurePreferenceAllowed(aPrefName);
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(aPrefName);
- },
- _setIntPref(aPrefName, aPrefValue) {
- this._ensurePreferenceAllowed(aPrefName);
- Services.prefs.setIntPref(aPrefName, aPrefValue);
- },
- _setBoolPref(aPrefName, aPrefValue) {
- this._ensurePreferenceAllowed(aPrefName);
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(aPrefName, aPrefValue);
- },
- _setCharPref(aPrefName, aPrefValue) {
- this._ensurePreferenceAllowed(aPrefName);
- Services.prefs.setCharPref(aPrefName, aPrefValue);
- },
- _setStringPref(aPrefName, aPrefValue) {
- this._ensurePreferenceAllowed(aPrefName);
- Services.prefs.setStringPref(aPrefName, aPrefValue);
- },
- /*
- * Svc.mime doesn't have profile information in the child, so
- * we bounce this pdfjs enabled configuration check over to the
- * parent.
- */
- isDefaultHandlerApp() {
- var handlerInfo = Svc.mime.getFromTypeAndExtension(PDF_CONTENT_TYPE, "pdf");
- return (!handlerInfo.alwaysAskBeforeHandling &&
- handlerInfo.preferredAction === Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.handleInternally);
- },
- /*
- * Display a notification warning when the renderer isn't sure
- * a pdf displayed correctly.
- */
- _displayWarning(aMsg) {
- let data = aMsg.data;
- let browser = aMsg.target;
- let tabbrowser = browser.getTabBrowser();
- let notificationBox = tabbrowser.getNotificationBox(browser);
- // Flag so we don't send the message twice, since if the user clicks
- // "open with different viewer" both the button callback and
- // eventCallback will be called.
- let messageSent = false;
- function sendMessage(download) {
- let mm = browser.messageManager;
- mm.sendAsyncMessage("PDFJS:Child:fallbackDownload", { download, });
- }
- let buttons = [{
- label: data.label,
- accessKey: data.accessKey,
- callback() {
- messageSent = true;
- sendMessage(true);
- },
- }];
- notificationBox.appendNotification(data.message, "pdfjs-fallback", null,
- notificationBox.PRIORITY_INFO_LOW,
- buttons,
- function eventsCallback(eventType) {
- // Currently there is only one event "removed" but if there are any other
- // added in the future we still only care about removed at the moment.
- if (eventType !== "removed") {
- return;
- }
- // Don't send a response again if we already responded when the button was
- // clicked.
- if (messageSent) {
- return;
- }
- sendMessage(false);
- });
- },
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/content/PdfjsContentUtils.jsm b/extensions/firefox/content/PdfjsContentUtils.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b1fff5c5..000000000
--- a/extensions/firefox/content/PdfjsContentUtils.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-"use strict";
-var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["PdfjsContentUtils"];
-var PdfjsContentUtils = {
- _mm: null,
- /*
- * Public API
- */
- get isRemote() {
- return (Services.appinfo.processType ===
- Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT);
- },
- init() {
- // child *process* mm, or when loaded into the parent for in-content
- // support the psuedo child process mm 'child PPMM'.
- if (!this._mm) {
- this._mm = Services.cpmm;
- this._mm.addMessageListener("PDFJS:Child:updateSettings", this);
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, "quit-application");
- }
- },
- uninit() {
- if (this._mm) {
- this._mm.removeMessageListener("PDFJS:Child:updateSettings", this);
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "quit-application");
- }
- this._mm = null;
- },
- /*
- * prefs utilities - the child does not have write access to prefs.
- * note, the pref names here are cross-checked against a list of
- * approved pdfjs prefs in chrome utils.
- */
- clearUserPref(aPrefName) {
- this._mm.sendSyncMessage("PDFJS:Parent:clearUserPref", {
- name: aPrefName,
- });
- },
- setIntPref(aPrefName, aPrefValue) {
- this._mm.sendSyncMessage("PDFJS:Parent:setIntPref", {
- name: aPrefName,
- value: aPrefValue,
- });
- },
- setBoolPref(aPrefName, aPrefValue) {
- this._mm.sendSyncMessage("PDFJS:Parent:setBoolPref", {
- name: aPrefName,
- value: aPrefValue,
- });
- },
- setCharPref(aPrefName, aPrefValue) {
- this._mm.sendSyncMessage("PDFJS:Parent:setCharPref", {
- name: aPrefName,
- value: aPrefValue,
- });
- },
- setStringPref(aPrefName, aPrefValue) {
- this._mm.sendSyncMessage("PDFJS:Parent:setStringPref", {
- name: aPrefName,
- value: aPrefValue,
- });
- },
- /*
- * Request the display of a notification warning in the associated window
- * when the renderer isn't sure a pdf displayed correctly.
- */
- displayWarning(aWindow, aMessage, aLabel, aAccessKey) {
- // the child's dom frame mm associated with the window.
- let winmm = aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsIContentFrameMessageManager);
- winmm.sendAsyncMessage("PDFJS:Parent:displayWarning", {
- message: aMessage,
- label: aLabel,
- accessKey: aAccessKey,
- });
- },
- /*
- * Events
- */
- observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- if (aTopic === "quit-application") {
- this.uninit();
- }
- },
- receiveMessage(aMsg) {
- switch (aMsg.name) {
- case "PDFJS:Child:updateSettings":
- // Only react to this if we are remote.
- if (Services.appinfo.processType ===
- Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT) {
- let jsm = "resource://pdf.js/PdfJs.jsm";
- let pdfjs = ChromeUtils.import(jsm, {}).PdfJs;
- if (aMsg.data.enabled) {
- pdfjs.ensureRegistered();
- } else {
- pdfjs.ensureUnregistered();
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- },
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/content/pdfjschildbootstrap-enabled.js b/extensions/firefox/content/pdfjschildbootstrap-enabled.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e554ac4c..000000000
--- a/extensions/firefox/content/pdfjschildbootstrap-enabled.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2014 Mozilla Foundation
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-"use strict";
- * pdfjschildbootstrap-enabled.js loads into the content process to
- * take care of initializing our built-in version of pdfjs when
- * running remote. It will only be run when PdfJs.enable is true.
- */
-if (Services.appinfo.processType === Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT) {
- // register various pdfjs factories that hook us into content loading.
- PdfJs.ensureRegistered();
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/content/pdfjschildbootstrap.js b/extensions/firefox/content/pdfjschildbootstrap.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dce514831..000000000
--- a/extensions/firefox/content/pdfjschildbootstrap.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2014 Mozilla Foundation
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-"use strict";
- * pdfjschildbootstrap.js loads into the content process to take care of
- * initializing our built-in version of pdfjs when running remote.
- */
-// init content utils shim pdfjs will use to access privileged apis.
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/icon.png b/extensions/firefox/icon.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 755e51880..000000000
Binary files a/extensions/firefox/icon.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/icon64.png b/extensions/firefox/icon64.png
deleted file mode 100644
index ea46b6d29..000000000
Binary files a/extensions/firefox/icon64.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/install.rdf b/extensions/firefox/install.rdf
deleted file mode 100644
index aef00eeb7..000000000
--- a/extensions/firefox/install.rdf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- viewer@pdf.js
- PDF Viewer
- {ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}
- 59.0a1
- 61.0a1
- {92650c4d-4b8e-4d2a-b7eb-24ecf4f6b63a}
- 2.46
- 2.51a1
- {aa3c5121-dab2-40e2-81ca-7ea25febc110}
- 59.0a1
- 61.0a1
- {a79fe89b-6662-4ff4-8e88-09950ad4dfde}
- 0.1
- 9.9
- true
- true
- Mozilla
- Uses HTML5 to display PDF files directly in Firefox.
- https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/
- 2
- https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/raw/gh-pages/extensions/firefox/update.rdf
diff --git a/extensions/firefox/update.rdf b/extensions/firefox/update.rdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 0560c8a20..000000000
--- a/extensions/firefox/update.rdf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- {ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}
- 59.0a1
- 61.0a1
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mozilla/pdf.js/gh-pages/extensions/firefox/pdf.js.xpi
- {aa3c5121-dab2-40e2-81ca-7ea25febc110}
- 59.0a1
- 61.0a1
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mozilla/pdf.js/gh-pages/extensions/firefox/pdf.js.xpi
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gulpfile.js b/gulpfile.js
index e88f67ca9..1647f2ffc 100644
--- a/gulpfile.js
+++ b/gulpfile.js
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ var MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'mozcentral.baseline/';
var GENERIC_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'generic/';
var COMPONENTS_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'components/';
var MINIFIED_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'minified/';
-var FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'firefox/';
var CHROME_BUILD_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'chromium/';
var JSDOC_BUILD_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'jsdoc/';
var GH_PAGES_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'gh-pages/';
@@ -175,16 +174,6 @@ function webpack2Stream(config) {
return webpackStream(config, webpack2);
-function stripCommentHeaders(content) {
- var notEndOfComment = '(?:[^*]|\\*(?!/))+';
- var reg = new RegExp(
- '\n/\\* Copyright' + notEndOfComment + '\\*/\\s*' +
- '(?:/\\*' + notEndOfComment + '\\*/\\s*|//(?!#).*\n\\s*)*' +
- '\\s*\'use strict\';', 'g');
- content = content.replace(reg, '');
- return content;
function getVersionJSON() {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(BUILD_DIR + 'version.json').toString());
@@ -407,7 +396,7 @@ gulp.task('default', function() {
-gulp.task('extension', ['firefox', 'chromium']);
+gulp.task('extension', ['chromium']);
gulp.task('buildnumber', function (done) {
@@ -563,19 +552,6 @@ function preprocessHTML(source, defines) {
return createStringSource(source.substr(i + 1), out);
-function preprocessJS(source, defines, cleanup) {
- var outName = getTempFile('~preprocess', '.js');
- builder.preprocess(source, outName, defines);
- var out = fs.readFileSync(outName).toString();
- fs.unlinkSync(outName);
- if (cleanup) {
- out = stripCommentHeaders(out);
- }
- var i = source.lastIndexOf('/');
- return createStringSource(source.substr(i + 1), out);
// Builds the generic production viewer that should be compatible with most
// modern HTML5 browsers.
gulp.task('generic', ['buildnumber', 'locale'], function () {
@@ -713,118 +689,6 @@ function preprocessDefaultPreferences(content) {
return licenseHeader + '\n' + MODIFICATION_WARNING + '\n' + content + '\n';
-gulp.task('firefox-pre', ['buildnumber', 'locale'], function () {
- console.log();
- console.log('### Building Firefox extension');
- var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { FIREFOX: true, SKIP_BABEL: true, });
- FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR = 'extensions/firefox/',
- FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR = EXTENSION_SRC_DIR + '/firefox/content/',
- FIREFOX_PREF_PREFIX = 'extensions.uriloader@pdf.js',
- FIREFOX_STREAM_CONVERTER_ID = '6457a96b-2d68-439a-bcfa-44465fbcdbb1',
- FIREFOX_STREAM_CONVERTER2_ID = '6457a96b-2d68-439a-bcfa-44465fbcdbb2';
- // Clear out everything in the firefox extension build directory
- rimraf.sync(FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR);
- var localizedMetadata =
- fs.readFileSync(FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR + 'metadata.inc').toString();
- var chromeManifestLocales =
- fs.readFileSync(FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR + 'chrome.manifest.inc').toString();
- var version = getVersionJSON().version;
- return merge([
- createBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'build')),
- createWebBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'web')),
- gulp.src(COMMON_WEB_FILES, { base: 'web/', })
- .pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'web')),
- gulp.src(FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR + 'locale/**/*.properties',
- .pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR)),
- gulp.src(['external/bcmaps/*.bcmap', 'external/bcmaps/LICENSE'],
- { base: 'external/bcmaps', })
- .pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'web/cmaps')),
- preprocessHTML('web/viewer.html', defines)
- .pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'web')),
- preprocessCSS('web/viewer.css', 'firefox', defines, true)
- .pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'web')),
- gulp.src(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfJs-stub.jsm')
- .pipe(rename('PdfJs.jsm'))
- .pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR)),
- gulp.src(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfJsTelemetry-stub.jsm')
- .pipe(rename('PdfJsTelemetry.jsm'))
- .pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR)),
- gulp.src(FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR + '*.png')
- .pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR)),
- gulp.src(FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR + 'chrome.manifest')
- .pipe(replace(/#.*PDFJS_SUPPORTED_LOCALES.*\n/, chromeManifestLocales))
- .pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR)),
- gulp.src(FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR + '*.rdf')
- .pipe(replace(/\bPDFJSSCRIPT_VERSION\b/g, version))
- .pipe(replace(/.*.*\n/,
- localizedMetadata))
- .pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR)),
- gulp.src(FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR + 'chrome/content.js',
- .pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR)),
- gulp.src('LICENSE').pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR)),
- gulp.src(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfJsDefaultPreferences.jsm')
- .pipe(transform('utf8', preprocessDefaultPreferences))
- .pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR)),
- preprocessJS(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfStreamConverter.jsm', defines, true)
- .pipe(replace(/\bPDFJSSCRIPT_STREAM_CONVERTER2_ID\b/g,
- .pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR)),
- preprocessJS(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfJsNetwork.jsm', defines, true)
- .pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR)),
- preprocessJS(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfjsContentUtils.jsm', defines, true)
- .pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR)),
- preprocessJS(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfjsChromeUtils.jsm', defines, true)
- .pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR)),
- preprocessJS(FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR + 'bootstrap.js', defines, true)
- .pipe(gulp.dest(FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR)),
- ]);
-gulp.task('firefox', ['firefox-pre'], function (done) {
- ['bootstrap.js',
- 'install.rdf',
- 'chrome.manifest',
- 'icon.png',
- 'icon64.png',
- 'content',
- 'chrome',
- 'locale',
- FIREFOX_EXTENSION_NAME = 'pdf.js.xpi';
- var zipExecOptions = {
- // Set timezone to UTC before calling zip to get reproducible results.
- env: { 'TZ': 'UTC', },
- };
- exec('zip -r ' + FIREFOX_EXTENSION_NAME + ' ' +
- FIREFOX_EXTENSION_FILES.join(' '), zipExecOptions, function (err) {
- if (err) {
- done(new Error('Cannot exec zip: ' + err));
- return;
- }
- console.log('extension created: ' + FIREFOX_EXTENSION_NAME);
- done();
- });
gulp.task('mozcentral-pre', ['buildnumber', 'locale'], function () {
console.log('### Building mozilla-central extension');
@@ -835,10 +699,7 @@ gulp.task('mozcentral-pre', ['buildnumber', 'locale'], function () {
FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR = 'extensions/firefox/',
MOZCENTRAL_L10N_DIR = MOZCENTRAL_DIR + 'browser/locales/en-US/pdfviewer/',
- FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR = EXTENSION_SRC_DIR + '/firefox/content/',
- MOZCENTRAL_STREAM_CONVERTER_ID = 'd0c5195d-e798-49d4-b1d3-9324328b2291',
- MOZCENTRAL_STREAM_CONVERTER2_ID = 'd0c5195d-e798-49d4-b1d3-9324328b2292';
+ FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR = EXTENSION_SRC_DIR + '/firefox/content/';
// Clear out everything in the firefox extension build directory
@@ -860,15 +721,6 @@ gulp.task('mozcentral-pre', ['buildnumber', 'locale'], function () {
preprocessCSS('web/viewer.css', 'mozcentral', defines, true)
.pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + 'web')),
- gulp.src(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfJsTelemetry.jsm')
- .pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR)),
- gulp.src(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'pdfjschildbootstrap.js')
- .pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR)),
- gulp.src(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'pdfjschildbootstrap-enabled.js')
- .pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR)),
- gulp.src(FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR + 'chrome-mozcentral.manifest')
- .pipe(rename('chrome.manifest'))
- .pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_EXTENSION_DIR)),
gulp.src(FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR + 'locale/en-US/*.properties')
gulp.src(FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR + 'README.mozilla')
@@ -876,27 +728,9 @@ gulp.task('mozcentral-pre', ['buildnumber', 'locale'], function () {
.pipe(replace(/\bPDFJSSCRIPT_COMMIT\b/g, commit))
gulp.src(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfJsDefaultPreferences.jsm')
.pipe(transform('utf8', preprocessDefaultPreferences))
- preprocessJS(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfJs.jsm', defines, true)
- .pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR)),
- preprocessJS(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfStreamConverter.jsm', defines, true)
- .pipe(replace(/\bPDFJSSCRIPT_STREAM_CONVERTER2_ID\b/g,
- .pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR)),
- preprocessJS(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfJsNetwork.jsm', defines, true)
- .pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR)),
- preprocessJS(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfjsContentUtils.jsm', defines, true)
- .pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR)),
- preprocessJS(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfjsChromeUtils.jsm', defines, true)
- .pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR)),
@@ -1233,9 +1067,6 @@ gulp.task('gh-pages-prepare', ['web-pre'], function () {
return merge([
vfs.src(GENERIC_DIR + '**/*', { base: GENERIC_DIR, stripBOM: false, })
- gulp.src([FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR + '*.xpi',
- FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR + '*.rdf'])
- .pipe(gulp.dest(GH_PAGES_DIR + EXTENSION_SRC_DIR + 'firefox/')),
gulp.src(CHROME_BUILD_DIR + '*.crx')
.pipe(gulp.dest(GH_PAGES_DIR + EXTENSION_SRC_DIR + 'chromium/')),
gulp.src('test/features/**/*', { base: 'test/', })