
2963 lines
68 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2012-08-31 15:48:21 -07:00
/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
2011-09-12 20:37:33 +03:00
import { getLookupTableFactory } from '../shared/util';
2011-11-28 09:25:25 -05:00
// The Metrics object contains glyph widths (in glyph space units).
// As per PDF spec, for most fonts (Type 3 being an exception) a glyph
// space unit corresponds to 1/1000th of text space unit.
2016-01-21 16:29:05 -06:00
var getMetrics = getLookupTableFactory(function (t) {
t['Courier'] = 600;
t['Courier-Bold'] = 600;
t['Courier-BoldOblique'] = 600;
t['Courier-Oblique'] = 600;
t['Helvetica'] = getLookupTableFactory(function (t) {
t['space'] = 278;
t['exclam'] = 278;
t['quotedbl'] = 355;
t['numbersign'] = 556;
t['dollar'] = 556;
t['percent'] = 889;
t['ampersand'] = 667;
t['quoteright'] = 222;
t['parenleft'] = 333;
t['parenright'] = 333;
t['asterisk'] = 389;
t['plus'] = 584;
t['comma'] = 278;
t['hyphen'] = 333;
t['period'] = 278;
t['slash'] = 278;
t['zero'] = 556;
t['one'] = 556;
t['two'] = 556;
t['three'] = 556;
t['four'] = 556;
t['five'] = 556;
t['six'] = 556;
t['seven'] = 556;
t['eight'] = 556;
t['nine'] = 556;
t['colon'] = 278;
t['semicolon'] = 278;
t['less'] = 584;
t['equal'] = 584;
t['greater'] = 584;
t['question'] = 556;
t['at'] = 1015;
t['A'] = 667;
t['B'] = 667;
t['C'] = 722;
t['D'] = 722;
t['E'] = 667;
t['F'] = 611;
t['G'] = 778;
t['H'] = 722;
t['I'] = 278;
t['J'] = 500;
t['K'] = 667;
t['L'] = 556;
t['M'] = 833;
t['N'] = 722;
t['O'] = 778;
t['P'] = 667;
t['Q'] = 778;
t['R'] = 722;
t['S'] = 667;
t['T'] = 611;
t['U'] = 722;
t['V'] = 667;
t['W'] = 944;
t['X'] = 667;
t['Y'] = 667;
t['Z'] = 611;
t['bracketleft'] = 278;
t['backslash'] = 278;
t['bracketright'] = 278;
t['asciicircum'] = 469;
t['underscore'] = 556;
t['quoteleft'] = 222;
t['a'] = 556;
t['b'] = 556;
t['c'] = 500;
t['d'] = 556;
t['e'] = 556;
t['f'] = 278;
t['g'] = 556;
t['h'] = 556;
t['i'] = 222;
t['j'] = 222;
t['k'] = 500;
t['l'] = 222;
t['m'] = 833;
t['n'] = 556;
t['o'] = 556;
t['p'] = 556;
t['q'] = 556;
t['r'] = 333;
t['s'] = 500;
t['t'] = 278;
t['u'] = 556;
t['v'] = 500;
t['w'] = 722;
t['x'] = 500;
t['y'] = 500;
t['z'] = 500;
t['braceleft'] = 334;
t['bar'] = 260;
t['braceright'] = 334;
t['asciitilde'] = 584;
t['exclamdown'] = 333;
t['cent'] = 556;
t['sterling'] = 556;
t['fraction'] = 167;
t['yen'] = 556;
t['florin'] = 556;
t['section'] = 556;
t['currency'] = 556;
t['quotesingle'] = 191;
t['quotedblleft'] = 333;
t['guillemotleft'] = 556;
t['guilsinglleft'] = 333;
t['guilsinglright'] = 333;
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t['fl'] = 500;
t['endash'] = 556;
t['dagger'] = 556;
t['daggerdbl'] = 556;
t['periodcentered'] = 278;
t['paragraph'] = 537;
t['bullet'] = 350;
t['quotesinglbase'] = 222;
t['quotedblbase'] = 333;
t['quotedblright'] = 333;
t['guillemotright'] = 556;
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t['perthousand'] = 1000;
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t['AE'] = 1000;
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t['Oslash'] = 778;
t['OE'] = 1000;
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t['oslash'] = 611;
t['oe'] = 944;
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t['Idieresis'] = 278;
t['eacute'] = 556;
t['abreve'] = 556;
t['uhungarumlaut'] = 556;
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t['aacute'] = 556;
t['Ucircumflex'] = 722;
t['yacute'] = 500;
t['scommaaccent'] = 500;
t['ecircumflex'] = 556;
t['Uring'] = 722;
t['Udieresis'] = 722;
t['aogonek'] = 556;
t['Uacute'] = 722;
t['uogonek'] = 556;
t['Edieresis'] = 667;
t['Dcroat'] = 722;
t['commaaccent'] = 250;
t['copyright'] = 737;
t['Emacron'] = 667;
t['ccaron'] = 500;
t['aring'] = 556;
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t['lacute'] = 222;
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t['Cacute'] = 722;
t['atilde'] = 556;
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t['scaron'] = 500;
t['scedilla'] = 500;
t['iacute'] = 278;
t['lozenge'] = 471;
t['Rcaron'] = 722;
t['Gcommaaccent'] = 778;
t['ucircumflex'] = 556;
t['acircumflex'] = 556;
t['Amacron'] = 667;
t['rcaron'] = 333;
t['ccedilla'] = 500;
t['Zdotaccent'] = 611;
t['Thorn'] = 667;
t['Omacron'] = 778;
t['Racute'] = 722;
t['Sacute'] = 667;
t['dcaron'] = 643;
t['Umacron'] = 722;
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t['uacute'] = 556;
t['Tcaron'] = 611;
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t['umacron'] = 556;
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t['Idotaccent'] = 278;
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t['Egrave'] = 667;
t['racute'] = 333;
t['omacron'] = 556;
t['Zacute'] = 611;
t['Zcaron'] = 611;
t['greaterequal'] = 549;
t['Eth'] = 722;
t['Ccedilla'] = 722;
t['lcommaaccent'] = 222;
t['tcaron'] = 317;
t['eogonek'] = 556;
t['Uogonek'] = 722;
t['Aacute'] = 667;
t['Adieresis'] = 667;
t['egrave'] = 556;
t['zacute'] = 500;
t['iogonek'] = 222;
t['Oacute'] = 778;
t['oacute'] = 556;
t['amacron'] = 556;
t['sacute'] = 500;
t['idieresis'] = 278;
t['Ocircumflex'] = 778;
t['Ugrave'] = 722;
t['Delta'] = 612;
t['thorn'] = 556;
t['twosuperior'] = 333;
t['Odieresis'] = 778;
t['mu'] = 556;
t['igrave'] = 278;
t['ohungarumlaut'] = 556;
t['Eogonek'] = 667;
t['dcroat'] = 556;
t['threequarters'] = 834;
t['Scedilla'] = 667;
t['lcaron'] = 299;
t['Kcommaaccent'] = 667;
t['Lacute'] = 556;
t['trademark'] = 1000;
t['edotaccent'] = 556;
t['Igrave'] = 278;
t['Imacron'] = 278;
t['Lcaron'] = 556;
t['onehalf'] = 834;
t['lessequal'] = 549;
t['ocircumflex'] = 556;
t['ntilde'] = 556;
t['Uhungarumlaut'] = 722;
t['Eacute'] = 667;
t['emacron'] = 556;
t['gbreve'] = 556;
t['onequarter'] = 834;
t['Scaron'] = 667;
t['Scommaaccent'] = 667;
t['Ohungarumlaut'] = 778;
t['degree'] = 400;
t['ograve'] = 556;
t['Ccaron'] = 722;
t['ugrave'] = 556;
t['radical'] = 453;
t['Dcaron'] = 722;
t['rcommaaccent'] = 333;
t['Ntilde'] = 722;
t['otilde'] = 556;
t['Rcommaaccent'] = 722;
t['Lcommaaccent'] = 556;
t['Atilde'] = 667;
t['Aogonek'] = 667;
t['Aring'] = 667;
t['Otilde'] = 778;
t['zdotaccent'] = 500;
t['Ecaron'] = 667;
t['Iogonek'] = 278;
t['kcommaaccent'] = 500;
t['minus'] = 584;
t['Icircumflex'] = 278;
t['ncaron'] = 556;
t['tcommaaccent'] = 278;
t['logicalnot'] = 584;
t['odieresis'] = 556;
t['udieresis'] = 556;
t['notequal'] = 549;
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t['eth'] = 556;
t['zcaron'] = 500;
t['ncommaaccent'] = 556;
t['onesuperior'] = 333;
t['imacron'] = 278;
t['Euro'] = 556;
t['Helvetica-Bold'] = getLookupTableFactory(function (t) {
t['space'] = 278;
t['exclam'] = 333;
t['quotedbl'] = 474;
t['numbersign'] = 556;
t['dollar'] = 556;
t['percent'] = 889;
t['ampersand'] = 722;
t['quoteright'] = 278;
t['parenleft'] = 333;
t['parenright'] = 333;
t['asterisk'] = 389;
t['plus'] = 584;
t['comma'] = 278;
t['hyphen'] = 333;
t['period'] = 278;
t['slash'] = 278;
t['zero'] = 556;
t['one'] = 556;
t['two'] = 556;
t['three'] = 556;
t['four'] = 556;
t['five'] = 556;
t['six'] = 556;
t['seven'] = 556;
t['eight'] = 556;
t['nine'] = 556;
t['colon'] = 333;
t['semicolon'] = 333;
t['less'] = 584;
t['equal'] = 584;
t['greater'] = 584;
t['question'] = 611;
t['at'] = 975;
t['A'] = 722;
t['B'] = 722;
t['C'] = 722;
t['D'] = 722;
t['E'] = 667;
t['F'] = 611;
t['G'] = 778;
t['H'] = 722;
t['I'] = 278;
t['J'] = 556;
t['K'] = 722;
t['L'] = 611;
t['M'] = 833;
t['N'] = 722;
t['O'] = 778;
t['P'] = 667;
t['Q'] = 778;
t['R'] = 722;
t['S'] = 667;
t['T'] = 611;
t['U'] = 722;
t['V'] = 667;
t['W'] = 944;
t['X'] = 667;
t['Y'] = 667;
t['Z'] = 611;
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t['backslash'] = 278;
t['bracketright'] = 333;
t['asciicircum'] = 584;
t['underscore'] = 556;
t['quoteleft'] = 278;
t['a'] = 556;
t['b'] = 611;
t['c'] = 556;
t['d'] = 611;
t['e'] = 556;
t['f'] = 333;
t['g'] = 611;
t['h'] = 611;
t['i'] = 278;
t['j'] = 278;
t['k'] = 556;
t['l'] = 278;
t['m'] = 889;
t['n'] = 611;
t['o'] = 611;
t['p'] = 611;
t['q'] = 611;
t['r'] = 389;
t['s'] = 556;
t['t'] = 333;
t['u'] = 611;
t['v'] = 556;
t['w'] = 778;
t['x'] = 556;
t['y'] = 556;
t['z'] = 500;
t['braceleft'] = 389;
t['bar'] = 280;
t['braceright'] = 389;
t['asciitilde'] = 584;
t['exclamdown'] = 333;
t['cent'] = 556;
t['sterling'] = 556;
t['fraction'] = 167;
t['yen'] = 556;
t['florin'] = 556;
t['section'] = 556;
t['currency'] = 556;
t['quotesingle'] = 238;
t['quotedblleft'] = 500;
t['guillemotleft'] = 556;
t['guilsinglleft'] = 333;
t['guilsinglright'] = 333;
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t['fl'] = 611;
t['endash'] = 556;
t['dagger'] = 556;
t['daggerdbl'] = 556;
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t['paragraph'] = 556;
t['bullet'] = 350;
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t['quotedblbase'] = 500;
t['quotedblright'] = 500;
t['guillemotright'] = 556;
t['ellipsis'] = 1000;
t['perthousand'] = 1000;
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t['acute'] = 333;
t['circumflex'] = 333;
t['tilde'] = 333;
t['macron'] = 333;
t['breve'] = 333;
t['dotaccent'] = 333;
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t['ogonek'] = 333;
t['caron'] = 333;
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t['AE'] = 1000;
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t['Oslash'] = 778;
t['OE'] = 1000;
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t['ae'] = 889;
t['dotlessi'] = 278;
t['lslash'] = 278;
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t['oe'] = 944;
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t['Idieresis'] = 278;
t['eacute'] = 556;
t['abreve'] = 556;
t['uhungarumlaut'] = 611;
t['ecaron'] = 556;
t['Ydieresis'] = 667;
t['divide'] = 584;
t['Yacute'] = 667;
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t['aacute'] = 556;
t['Ucircumflex'] = 722;
t['yacute'] = 556;
t['scommaaccent'] = 556;
t['ecircumflex'] = 556;
t['Uring'] = 722;
t['Udieresis'] = 722;
t['aogonek'] = 556;
t['Uacute'] = 722;
t['uogonek'] = 611;
t['Edieresis'] = 667;
t['Dcroat'] = 722;
t['commaaccent'] = 250;
t['copyright'] = 737;
t['Emacron'] = 667;
t['ccaron'] = 556;
t['aring'] = 556;
t['Ncommaaccent'] = 722;
t['lacute'] = 278;
t['agrave'] = 556;
t['Tcommaaccent'] = 611;
t['Cacute'] = 722;
t['atilde'] = 556;
t['Edotaccent'] = 667;
t['scaron'] = 556;
t['scedilla'] = 556;
t['iacute'] = 278;
t['lozenge'] = 494;
t['Rcaron'] = 722;
t['Gcommaaccent'] = 778;
t['ucircumflex'] = 611;
t['acircumflex'] = 556;
t['Amacron'] = 722;
t['rcaron'] = 389;
t['ccedilla'] = 556;
t['Zdotaccent'] = 611;
t['Thorn'] = 667;
t['Omacron'] = 778;
t['Racute'] = 722;
t['Sacute'] = 667;
t['dcaron'] = 743;
t['Umacron'] = 722;
t['uring'] = 611;
t['threesuperior'] = 333;
t['Ograve'] = 778;
t['Agrave'] = 722;
t['Abreve'] = 722;
t['multiply'] = 584;
t['uacute'] = 611;
t['Tcaron'] = 611;
t['partialdiff'] = 494;
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t['Nacute'] = 722;
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t['Ecircumflex'] = 667;
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t['edieresis'] = 556;
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t['nacute'] = 611;
t['umacron'] = 611;
t['Ncaron'] = 722;
t['Iacute'] = 278;
t['plusminus'] = 584;
t['brokenbar'] = 280;
t['registered'] = 737;
t['Gbreve'] = 778;
t['Idotaccent'] = 278;
t['summation'] = 600;
t['Egrave'] = 667;
t['racute'] = 389;
t['omacron'] = 611;
t['Zacute'] = 611;
t['Zcaron'] = 611;
t['greaterequal'] = 549;
t['Eth'] = 722;
t['Ccedilla'] = 722;
t['lcommaaccent'] = 278;
t['tcaron'] = 389;
t['eogonek'] = 556;
t['Uogonek'] = 722;
t['Aacute'] = 722;
t['Adieresis'] = 722;
t['egrave'] = 556;
t['zacute'] = 500;
t['iogonek'] = 278;
t['Oacute'] = 778;
t['oacute'] = 611;
t['amacron'] = 556;
t['sacute'] = 556;
t['idieresis'] = 278;
t['Ocircumflex'] = 778;
t['Ugrave'] = 722;
t['Delta'] = 612;
t['thorn'] = 611;
t['twosuperior'] = 333;
t['Odieresis'] = 778;
t['mu'] = 611;
t['igrave'] = 278;
t['ohungarumlaut'] = 611;
t['Eogonek'] = 667;
t['dcroat'] = 611;
t['threequarters'] = 834;
t['Scedilla'] = 667;
t['lcaron'] = 400;
t['Kcommaaccent'] = 722;
t['Lacute'] = 611;
t['trademark'] = 1000;
t['edotaccent'] = 556;
t['Igrave'] = 278;
t['Imacron'] = 278;
t['Lcaron'] = 611;
t['onehalf'] = 834;
t['lessequal'] = 549;
t['ocircumflex'] = 611;
t['ntilde'] = 611;
t['Uhungarumlaut'] = 722;
t['Eacute'] = 667;
t['emacron'] = 556;
t['gbreve'] = 611;
t['onequarter'] = 834;
t['Scaron'] = 667;
t['Scommaaccent'] = 667;
t['Ohungarumlaut'] = 778;
t['degree'] = 400;
t['ograve'] = 611;
t['Ccaron'] = 722;
t['ugrave'] = 611;
t['radical'] = 549;
t['Dcaron'] = 722;
t['rcommaaccent'] = 389;
t['Ntilde'] = 722;
t['otilde'] = 611;
t['Rcommaaccent'] = 722;
t['Lcommaaccent'] = 611;
t['Atilde'] = 722;
t['Aogonek'] = 722;
t['Aring'] = 722;
t['Otilde'] = 778;
t['zdotaccent'] = 500;
t['Ecaron'] = 667;
t['Iogonek'] = 278;
t['kcommaaccent'] = 556;
t['minus'] = 584;
t['Icircumflex'] = 278;
t['ncaron'] = 611;
t['tcommaaccent'] = 333;
t['logicalnot'] = 584;
t['odieresis'] = 611;
t['udieresis'] = 611;
t['notequal'] = 549;
t['gcommaaccent'] = 611;
t['eth'] = 611;
t['zcaron'] = 500;
t['ncommaaccent'] = 611;
t['onesuperior'] = 333;
t['imacron'] = 278;
t['Euro'] = 556;
t['Helvetica-BoldOblique'] = getLookupTableFactory(function (t) {
t['space'] = 278;
t['exclam'] = 333;
t['quotedbl'] = 474;
t['numbersign'] = 556;
t['dollar'] = 556;
t['percent'] = 889;
t['ampersand'] = 722;
t['quoteright'] = 278;
t['parenleft'] = 333;
t['parenright'] = 333;
t['asterisk'] = 389;
t['plus'] = 584;
t['comma'] = 278;
t['hyphen'] = 333;
t['period'] = 278;
t['slash'] = 278;
t['zero'] = 556;
t['one'] = 556;
t['two'] = 556;
t['three'] = 556;
t['four'] = 556;
t['five'] = 556;
t['six'] = 556;
t['seven'] = 556;
t['eight'] = 556;
t['nine'] = 556;
t['colon'] = 333;
t['semicolon'] = 333;
t['less'] = 584;
t['equal'] = 584;
t['greater'] = 584;
t['question'] = 611;
t['at'] = 975;
t['A'] = 722;
t['B'] = 722;
t['C'] = 722;
t['D'] = 722;
t['E'] = 667;
t['F'] = 611;
t['G'] = 778;
t['H'] = 722;
t['I'] = 278;
t['J'] = 556;
t['K'] = 722;
t['L'] = 611;
t['M'] = 833;
t['N'] = 722;
t['O'] = 778;
t['P'] = 667;
t['Q'] = 778;
t['R'] = 722;
t['S'] = 667;
t['T'] = 611;
t['U'] = 722;
t['V'] = 667;
t['W'] = 944;
t['X'] = 667;
t['Y'] = 667;
t['Z'] = 611;
t['bracketleft'] = 333;
t['backslash'] = 278;
t['bracketright'] = 333;
t['asciicircum'] = 584;
t['underscore'] = 556;
t['quoteleft'] = 278;
t['a'] = 556;
t['b'] = 611;
t['c'] = 556;
t['d'] = 611;
t['e'] = 556;
t['f'] = 333;
t['g'] = 611;
t['h'] = 611;
t['i'] = 278;
t['j'] = 278;
t['k'] = 556;
t['l'] = 278;
t['m'] = 889;
t['n'] = 611;
t['o'] = 611;
t['p'] = 611;
t['q'] = 611;
t['r'] = 389;
t['s'] = 556;
t['t'] = 333;
t['u'] = 611;
t['v'] = 556;
t['w'] = 778;
t['x'] = 556;
t['y'] = 556;
t['z'] = 500;
t['braceleft'] = 389;
t['bar'] = 280;
t['braceright'] = 389;
t['asciitilde'] = 584;
t['exclamdown'] = 333;
t['cent'] = 556;
t['sterling'] = 556;
t['fraction'] = 167;
t['yen'] = 556;
t['florin'] = 556;
t['section'] = 556;
t['currency'] = 556;
t['quotesingle'] = 238;
t['quotedblleft'] = 500;
t['guillemotleft'] = 556;
t['guilsinglleft'] = 333;
t['guilsinglright'] = 333;
t['fi'] = 611;
t['fl'] = 611;
t['endash'] = 556;
t['dagger'] = 556;
t['daggerdbl'] = 556;
t['periodcentered'] = 278;
t['paragraph'] = 556;
t['bullet'] = 350;
t['quotesinglbase'] = 278;
t['quotedblbase'] = 500;
t['quotedblright'] = 500;
t['guillemotright'] = 556;
t['ellipsis'] = 1000;
t['perthousand'] = 1000;
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t['circumflex'] = 333;
t['tilde'] = 333;
t['macron'] = 333;
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t['Oslash'] = 778;
t['OE'] = 1000;
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t['aacute'] = 556;
t['Ucircumflex'] = 722;
t['yacute'] = 556;
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t['ecircumflex'] = 556;
t['Uring'] = 722;
t['Udieresis'] = 722;
t['aogonek'] = 556;
t['Uacute'] = 722;
t['uogonek'] = 611;
t['Edieresis'] = 667;
t['Dcroat'] = 722;
t['commaaccent'] = 250;
t['copyright'] = 737;
t['Emacron'] = 667;
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t['aring'] = 556;
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t['lacute'] = 278;
t['agrave'] = 556;
t['Tcommaaccent'] = 611;
t['Cacute'] = 722;
t['atilde'] = 556;
t['Edotaccent'] = 667;
t['scaron'] = 556;
t['scedilla'] = 556;
t['iacute'] = 278;
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t['Gcommaaccent'] = 778;
t['ucircumflex'] = 611;
t['acircumflex'] = 556;
t['Amacron'] = 722;
t['rcaron'] = 389;
t['ccedilla'] = 556;
t['Zdotaccent'] = 611;
t['Thorn'] = 667;
t['Omacron'] = 778;
t['Racute'] = 722;
t['Sacute'] = 667;
t['dcaron'] = 743;
t['Umacron'] = 722;
t['uring'] = 611;
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t['Ograve'] = 778;
t['Agrave'] = 722;
t['Abreve'] = 722;
t['multiply'] = 584;
t['uacute'] = 611;
t['Tcaron'] = 611;
t['partialdiff'] = 494;
t['ydieresis'] = 556;
t['Nacute'] = 722;
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t['Ecircumflex'] = 667;
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t['Ncaron'] = 722;
t['Iacute'] = 278;
t['plusminus'] = 584;
t['brokenbar'] = 280;
t['registered'] = 737;
t['Gbreve'] = 778;
t['Idotaccent'] = 278;
t['summation'] = 600;
t['Egrave'] = 667;
t['racute'] = 389;
t['omacron'] = 611;
t['Zacute'] = 611;
t['Zcaron'] = 611;
t['greaterequal'] = 549;
t['Eth'] = 722;
t['Ccedilla'] = 722;
t['lcommaaccent'] = 278;
t['tcaron'] = 389;
t['eogonek'] = 556;
t['Uogonek'] = 722;
t['Aacute'] = 722;
t['Adieresis'] = 722;
t['egrave'] = 556;
t['zacute'] = 500;
t['iogonek'] = 278;
t['Oacute'] = 778;
t['oacute'] = 611;
t['amacron'] = 556;
t['sacute'] = 556;
t['idieresis'] = 278;
t['Ocircumflex'] = 778;
t['Ugrave'] = 722;
t['Delta'] = 612;
t['thorn'] = 611;
t['twosuperior'] = 333;
t['Odieresis'] = 778;
t['mu'] = 611;
t['igrave'] = 278;
t['ohungarumlaut'] = 611;
t['Eogonek'] = 667;
t['dcroat'] = 611;
t['threequarters'] = 834;
t['Scedilla'] = 667;
t['lcaron'] = 400;
t['Kcommaaccent'] = 722;
t['Lacute'] = 611;
t['trademark'] = 1000;
t['edotaccent'] = 556;
t['Igrave'] = 278;
t['Imacron'] = 278;
t['Lcaron'] = 611;
t['onehalf'] = 834;
t['lessequal'] = 549;
t['ocircumflex'] = 611;
t['ntilde'] = 611;
t['Uhungarumlaut'] = 722;
t['Eacute'] = 667;
t['emacron'] = 556;
t['gbreve'] = 611;
t['onequarter'] = 834;
t['Scaron'] = 667;
t['Scommaaccent'] = 667;
t['Ohungarumlaut'] = 778;
t['degree'] = 400;
t['ograve'] = 611;
t['Ccaron'] = 722;
t['ugrave'] = 611;
t['radical'] = 549;
t['Dcaron'] = 722;
t['rcommaaccent'] = 389;
t['Ntilde'] = 722;
t['otilde'] = 611;
t['Rcommaaccent'] = 722;
t['Lcommaaccent'] = 611;
t['Atilde'] = 722;
t['Aogonek'] = 722;
t['Aring'] = 722;
t['Otilde'] = 778;
t['zdotaccent'] = 500;
t['Ecaron'] = 667;
t['Iogonek'] = 278;
t['kcommaaccent'] = 556;
t['minus'] = 584;
t['Icircumflex'] = 278;
t['ncaron'] = 611;
t['tcommaaccent'] = 333;
t['logicalnot'] = 584;
t['odieresis'] = 611;
t['udieresis'] = 611;
t['notequal'] = 549;
t['gcommaaccent'] = 611;
t['eth'] = 611;
t['zcaron'] = 500;
t['ncommaaccent'] = 611;
t['onesuperior'] = 333;
t['imacron'] = 278;
t['Euro'] = 556;
t['Helvetica-Oblique'] = getLookupTableFactory(function (t) {
t['space'] = 278;
t['exclam'] = 278;
t['quotedbl'] = 355;
t['numbersign'] = 556;
t['dollar'] = 556;
t['percent'] = 889;
t['ampersand'] = 667;
t['quoteright'] = 222;
t['parenleft'] = 333;
t['parenright'] = 333;
t['asterisk'] = 389;
t['plus'] = 584;
t['comma'] = 278;
t['hyphen'] = 333;
t['period'] = 278;
t['slash'] = 278;
t['zero'] = 556;
t['one'] = 556;
t['two'] = 556;
t['three'] = 556;
t['four'] = 556;
t['five'] = 556;
t['six'] = 556;
t['seven'] = 556;
t['eight'] = 556;
t['nine'] = 556;
t['colon'] = 278;
t['semicolon'] = 278;
t['less'] = 584;
t['equal'] = 584;
t['greater'] = 584;
t['question'] = 556;
t['at'] = 1015;
t['A'] = 667;
t['B'] = 667;
t['C'] = 722;
t['D'] = 722;
t['E'] = 667;
t['F'] = 611;
t['G'] = 778;
t['H'] = 722;
t['I'] = 278;
t['J'] = 500;
t['K'] = 667;
t['L'] = 556;
t['M'] = 833;
t['N'] = 722;
t['O'] = 778;
t['P'] = 667;
t['Q'] = 778;
t['R'] = 722;
t['S'] = 667;
t['T'] = 611;
t['U'] = 722;
t['V'] = 667;
t['W'] = 944;
t['X'] = 667;
t['Y'] = 667;
t['Z'] = 611;
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t['backslash'] = 278;
t['bracketright'] = 278;
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t['e'] = 556;
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t['g'] = 556;
t['h'] = 556;
t['i'] = 222;
t['j'] = 222;
t['k'] = 500;
t['l'] = 222;
t['m'] = 833;
t['n'] = 556;
t['o'] = 556;
t['p'] = 556;
t['q'] = 556;
t['r'] = 333;
t['s'] = 500;
t['t'] = 278;
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t['v'] = 500;
t['w'] = 722;
t['x'] = 500;
t['y'] = 500;
t['z'] = 500;
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t['bar'] = 260;
t['braceright'] = 334;
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t['yen'] = 556;
t['florin'] = 556;
t['section'] = 556;
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t['guilsinglright'] = 333;
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t['paragraph'] = 537;
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t['OE'] = 1000;
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t['uhungarumlaut'] = 556;
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t['aacute'] = 556;
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t['Uring'] = 722;
t['Udieresis'] = 722;
t['aogonek'] = 556;
t['Uacute'] = 722;
t['uogonek'] = 556;
t['Edieresis'] = 667;
t['Dcroat'] = 722;
t['commaaccent'] = 250;
t['copyright'] = 737;
t['Emacron'] = 667;
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t['aring'] = 556;
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t['Edotaccent'] = 667;
t['scaron'] = 500;
t['scedilla'] = 500;
t['iacute'] = 278;
t['lozenge'] = 471;
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t['Gcommaaccent'] = 778;
t['ucircumflex'] = 556;
t['acircumflex'] = 556;
t['Amacron'] = 667;
t['rcaron'] = 333;
t['ccedilla'] = 500;
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t['Thorn'] = 667;
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t['Sacute'] = 667;
t['dcaron'] = 643;
t['Umacron'] = 722;
t['uring'] = 556;
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t['Ograve'] = 778;
t['Agrave'] = 667;
t['Abreve'] = 667;
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t['uacute'] = 556;
t['Tcaron'] = 611;
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t['registered'] = 737;
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t['Idotaccent'] = 278;
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t['Egrave'] = 667;
t['racute'] = 333;
t['omacron'] = 556;
t['Zacute'] = 611;
t['Zcaron'] = 611;
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t['Eth'] = 722;
t['Ccedilla'] = 722;
t['lcommaaccent'] = 222;
t['tcaron'] = 317;
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t['Uogonek'] = 722;
t['Aacute'] = 667;
t['Adieresis'] = 667;
t['egrave'] = 556;
t['zacute'] = 500;
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t['oacute'] = 556;
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t['sacute'] = 500;
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t['Ugrave'] = 722;
t['Delta'] = 612;
t['thorn'] = 556;
t['twosuperior'] = 333;
t['Odieresis'] = 778;
t['mu'] = 556;
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t['ohungarumlaut'] = 556;
t['Eogonek'] = 667;
t['dcroat'] = 556;
t['threequarters'] = 834;
t['Scedilla'] = 667;
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t['Kcommaaccent'] = 667;
t['Lacute'] = 556;
t['trademark'] = 1000;
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t['Igrave'] = 278;
t['Imacron'] = 278;
t['Lcaron'] = 556;
t['onehalf'] = 834;
t['lessequal'] = 549;
t['ocircumflex'] = 556;
t['ntilde'] = 556;
t['Uhungarumlaut'] = 722;
t['Eacute'] = 667;
t['emacron'] = 556;
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t['Scaron'] = 667;
t['Scommaaccent'] = 667;
t['Ohungarumlaut'] = 778;
t['degree'] = 400;
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t['radical'] = 453;
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t['Ntilde'] = 722;
t['otilde'] = 556;
t['Rcommaaccent'] = 722;
t['Lcommaaccent'] = 556;
t['Atilde'] = 667;
t['Aogonek'] = 667;
t['Aring'] = 667;
t['Otilde'] = 778;
t['zdotaccent'] = 500;
t['Ecaron'] = 667;
t['Iogonek'] = 278;
t['kcommaaccent'] = 500;
t['minus'] = 584;
t['Icircumflex'] = 278;
t['ncaron'] = 556;
t['tcommaaccent'] = 278;
t['logicalnot'] = 584;
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t['udieresis'] = 556;
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t['ncommaaccent'] = 556;
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t['Euro'] = 556;
t['Symbol'] = getLookupTableFactory(function (t) {
t['space'] = 250;
t['exclam'] = 333;
t['universal'] = 713;
t['numbersign'] = 500;
t['existential'] = 549;
t['percent'] = 833;
t['ampersand'] = 778;
t['suchthat'] = 439;
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t['comma'] = 250;
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t['period'] = 250;
t['slash'] = 278;
t['zero'] = 500;
t['one'] = 500;
t['two'] = 500;
t['three'] = 500;
t['four'] = 500;
t['five'] = 500;
t['six'] = 500;
t['seven'] = 500;
t['eight'] = 500;
t['nine'] = 500;
t['colon'] = 278;
t['semicolon'] = 278;
t['less'] = 549;
t['equal'] = 549;
t['greater'] = 549;
t['question'] = 444;
t['congruent'] = 549;
t['Alpha'] = 722;
t['Beta'] = 667;
t['Chi'] = 722;
t['Delta'] = 612;
t['Epsilon'] = 611;
t['Phi'] = 763;
t['Gamma'] = 603;
t['Eta'] = 722;
t['Iota'] = 333;
t['theta1'] = 631;
t['Kappa'] = 722;
t['Lambda'] = 686;
t['Mu'] = 889;
t['Nu'] = 722;
t['Omicron'] = 722;
t['Pi'] = 768;
t['Theta'] = 741;
t['Rho'] = 556;
t['Sigma'] = 592;
t['Tau'] = 611;
t['Upsilon'] = 690;
t['sigma1'] = 439;
t['Omega'] = 768;
t['Xi'] = 645;
t['Psi'] = 795;
t['Zeta'] = 611;
t['bracketleft'] = 333;
t['therefore'] = 863;
t['bracketright'] = 333;
t['perpendicular'] = 658;
t['underscore'] = 500;
t['radicalex'] = 500;
t['alpha'] = 631;
t['beta'] = 549;
t['chi'] = 549;
t['delta'] = 494;
t['epsilon'] = 439;
t['phi'] = 521;
t['gamma'] = 411;
t['eta'] = 603;
t['iota'] = 329;
t['phi1'] = 603;
t['kappa'] = 549;
t['lambda'] = 549;
t['mu'] = 576;
t['nu'] = 521;
t['omicron'] = 549;
t['pi'] = 549;
t['theta'] = 521;
t['rho'] = 549;
t['sigma'] = 603;
t['tau'] = 439;
t['upsilon'] = 576;
t['omega1'] = 713;
t['omega'] = 686;
t['xi'] = 493;
t['psi'] = 686;
t['zeta'] = 494;
t['braceleft'] = 480;
t['bar'] = 200;
t['braceright'] = 480;
t['similar'] = 549;
t['Euro'] = 750;
t['Upsilon1'] = 620;
t['minute'] = 247;
t['lessequal'] = 549;
t['fraction'] = 167;
t['infinity'] = 713;
t['florin'] = 500;
t['club'] = 753;
t['diamond'] = 753;
t['heart'] = 753;
t['spade'] = 753;
t['arrowboth'] = 1042;
t['arrowleft'] = 987;
t['arrowup'] = 603;
t['arrowright'] = 987;
t['arrowdown'] = 603;
t['degree'] = 400;
t['plusminus'] = 549;
t['second'] = 411;
t['greaterequal'] = 549;
t['multiply'] = 549;
t['proportional'] = 713;
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t['bullet'] = 460;
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t['ellipsis'] = 1000;
t['arrowvertex'] = 603;
t['arrowhorizex'] = 1000;
t['carriagereturn'] = 658;
t['aleph'] = 823;
t['Ifraktur'] = 686;
t['Rfraktur'] = 795;
t['weierstrass'] = 987;
t['circlemultiply'] = 768;
t['circleplus'] = 768;
t['emptyset'] = 823;
t['intersection'] = 768;
t['union'] = 768;
t['propersuperset'] = 713;
t['reflexsuperset'] = 713;
t['notsubset'] = 713;
t['propersubset'] = 713;
t['reflexsubset'] = 713;
t['element'] = 713;
t['notelement'] = 713;
t['angle'] = 768;
t['gradient'] = 713;
t['registerserif'] = 790;
t['copyrightserif'] = 790;
t['trademarkserif'] = 890;
t['product'] = 823;
t['radical'] = 549;
t['dotmath'] = 250;
t['logicalnot'] = 713;
t['logicaland'] = 603;
t['logicalor'] = 603;
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t['arrowdblright'] = 987;
t['arrowdbldown'] = 603;
t['lozenge'] = 494;
t['angleleft'] = 329;
t['registersans'] = 790;
t['copyrightsans'] = 790;
t['trademarksans'] = 786;
t['summation'] = 713;
t['parenlefttp'] = 384;
t['parenleftex'] = 384;
t['parenleftbt'] = 384;
t['bracketlefttp'] = 384;
t['bracketleftex'] = 384;
t['bracketleftbt'] = 384;
t['bracelefttp'] = 494;
t['braceleftmid'] = 494;
t['braceleftbt'] = 494;
t['braceex'] = 494;
t['angleright'] = 329;
t['integral'] = 274;
t['integraltp'] = 686;
t['integralex'] = 686;
t['integralbt'] = 686;
t['parenrighttp'] = 384;
t['parenrightex'] = 384;
t['parenrightbt'] = 384;
t['bracketrighttp'] = 384;
t['bracketrightex'] = 384;
t['bracketrightbt'] = 384;
t['bracerighttp'] = 494;
t['bracerightmid'] = 494;
t['bracerightbt'] = 494;
t['apple'] = 790;
t['Times-Roman'] = getLookupTableFactory(function (t) {
t['space'] = 250;
t['exclam'] = 333;
t['quotedbl'] = 408;
t['numbersign'] = 500;
t['dollar'] = 500;
t['percent'] = 833;
t['ampersand'] = 778;
t['quoteright'] = 333;
t['parenleft'] = 333;
t['parenright'] = 333;
t['asterisk'] = 500;
t['plus'] = 564;
t['comma'] = 250;
t['hyphen'] = 333;
t['period'] = 250;
t['slash'] = 278;
t['zero'] = 500;
t['one'] = 500;
t['two'] = 500;
t['three'] = 500;
t['four'] = 500;
t['five'] = 500;
t['six'] = 500;
t['seven'] = 500;
t['eight'] = 500;
t['nine'] = 500;
t['colon'] = 278;
t['semicolon'] = 278;
t['less'] = 564;
t['equal'] = 564;
t['greater'] = 564;
t['question'] = 444;
t['at'] = 921;
t['A'] = 722;
t['B'] = 667;
t['C'] = 667;
t['D'] = 722;
t['E'] = 611;
t['F'] = 556;
t['G'] = 722;
t['H'] = 722;
t['I'] = 333;
t['J'] = 389;
t['K'] = 722;
t['L'] = 611;
t['M'] = 889;
t['N'] = 722;
t['O'] = 722;
t['P'] = 556;
t['Q'] = 722;
t['R'] = 667;
t['S'] = 556;
t['T'] = 611;
t['U'] = 722;
t['V'] = 722;
t['W'] = 944;
t['X'] = 722;
t['Y'] = 722;
t['Z'] = 611;
t['bracketleft'] = 333;
t['backslash'] = 278;
t['bracketright'] = 333;
t['asciicircum'] = 469;
t['underscore'] = 500;
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t['Zacute'] = 611;
t['Zcaron'] = 611;
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t['Eth'] = 722;
t['Ccedilla'] = 667;
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t['tcaron'] = 326;
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t['Oacute'] = 722;
t['oacute'] = 500;
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t['Ocircumflex'] = 722;
t['Ugrave'] = 722;
t['Delta'] = 612;
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t['Odieresis'] = 722;
t['mu'] = 500;
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t['ohungarumlaut'] = 500;
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t['dcroat'] = 500;
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t['Lacute'] = 611;
t['trademark'] = 980;
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t['Imacron'] = 333;
t['Lcaron'] = 611;
t['onehalf'] = 750;
t['lessequal'] = 549;
t['ocircumflex'] = 500;
t['ntilde'] = 500;
t['Uhungarumlaut'] = 722;
t['Eacute'] = 611;
t['emacron'] = 444;
t['gbreve'] = 500;
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t['Scaron'] = 556;
t['Scommaaccent'] = 556;
t['Ohungarumlaut'] = 722;
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t['radical'] = 453;
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t['Ntilde'] = 722;
t['otilde'] = 500;
t['Rcommaaccent'] = 667;
t['Lcommaaccent'] = 611;
t['Atilde'] = 722;
t['Aogonek'] = 722;
t['Aring'] = 722;
t['Otilde'] = 722;
t['zdotaccent'] = 444;
t['Ecaron'] = 611;
t['Iogonek'] = 333;
t['kcommaaccent'] = 500;
t['minus'] = 564;
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t['tcommaaccent'] = 278;
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t['udieresis'] = 500;
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t['ncommaaccent'] = 500;
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t['Euro'] = 500;
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t['space'] = 250;
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t['numbersign'] = 500;
t['dollar'] = 500;
t['percent'] = 1000;
t['ampersand'] = 833;
t['quoteright'] = 333;
t['parenleft'] = 333;
t['parenright'] = 333;
t['asterisk'] = 500;
t['plus'] = 570;
t['comma'] = 250;
t['hyphen'] = 333;
t['period'] = 250;
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t['zero'] = 500;
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t['two'] = 500;
t['three'] = 500;
t['four'] = 500;
t['five'] = 500;
t['six'] = 500;
t['seven'] = 500;
t['eight'] = 500;
t['nine'] = 500;
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t['B'] = 667;
t['C'] = 722;
t['D'] = 722;
t['E'] = 667;
t['F'] = 611;
t['G'] = 778;
t['H'] = 778;
t['I'] = 389;
t['J'] = 500;
t['K'] = 778;
t['L'] = 667;
t['M'] = 944;
t['N'] = 722;
t['O'] = 778;
t['P'] = 611;
t['Q'] = 778;
t['R'] = 722;
t['S'] = 556;
t['T'] = 667;
t['U'] = 722;
t['V'] = 722;
t['W'] = 1000;
t['X'] = 722;
t['Y'] = 722;
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t['n'] = 556;
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t['r'] = 444;
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t['t'] = 333;
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t['uogonek'] = 556;
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t['omacron'] = 500;
t['Zacute'] = 667;
t['Zcaron'] = 667;
t['greaterequal'] = 549;
t['Eth'] = 722;
t['Ccedilla'] = 722;
t['lcommaaccent'] = 278;
t['tcaron'] = 416;
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t['Adieresis'] = 722;
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t['oacute'] = 500;
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t['mu'] = 556;
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t['Eogonek'] = 667;
t['dcroat'] = 556;
t['threequarters'] = 750;
t['Scedilla'] = 556;
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t['Kcommaaccent'] = 778;
t['Lacute'] = 667;
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t['Imacron'] = 389;
t['Lcaron'] = 667;
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t['ntilde'] = 556;
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t['Eacute'] = 667;
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t['gbreve'] = 500;
t['onequarter'] = 750;
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t['Scommaaccent'] = 556;
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t['otilde'] = 500;
t['Rcommaaccent'] = 722;
t['Lcommaaccent'] = 667;
t['Atilde'] = 722;
t['Aogonek'] = 722;
t['Aring'] = 722;
t['Otilde'] = 778;
t['zdotaccent'] = 444;
t['Ecaron'] = 667;
t['Iogonek'] = 389;
t['kcommaaccent'] = 556;
t['minus'] = 570;
t['Icircumflex'] = 389;
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t['udieresis'] = 556;
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t['Euro'] = 500;
t['Times-BoldItalic'] = getLookupTableFactory(function (t) {
t['space'] = 250;
t['exclam'] = 389;
t['quotedbl'] = 555;
t['numbersign'] = 500;
t['dollar'] = 500;
t['percent'] = 833;
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t['quoteright'] = 333;
t['parenleft'] = 333;
t['parenright'] = 333;
t['asterisk'] = 500;
t['plus'] = 570;
t['comma'] = 250;
t['hyphen'] = 333;
t['period'] = 250;
t['slash'] = 278;
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t['one'] = 500;
t['two'] = 500;
t['three'] = 500;
t['four'] = 500;
t['five'] = 500;
t['six'] = 500;
t['seven'] = 500;
t['eight'] = 500;
t['nine'] = 500;
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t['B'] = 667;
t['C'] = 667;
t['D'] = 722;
t['E'] = 667;
t['F'] = 667;
t['G'] = 722;
t['H'] = 778;
t['I'] = 389;
t['J'] = 500;
t['K'] = 667;
t['L'] = 611;
t['M'] = 889;
t['N'] = 722;
t['O'] = 722;
t['P'] = 611;
t['Q'] = 722;
t['R'] = 667;
t['S'] = 556;
t['T'] = 611;
t['U'] = 722;
t['V'] = 667;
t['W'] = 889;
t['X'] = 667;
t['Y'] = 611;
t['Z'] = 611;
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t['backslash'] = 278;
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t['g'] = 500;
t['h'] = 556;
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t['j'] = 278;
t['k'] = 500;
t['l'] = 278;
t['m'] = 778;
t['n'] = 556;
t['o'] = 500;
t['p'] = 500;
t['q'] = 500;
t['r'] = 389;
t['s'] = 389;
t['t'] = 278;
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t['braceright'] = 348;
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t['yen'] = 500;
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t['uogonek'] = 556;
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t['Tcaron'] = 611;
t['partialdiff'] = 494;
t['ydieresis'] = 444;
t['Nacute'] = 722;
t['icircumflex'] = 278;
t['Ecircumflex'] = 667;
t['adieresis'] = 500;
t['edieresis'] = 444;
t['cacute'] = 444;
t['nacute'] = 556;
t['umacron'] = 556;
t['Ncaron'] = 722;
t['Iacute'] = 389;
t['plusminus'] = 570;
t['brokenbar'] = 220;
t['registered'] = 747;
t['Gbreve'] = 722;
t['Idotaccent'] = 389;
t['summation'] = 600;
t['Egrave'] = 667;
t['racute'] = 389;
t['omacron'] = 500;
t['Zacute'] = 611;
t['Zcaron'] = 611;
t['greaterequal'] = 549;
t['Eth'] = 722;
t['Ccedilla'] = 667;
t['lcommaaccent'] = 278;
t['tcaron'] = 366;
t['eogonek'] = 444;
t['Uogonek'] = 722;
t['Aacute'] = 667;
t['Adieresis'] = 667;
t['egrave'] = 444;
t['zacute'] = 389;
t['iogonek'] = 278;
t['Oacute'] = 722;
t['oacute'] = 500;
t['amacron'] = 500;
t['sacute'] = 389;
t['idieresis'] = 278;
t['Ocircumflex'] = 722;
t['Ugrave'] = 722;
t['Delta'] = 612;
t['thorn'] = 500;
t['twosuperior'] = 300;
t['Odieresis'] = 722;
t['mu'] = 576;
t['igrave'] = 278;
t['ohungarumlaut'] = 500;
t['Eogonek'] = 667;
t['dcroat'] = 500;
t['threequarters'] = 750;
t['Scedilla'] = 556;
t['lcaron'] = 382;
t['Kcommaaccent'] = 667;
t['Lacute'] = 611;
t['trademark'] = 1000;
t['edotaccent'] = 444;
t['Igrave'] = 389;
t['Imacron'] = 389;
t['Lcaron'] = 611;
t['onehalf'] = 750;
t['lessequal'] = 549;
t['ocircumflex'] = 500;
t['ntilde'] = 556;
t['Uhungarumlaut'] = 722;
t['Eacute'] = 667;
t['emacron'] = 444;
t['gbreve'] = 500;
t['onequarter'] = 750;
t['Scaron'] = 556;
t['Scommaaccent'] = 556;
t['Ohungarumlaut'] = 722;
t['degree'] = 400;
t['ograve'] = 500;
t['Ccaron'] = 667;
t['ugrave'] = 556;
t['radical'] = 549;
t['Dcaron'] = 722;
t['rcommaaccent'] = 389;
t['Ntilde'] = 722;
t['otilde'] = 500;
t['Rcommaaccent'] = 667;
t['Lcommaaccent'] = 611;
t['Atilde'] = 667;
t['Aogonek'] = 667;
t['Aring'] = 667;
t['Otilde'] = 722;
t['zdotaccent'] = 389;
t['Ecaron'] = 667;
t['Iogonek'] = 389;
t['kcommaaccent'] = 500;
t['minus'] = 606;
t['Icircumflex'] = 389;
t['ncaron'] = 556;
t['tcommaaccent'] = 278;
t['logicalnot'] = 606;
t['odieresis'] = 500;
t['udieresis'] = 556;
t['notequal'] = 549;
t['gcommaaccent'] = 500;
t['eth'] = 500;
t['zcaron'] = 389;
t['ncommaaccent'] = 556;
t['onesuperior'] = 300;
t['imacron'] = 278;
t['Euro'] = 500;
t['Times-Italic'] = getLookupTableFactory(function (t) {
t['space'] = 250;
t['exclam'] = 333;
t['quotedbl'] = 420;
t['numbersign'] = 500;
t['dollar'] = 500;
t['percent'] = 833;
t['ampersand'] = 778;
t['quoteright'] = 333;
t['parenleft'] = 333;
t['parenright'] = 333;
t['asterisk'] = 500;
t['plus'] = 675;
t['comma'] = 250;
t['hyphen'] = 333;
t['period'] = 250;
t['slash'] = 278;
t['zero'] = 500;
t['one'] = 500;
t['two'] = 500;
t['three'] = 500;
t['four'] = 500;
t['five'] = 500;
t['six'] = 500;
t['seven'] = 500;
t['eight'] = 500;
t['nine'] = 500;
t['colon'] = 333;
t['semicolon'] = 333;
t['less'] = 675;
t['equal'] = 675;
t['greater'] = 675;
t['question'] = 500;
t['at'] = 920;
t['A'] = 611;
t['B'] = 611;
t['C'] = 667;
t['D'] = 722;
t['E'] = 611;
t['F'] = 611;
t['G'] = 722;
t['H'] = 722;
t['I'] = 333;
t['J'] = 444;
t['K'] = 667;
t['L'] = 556;
t['M'] = 833;
t['N'] = 667;
t['O'] = 722;
t['P'] = 611;
t['Q'] = 722;
t['R'] = 611;
t['S'] = 500;
t['T'] = 556;
t['U'] = 722;
t['V'] = 611;
t['W'] = 833;
t['X'] = 611;
t['Y'] = 556;
t['Z'] = 556;
t['bracketleft'] = 389;
t['backslash'] = 278;
t['bracketright'] = 389;
t['asciicircum'] = 422;
t['underscore'] = 500;
t['quoteleft'] = 333;
t['a'] = 500;
t['b'] = 500;
t['c'] = 444;
t['d'] = 500;
t['e'] = 444;
t['f'] = 278;
t['g'] = 500;
t['h'] = 500;
t['i'] = 278;
t['j'] = 278;
t['k'] = 444;
t['l'] = 278;
t['m'] = 722;
t['n'] = 500;
t['o'] = 500;
t['p'] = 500;
t['q'] = 500;
t['r'] = 389;
t['s'] = 389;
t['t'] = 278;
t['u'] = 500;
t['v'] = 444;
t['w'] = 667;
t['x'] = 444;
t['y'] = 444;
t['z'] = 389;
t['braceleft'] = 400;
t['bar'] = 275;
t['braceright'] = 400;
t['asciitilde'] = 541;
t['exclamdown'] = 389;
t['cent'] = 500;
t['sterling'] = 500;
t['fraction'] = 167;
t['yen'] = 500;
t['florin'] = 500;
t['section'] = 500;
t['currency'] = 500;
t['quotesingle'] = 214;
t['quotedblleft'] = 556;
t['guillemotleft'] = 500;
t['guilsinglleft'] = 333;
t['guilsinglright'] = 333;
t['fi'] = 500;
t['fl'] = 500;
t['endash'] = 500;
t['dagger'] = 500;
t['daggerdbl'] = 500;
t['periodcentered'] = 250;
t['paragraph'] = 523;
t['bullet'] = 350;
t['quotesinglbase'] = 333;
t['quotedblbase'] = 556;
t['quotedblright'] = 556;
t['guillemotright'] = 500;
t['ellipsis'] = 889;
t['perthousand'] = 1000;
t['questiondown'] = 500;
t['grave'] = 333;
t['acute'] = 333;
t['circumflex'] = 333;
t['tilde'] = 333;
t['macron'] = 333;
t['breve'] = 333;
t['dotaccent'] = 333;
t['dieresis'] = 333;
t['ring'] = 333;
t['cedilla'] = 333;
t['hungarumlaut'] = 333;
t['ogonek'] = 333;
t['caron'] = 333;
t['emdash'] = 889;
t['AE'] = 889;
t['ordfeminine'] = 276;
t['Lslash'] = 556;
t['Oslash'] = 722;
t['OE'] = 944;
t['ordmasculine'] = 310;
t['ae'] = 667;
t['dotlessi'] = 278;
t['lslash'] = 278;
t['oslash'] = 500;
t['oe'] = 667;
t['germandbls'] = 500;
t['Idieresis'] = 333;
t['eacute'] = 444;
t['abreve'] = 500;
t['uhungarumlaut'] = 500;
t['ecaron'] = 444;
t['Ydieresis'] = 556;
t['divide'] = 675;
t['Yacute'] = 556;
t['Acircumflex'] = 611;
t['aacute'] = 500;
t['Ucircumflex'] = 722;
t['yacute'] = 444;
t['scommaaccent'] = 389;
t['ecircumflex'] = 444;
t['Uring'] = 722;
t['Udieresis'] = 722;
t['aogonek'] = 500;
t['Uacute'] = 722;
t['uogonek'] = 500;
t['Edieresis'] = 611;
t['Dcroat'] = 722;
t['commaaccent'] = 250;
t['copyright'] = 760;
t['Emacron'] = 611;
t['ccaron'] = 444;
t['aring'] = 500;
t['Ncommaaccent'] = 667;
t['lacute'] = 278;
t['agrave'] = 500;
t['Tcommaaccent'] = 556;
t['Cacute'] = 667;
t['atilde'] = 500;
t['Edotaccent'] = 611;
t['scaron'] = 389;
t['scedilla'] = 389;
t['iacute'] = 278;
t['lozenge'] = 471;
t['Rcaron'] = 611;
t['Gcommaaccent'] = 722;
t['ucircumflex'] = 500;
t['acircumflex'] = 500;
t['Amacron'] = 611;
t['rcaron'] = 389;
t['ccedilla'] = 444;
t['Zdotaccent'] = 556;
t['Thorn'] = 611;
t['Omacron'] = 722;
t['Racute'] = 611;
t['Sacute'] = 500;
t['dcaron'] = 544;
t['Umacron'] = 722;
t['uring'] = 500;
t['threesuperior'] = 300;
t['Ograve'] = 722;
t['Agrave'] = 611;
t['Abreve'] = 611;
t['multiply'] = 675;
t['uacute'] = 500;
t['Tcaron'] = 556;
t['partialdiff'] = 476;
t['ydieresis'] = 444;
t['Nacute'] = 667;
t['icircumflex'] = 278;
t['Ecircumflex'] = 611;
t['adieresis'] = 500;
t['edieresis'] = 444;
t['cacute'] = 444;
t['nacute'] = 500;
t['umacron'] = 500;
t['Ncaron'] = 667;
t['Iacute'] = 333;
t['plusminus'] = 675;
t['brokenbar'] = 275;
t['registered'] = 760;
t['Gbreve'] = 722;
t['Idotaccent'] = 333;
t['summation'] = 600;
t['Egrave'] = 611;
t['racute'] = 389;
t['omacron'] = 500;
t['Zacute'] = 556;
t['Zcaron'] = 556;
t['greaterequal'] = 549;
t['Eth'] = 722;
t['Ccedilla'] = 667;
t['lcommaaccent'] = 278;
t['tcaron'] = 300;
t['eogonek'] = 444;
t['Uogonek'] = 722;
t['Aacute'] = 611;
t['Adieresis'] = 611;
t['egrave'] = 444;
t['zacute'] = 389;
t['iogonek'] = 278;
t['Oacute'] = 722;
t['oacute'] = 500;
t['amacron'] = 500;
t['sacute'] = 389;
t['idieresis'] = 278;
t['Ocircumflex'] = 722;
t['Ugrave'] = 722;
t['Delta'] = 612;
t['thorn'] = 500;
t['twosuperior'] = 300;
t['Odieresis'] = 722;
t['mu'] = 500;
t['igrave'] = 278;
t['ohungarumlaut'] = 500;
t['Eogonek'] = 611;
t['dcroat'] = 500;
t['threequarters'] = 750;
t['Scedilla'] = 500;
t['lcaron'] = 300;
t['Kcommaaccent'] = 667;
t['Lacute'] = 556;
t['trademark'] = 980;
t['edotaccent'] = 444;
t['Igrave'] = 333;
t['Imacron'] = 333;
t['Lcaron'] = 611;
t['onehalf'] = 750;
t['lessequal'] = 549;
t['ocircumflex'] = 500;
t['ntilde'] = 500;
t['Uhungarumlaut'] = 722;
t['Eacute'] = 611;
t['emacron'] = 444;
t['gbreve'] = 500;
t['onequarter'] = 750;
t['Scaron'] = 500;
t['Scommaaccent'] = 500;
t['Ohungarumlaut'] = 722;
t['degree'] = 400;
t['ograve'] = 500;
t['Ccaron'] = 667;
t['ugrave'] = 500;
t['radical'] = 453;
t['Dcaron'] = 722;
t['rcommaaccent'] = 389;
t['Ntilde'] = 667;
t['otilde'] = 500;
t['Rcommaaccent'] = 611;
t['Lcommaaccent'] = 556;
t['Atilde'] = 611;
t['Aogonek'] = 611;
t['Aring'] = 611;
t['Otilde'] = 722;
t['zdotaccent'] = 389;
t['Ecaron'] = 611;
t['Iogonek'] = 333;
t['kcommaaccent'] = 444;
t['minus'] = 675;
t['Icircumflex'] = 333;
t['ncaron'] = 500;
t['tcommaaccent'] = 278;
t['logicalnot'] = 675;
t['odieresis'] = 500;
t['udieresis'] = 500;
t['notequal'] = 549;
t['gcommaaccent'] = 500;
t['eth'] = 500;
t['zcaron'] = 389;
t['ncommaaccent'] = 500;
t['onesuperior'] = 300;
t['imacron'] = 278;
t['Euro'] = 500;
t['ZapfDingbats'] = getLookupTableFactory(function (t) {
t['space'] = 278;
t['a1'] = 974;
t['a2'] = 961;
t['a202'] = 974;
t['a3'] = 980;
t['a4'] = 719;
t['a5'] = 789;
t['a119'] = 790;
t['a118'] = 791;
t['a117'] = 690;
t['a11'] = 960;
t['a12'] = 939;
t['a13'] = 549;
t['a14'] = 855;
t['a15'] = 911;
t['a16'] = 933;
t['a105'] = 911;
t['a17'] = 945;
t['a18'] = 974;
t['a19'] = 755;
t['a20'] = 846;
t['a21'] = 762;
t['a22'] = 761;
t['a23'] = 571;
t['a24'] = 677;
t['a25'] = 763;
t['a26'] = 760;
t['a27'] = 759;
t['a28'] = 754;
t['a6'] = 494;
t['a7'] = 552;
t['a8'] = 537;
t['a9'] = 577;
t['a10'] = 692;
t['a29'] = 786;
t['a30'] = 788;
t['a31'] = 788;
t['a32'] = 790;
t['a33'] = 793;
t['a34'] = 794;
t['a35'] = 816;
t['a36'] = 823;
t['a37'] = 789;
t['a38'] = 841;
t['a39'] = 823;
t['a40'] = 833;
t['a41'] = 816;
t['a42'] = 831;
t['a43'] = 923;
t['a44'] = 744;
t['a45'] = 723;
t['a46'] = 749;
t['a47'] = 790;
t['a48'] = 792;
t['a49'] = 695;
t['a50'] = 776;
t['a51'] = 768;
t['a52'] = 792;
t['a53'] = 759;
t['a54'] = 707;
t['a55'] = 708;
t['a56'] = 682;
t['a57'] = 701;
t['a58'] = 826;
t['a59'] = 815;
t['a60'] = 789;
t['a61'] = 789;
t['a62'] = 707;
t['a63'] = 687;
t['a64'] = 696;
t['a65'] = 689;
t['a66'] = 786;
t['a67'] = 787;
t['a68'] = 713;
t['a69'] = 791;
t['a70'] = 785;
t['a71'] = 791;
t['a72'] = 873;
t['a73'] = 761;
t['a74'] = 762;
t['a203'] = 762;
t['a75'] = 759;
t['a204'] = 759;
t['a76'] = 892;
t['a77'] = 892;
t['a78'] = 788;
t['a79'] = 784;
t['a81'] = 438;
t['a82'] = 138;
t['a83'] = 277;
t['a84'] = 415;
t['a97'] = 392;
t['a98'] = 392;
t['a99'] = 668;
t['a100'] = 668;
t['a89'] = 390;
t['a90'] = 390;
t['a93'] = 317;
t['a94'] = 317;
t['a91'] = 276;
t['a92'] = 276;
t['a205'] = 509;
t['a85'] = 509;
t['a206'] = 410;
t['a86'] = 410;
t['a87'] = 234;
t['a88'] = 234;
t['a95'] = 334;
t['a96'] = 334;
t['a101'] = 732;
t['a102'] = 544;
t['a103'] = 544;
t['a104'] = 910;
t['a106'] = 667;
t['a107'] = 760;
t['a108'] = 760;
t['a112'] = 776;
t['a111'] = 595;
t['a110'] = 694;
t['a109'] = 626;
t['a120'] = 788;
t['a121'] = 788;
t['a122'] = 788;
t['a123'] = 788;
t['a124'] = 788;
t['a125'] = 788;
t['a126'] = 788;
t['a127'] = 788;
t['a128'] = 788;
t['a129'] = 788;
t['a130'] = 788;
t['a131'] = 788;
t['a132'] = 788;
t['a133'] = 788;
t['a134'] = 788;
t['a135'] = 788;
t['a136'] = 788;
t['a137'] = 788;
t['a138'] = 788;
t['a139'] = 788;
t['a140'] = 788;
t['a141'] = 788;
t['a142'] = 788;
t['a143'] = 788;
t['a144'] = 788;
t['a145'] = 788;
t['a146'] = 788;
t['a147'] = 788;
t['a148'] = 788;
t['a149'] = 788;
t['a150'] = 788;
t['a151'] = 788;
t['a152'] = 788;
t['a153'] = 788;
t['a154'] = 788;
t['a155'] = 788;
t['a156'] = 788;
t['a157'] = 788;
t['a158'] = 788;
t['a159'] = 788;
t['a160'] = 894;
t['a161'] = 838;
t['a163'] = 1016;
t['a164'] = 458;
t['a196'] = 748;
t['a165'] = 924;
t['a192'] = 748;
t['a166'] = 918;
t['a167'] = 927;
t['a168'] = 928;
t['a169'] = 928;
t['a170'] = 834;
t['a171'] = 873;
t['a172'] = 828;
t['a173'] = 924;
t['a162'] = 924;
t['a174'] = 917;
t['a175'] = 930;
t['a176'] = 931;
t['a177'] = 463;
t['a178'] = 883;
t['a179'] = 836;
t['a193'] = 836;
t['a180'] = 867;
t['a199'] = 867;
t['a181'] = 696;
t['a200'] = 696;
t['a182'] = 874;
t['a201'] = 874;
t['a183'] = 760;
t['a184'] = 946;
t['a197'] = 771;
t['a185'] = 865;
t['a194'] = 771;
t['a198'] = 888;
t['a186'] = 967;
t['a195'] = 888;
t['a187'] = 831;
t['a188'] = 873;
t['a189'] = 927;
t['a190'] = 970;
t['a191'] = 918;
export {