
922 lines
29 KiB
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2011-10-26 10:18:22 +09:00
/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
'use strict';
2011-10-25 08:55:23 +09:00
var PartialEvaluator = (function partialEvaluator() {
function constructor(xref, handler, uniquePrefix) {
this.state = new EvalState();
this.stateStack = [];
this.xref = xref;
this.handler = handler;
this.uniquePrefix = uniquePrefix;
this.objIdCounter = 0;
var OP_MAP = {
// Graphics state
w: 'setLineWidth',
J: 'setLineCap',
j: 'setLineJoin',
M: 'setMiterLimit',
d: 'setDash',
ri: 'setRenderingIntent',
i: 'setFlatness',
gs: 'setGState',
q: 'save',
Q: 'restore',
cm: 'transform',
// Path
m: 'moveTo',
l: 'lineTo',
c: 'curveTo',
v: 'curveTo2',
y: 'curveTo3',
h: 'closePath',
re: 'rectangle',
S: 'stroke',
s: 'closeStroke',
f: 'fill',
F: 'fill',
'f*': 'eoFill',
B: 'fillStroke',
'B*': 'eoFillStroke',
b: 'closeFillStroke',
'b*': 'closeEOFillStroke',
n: 'endPath',
// Clipping
W: 'clip',
'W*': 'eoClip',
// Text
BT: 'beginText',
ET: 'endText',
Tc: 'setCharSpacing',
Tw: 'setWordSpacing',
Tz: 'setHScale',
TL: 'setLeading',
Tf: 'setFont',
Tr: 'setTextRenderingMode',
Ts: 'setTextRise',
Td: 'moveText',
TD: 'setLeadingMoveText',
Tm: 'setTextMatrix',
'T*': 'nextLine',
Tj: 'showText',
TJ: 'showSpacedText',
"'": 'nextLineShowText',
'"': 'nextLineSetSpacingShowText',
// Type3 fonts
d0: 'setCharWidth',
d1: 'setCharWidthAndBounds',
// Color
CS: 'setStrokeColorSpace',
cs: 'setFillColorSpace',
SC: 'setStrokeColor',
SCN: 'setStrokeColorN',
sc: 'setFillColor',
scn: 'setFillColorN',
G: 'setStrokeGray',
g: 'setFillGray',
RG: 'setStrokeRGBColor',
rg: 'setFillRGBColor',
K: 'setStrokeCMYKColor',
k: 'setFillCMYKColor',
// Shading
sh: 'shadingFill',
// Images
BI: 'beginInlineImage',
ID: 'beginImageData',
EI: 'endInlineImage',
// XObjects
Do: 'paintXObject',
// Marked content
MP: 'markPoint',
DP: 'markPointProps',
BMC: 'beginMarkedContent',
BDC: 'beginMarkedContentProps',
EMC: 'endMarkedContent',
// Compatibility
BX: 'beginCompat',
EX: 'endCompat'
constructor.prototype = {
getIRQueue: function partialEvaluatorGetIRQueue(stream, resources,
queue, dependency) {
var self = this;
var xref = this.xref;
var handler = this.handler;
var uniquePrefix = this.uniquePrefix;
function insertDependency(depList) {
for (var i = 0; i < depList.length; i++) {
var dep = depList[i];
if (dependency.indexOf(dep) == -1) {
function handleSetFont(fontName, fontRef) {
var loadedName = null;
var fontRes = resources.get('Font');
// TODO: TOASK: Is it possible to get here? If so, what does
// args[0].name should be like???
assert(fontRes, 'fontRes not available');
fontRes = xref.fetchIfRef(fontRes);
fontRef = fontRef || fontRes.get(fontName);
var font = xref.fetchIfRef(fontRef);
if (!font.translated) {
font.translated = self.translateFont(font, xref, resources, handler,
uniquePrefix, dependency);
if (font.translated) {
// keep track of each font we translated so the caller can
// load them asynchronously before calling display on a page
loadedName = 'font_' + uniquePrefix + ++self.objIdCounter;
font.translated.properties.loadedName = loadedName;
font.loadedName = loadedName;
var translated = font.translated;
handler.send('obj', [
loadedName = loadedName || font.loadedName;
// Ensure the font is ready before the font is set
// and later on used for drawing.
// TODO: This should get insert to the IRQueue only once per
// page.
return loadedName;
function buildPaintImageXObject(image, inline) {
var dict = image.dict;
var w = dict.get('Width', 'W');
var h = dict.get('Height', 'H');
if (image instanceof JpegStream) {
var objId = 'img_' + uniquePrefix + ++self.objIdCounter;
handler.send('obj', [objId, 'JpegStream', image.getIR()]);
// Add the dependency on the image object.
// The normal fn.
fn = 'paintJpegXObject';
args = [objId, w, h];
// Needs to be rendered ourself.
// Figure out if the image has an imageMask.
var imageMask = dict.get('ImageMask', 'IM') || false;
// If there is no imageMask, create the PDFImage and a lot
// of image processing can be done here.
if (!imageMask) {
var imageObj = new PDFImage(xref, resources, image, inline);
if (imageObj.imageMask) {
throw 'Can\'t handle this in the web worker :/';
var imgData = {
width: w,
height: h,
data: new Uint8Array(w * h * 4)
var pixels = imgData.data;
imageObj.fillRgbaBuffer(pixels, imageObj.decode);
fn = 'paintImageXObject';
args = [imgData];
// This depends on a tmpCanvas beeing filled with the
// current fillStyle, such that processing the pixel
// data can't be done here. Instead of creating a
// complete PDFImage, only read the information needed
// for later.
fn = 'paintImageMaskXObject';
var width = dict.get('Width', 'W');
var height = dict.get('Height', 'H');
var bitStrideLength = (width + 7) >> 3;
var imgArray = image.getBytes(bitStrideLength * height);
var decode = dict.get('Decode', 'D');
var inverseDecode = !!decode && decode[0] > 0;
args = [imgArray, inverseDecode, width, height];
uniquePrefix = uniquePrefix || '';
if (!queue.argsArray) {
queue.argsArray = [];
if (!queue.fnArray) {
queue.fnArray = [];
var fnArray = queue.fnArray, argsArray = queue.argsArray;
var dependencyArray = dependency || [];
2011-10-25 08:55:23 +09:00
resources = xref.fetchIfRef(resources) || new Dict();
var xobjs = xref.fetchIfRef(resources.get('XObject')) || new Dict();
var patterns = xref.fetchIfRef(resources.get('Pattern')) || new Dict();
var parser = new Parser(new Lexer(stream), false);
var res = resources;
var args = [], obj;
var getObjBt = function getObjBt() {
parser = this.oldParser;
return { name: 'BT' };
while (!isEOF(obj = parser.getObj())) {
if (isCmd(obj)) {
var cmd = obj.cmd;
var fn = OP_MAP[cmd];
if (!fn) {
// invalid content command, trying to recover
if (cmd.substr(-2) == 'BT') {
fn = OP_MAP[cmd.substr(0, cmd.length - 2)];
// feeding 'BT' on next interation
parser = {
getObj: getObjBt,
oldParser: parser
assertWellFormed(fn, 'Unknown command "' + cmd + '"');
// TODO figure out how to type-check vararg functions
if ((cmd == 'SCN' || cmd == 'scn') && !args[args.length - 1].code) {
// Use the IR version for setStroke/FillColorN.
fn += '_IR';
// compile tiling patterns
var patternName = args[args.length - 1];
// SCN/scn applies patterns along with normal colors
if (isName(patternName)) {
var pattern = xref.fetchIfRef(patterns.get(patternName.name));
if (pattern) {
var dict = isStream(pattern) ? pattern.dict : pattern;
var typeNum = dict.get('PatternType');
if (typeNum == TILING_PATTERN) {
// Create an IR of the pattern code.
var depIdx = dependencyArray.length;
var queueObj = {};
var codeIR = this.getIRQueue(pattern, dict.get('Resources'),
queueObj, dependencyArray);
2011-10-25 08:55:23 +09:00
// Add the dependencies that are required to execute the
// codeIR.
2011-10-25 08:55:23 +09:00
args = TilingPattern.getIR(codeIR, dict, args);
else if (typeNum == SHADING_PATTERN) {
var shading = xref.fetchIfRef(dict.get('Shading'));
var matrix = dict.get('Matrix');
var pattern = Pattern.parseShading(shading, matrix, xref, res,
null /*ctx*/);
args = pattern.getIR();
} else {
error('Unkown PatternType ' + typeNum);
} else if (cmd == 'Do' && !args[0].code) {
// eagerly compile XForm objects
var name = args[0].name;
var xobj = xobjs.get(name);
if (xobj) {
xobj = xref.fetchIfRef(xobj);
assertWellFormed(isStream(xobj), 'XObject should be a stream');
var type = xobj.dict.get('Subtype');
'XObject should have a Name subtype'
if ('Form' == type.name) {
var matrix = xobj.dict.get('Matrix');
var bbox = xobj.dict.get('BBox');
argsArray.push([matrix, bbox]);
// This adds the IRQueue of the xObj to the current queue.
var depIdx = dependencyArray.length;
2011-10-25 08:55:23 +09:00
this.getIRQueue(xobj, xobj.dict.get('Resources'), queue,
2011-10-25 08:55:23 +09:00
// Add the dependencies that are required to execute the
// codeIR.
2011-10-25 08:55:23 +09:00
fn = 'paintFormXObjectEnd';
args = [];
} else if ('Image' == type.name) {
buildPaintImageXObject(xobj, false);
} else {
error('Unhandled XObject subtype ' + type.name);
} else if (cmd == 'Tf') { // eagerly collect all fonts
args[0] = handleSetFont(args[0].name);
} else if (cmd == 'EI') {
buildPaintImageXObject(args[0], true);
switch (fn) {
// Parse the ColorSpace data to a raw format.
case 'setFillColorSpace':
case 'setStrokeColorSpace':
args = [ColorSpace.parseToIR(args[0], xref, resources)];
case 'shadingFill':
var shadingRes = xref.fetchIfRef(res.get('Shading'));
if (!shadingRes)
error('No shading resource found');
var shading = xref.fetchIfRef(shadingRes.get(args[0].name));
if (!shading)
error('No shading object found');
var shadingFill = Pattern.parseShading(shading, null, xref, res,
var patternIR = shadingFill.getIR();
args = [patternIR];
fn = 'shadingFill';
case 'setGState':
var dictName = args[0];
var extGState = xref.fetchIfRef(resources.get('ExtGState'));
if (!isDict(extGState) || !extGState.has(dictName.name))
var gsState = xref.fetchIfRef(extGState.get(dictName.name));
// This array holds the converted/processed state data.
var gsStateObj = [];
function canvasGraphicsSetGStateForEach(key, value) {
switch (key) {
case 'Type':
case 'LW':
case 'LC':
case 'LJ':
case 'ML':
case 'D':
case 'RI':
case 'FL':
gsStateObj.push([key, value]);
case 'Font':
handleSetFont(null, value[0]),
case 'OP':
case 'op':
case 'OPM':
case 'BG':
case 'BG2':
case 'UCR':
case 'UCR2':
case 'TR':
case 'TR2':
case 'HT':
case 'SM':
case 'SA':
case 'BM':
case 'SMask':
case 'CA':
case 'ca':
case 'AIS':
case 'TK':
TODO('graphic state operator ' + key);
warn('Unknown graphic state operator ' + key);
args = [gsStateObj];
} // switch
args = [];
} else if (obj != null) {
assertWellFormed(args.length <= 33, 'Too many arguments');
return {
fnArray: fnArray,
argsArray: argsArray
extractEncoding: function partialEvaluatorExtractEncoding(dict,
properties) {
var type = properties.type, encoding;
if (properties.composite) {
var defaultWidth = xref.fetchIfRef(dict.get('DW')) || 1000;
properties.defaultWidth = defaultWidth;
var glyphsWidths = {};
var widths = xref.fetchIfRef(dict.get('W'));
if (widths) {
var start = 0, end = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < widths.length; i++) {
var code = widths[i];
if (isArray(code)) {
for (var j = 0; j < code.length; j++)
glyphsWidths[start++] = code[j];
start = 0;
} else if (start) {
var width = widths[++i];
for (var j = start; j <= code; j++)
glyphsWidths[j] = width;
start = 0;
} else {
start = code;
properties.widths = glyphsWidths;
// Glyph ids are big-endian 2-byte values
encoding = properties.encoding;
// CIDSystemInfo might help to match width and glyphs
var cidSystemInfo = dict.get('CIDSystemInfo');
if (isDict(cidSystemInfo)) {
properties.cidSystemInfo = {
registry: cidSystemInfo.get('Registry'),
ordering: cidSystemInfo.get('Ordering'),
supplement: cidSystemInfo.get('Supplement')
var cidToGidMap = dict.get('CIDToGIDMap');
if (!cidToGidMap || !isRef(cidToGidMap)) {
return Object.create(GlyphsUnicode);
// Extract the encoding from the CIDToGIDMap
var glyphsStream = xref.fetchIfRef(cidToGidMap);
var glyphsData = glyphsStream.getBytes(0);
// Set encoding 0 to later verify the font has an encoding
encoding[0] = { unicode: 0, width: 0 };
for (var j = 0; j < glyphsData.length; j++) {
var glyphID = (glyphsData[j++] << 8) | glyphsData[j];
if (glyphID == 0)
var code = j >> 1;
var width = glyphsWidths[code];
encoding[code] = {
unicode: glyphID,
width: isNum(width) ? width : defaultWidth
return Object.create(GlyphsUnicode);
var differences = properties.differences;
var map = properties.encoding;
var baseEncoding = null;
if (dict.has('Encoding')) {
encoding = xref.fetchIfRef(dict.get('Encoding'));
if (isDict(encoding)) {
var baseName = encoding.get('BaseEncoding');
if (baseName)
baseEncoding = Encodings[baseName.name].slice();
// Load the differences between the base and original
if (encoding.has('Differences')) {
var diffEncoding = encoding.get('Differences');
var index = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < diffEncoding.length; j++) {
var data = diffEncoding[j];
if (isNum(data))
index = data;
differences[index++] = data.name;
} else if (isName(encoding)) {
baseEncoding = Encodings[encoding.name].slice();
} else {
error('Encoding is not a Name nor a Dict');
if (!baseEncoding) {
switch (type) {
case 'TrueType':
baseEncoding = Encodings.WinAnsiEncoding.slice();
case 'Type1':
case 'Type3':
baseEncoding = Encodings.StandardEncoding.slice();
warn('Unknown type of font: ' + type);
baseEncoding = [];
// merge in the differences
var firstChar = properties.firstChar;
var lastChar = properties.lastChar;
var widths = properties.widths || [];
var glyphs = {};
for (var i = firstChar; i <= lastChar; i++) {
var glyph = differences[i];
var replaceGlyph = true;
if (!glyph) {
glyph = baseEncoding[i] || i;
replaceGlyph = false;
var index = GlyphsUnicode[glyph] || i;
var width = widths[i] || widths[glyph];
map[i] = {
unicode: index,
width: isNum(width) ? width : properties.defaultWidth
if (replaceGlyph || !glyphs[glyph])
glyphs[glyph] = map[i];
if (replaceGlyph || !glyphs[index])
glyphs[index] = map[i];
// If there is no file, the character mapping can't be modified
// but this is unlikely that there is any standard encoding with
// chars below 0x1f, so that's fine.
if (!properties.file)
if (index <= 0x1f || (index >= 127 && index <= 255))
map[i].unicode += kCmapGlyphOffset;
if (type == 'TrueType' && dict.has('ToUnicode') && differences) {
var cmapObj = dict.get('ToUnicode');
if (isRef(cmapObj)) {
cmapObj = xref.fetch(cmapObj);
if (isName(cmapObj)) {
error('ToUnicode file cmap translation not implemented');
} else if (isStream(cmapObj)) {
var tokens = [];
var token = '';
var beginArrayToken = {};
var cmap = cmapObj.getBytes(cmapObj.length);
for (var i = 0; i < cmap.length; i++) {
var byte = cmap[i];
if (byte == 0x20 || byte == 0x0D || byte == 0x0A ||
byte == 0x3C || byte == 0x5B || byte == 0x5D) {
switch (token) {
case 'usecmap':
error('usecmap is not implemented');
case 'beginbfchar':
case 'beginbfrange':
case 'begincidchar':
case 'begincidrange':
token = '';
tokens = [];
case 'endcidrange':
case 'endbfrange':
for (var j = 0; j < tokens.length; j += 3) {
var startRange = tokens[j];
var endRange = tokens[j + 1];
var code = tokens[j + 2];
while (startRange < endRange) {
var mapping = map[startRange] || {};
mapping.unicode = code++;
map[startRange] = mapping;
case 'endcidchar':
case 'endbfchar':
for (var j = 0; j < tokens.length; j += 2) {
var index = tokens[j];
var code = tokens[j + 1];
var mapping = map[index] || {};
mapping.unicode = code;
map[index] = mapping;
case '':
if (token[0] >= '0' && token[0] <= '9')
token = parseInt(token, 10); // a number
token = '';
switch (byte) {
case 0x5B:
// begin list parsing
case 0x5D:
// collect array items
var items = [], item;
while (tokens.length &&
(item = tokens.pop()) != beginArrayToken)
} else if (byte == 0x3E) {
if (token.length) {
// parsing hex number
tokens.push(parseInt(token, 16));
token = '';
} else {
token += String.fromCharCode(byte);
return glyphs;
getBaseFontMetricsAndMap: function getBaseFontMetricsAndMap(name) {
var map = {};
if (/^Symbol(-?(Bold|Italic))*$/.test(name)) {
// special case for symbols
var encoding = Encodings.symbolsEncoding.slice();
for (var i = 0, n = encoding.length, j; i < n; i++) {
if (!(j = encoding[i]))
map[i] = GlyphsUnicode[j] || 0;
var defaultWidth = 0;
var widths = Metrics[stdFontMap[name] || name];
if (isNum(widths)) {
defaultWidth = widths;
widths = null;
return {
defaultWidth: defaultWidth,
widths: widths || [],
map: map
translateFont: function partialEvaluatorTranslateFont(dict, xref, resources,
queue, handler, uniquePrefix, dependency) {
var baseDict = dict;
var type = dict.get('Subtype');
assertWellFormed(isName(type), 'invalid font Subtype');
var composite = false;
if (type.name == 'Type0') {
// If font is a composite
// - get the descendant font
// - set the type according to the descendant font
// - get the FontDescriptor from the descendant font
var df = dict.get('DescendantFonts');
if (!df)
return null;
if (isRef(df))
df = xref.fetch(df);
dict = xref.fetchIfRef(isRef(df) ? df : df[0]);
type = dict.get('Subtype');
assertWellFormed(isName(type), 'invalid font Subtype');
composite = true;
var descriptor = xref.fetchIfRef(dict.get('FontDescriptor'));
if (!descriptor) {
if (type.name == 'Type3') {
// FontDescriptor is only required for Type3 fonts when the document
// is a tagged pdf. Create a barbebones one to get by.
descriptor = new Dict();
descriptor.set('FontName', new Name(type.name));
} else {
// Before PDF 1.5 if the font was one of the base 14 fonts, having a
// FontDescriptor was not required.
// This case is here for compatibility.
var baseFontName = dict.get('BaseFont');
if (!isName(baseFontName))
return null;
// Using base font name as a font name.
baseFontName = baseFontName.name.replace(/[,_]/g, '-');
var metricsAndMap = this.getBaseFontMetricsAndMap(baseFontName);
var properties = {
type: type.name,
encoding: metricsAndMap.map,
differences: [],
widths: metricsAndMap.widths,
defaultWidth: metricsAndMap.defaultWidth,
firstChar: 0,
lastChar: 256
this.extractEncoding(dict, xref, properties);
return {
name: baseFontName,
dict: baseDict,
properties: properties
// According to the spec if 'FontDescriptor' is declared, 'FirstChar',
// 'LastChar' and 'Widths' should exists too, but some PDF encoders seems
// to ignore this rule when a variant of a standart font is used.
// TODO Fill the width array depending on which of the base font this is
// a variant.
var firstChar = xref.fetchIfRef(dict.get('FirstChar')) || 0;
var lastChar = xref.fetchIfRef(dict.get('LastChar')) || 256;
var defaultWidth = 0;
var glyphWidths = {};
var encoding = {};
var widths = xref.fetchIfRef(dict.get('Widths'));
if (widths) {
for (var i = 0, j = firstChar; i < widths.length; i++, j++)
glyphWidths[j] = widths[i];
defaultWidth = parseFloat(descriptor.get('MissingWidth')) || 0;
} else {
// Trying get the BaseFont metrics (see comment above).
var baseFontName = dict.get('BaseFont');
if (isName(baseFontName)) {
var metricsAndMap = this.getBaseFontMetricsAndMap(baseFontName.name);
glyphWidths = metricsAndMap.widths;
defaultWidth = metricsAndMap.defaultWidth;
encoding = metricsAndMap.map;
var fontName = xref.fetchIfRef(descriptor.get('FontName'));
assertWellFormed(isName(fontName), 'invalid font name');
var fontFile = descriptor.get('FontFile', 'FontFile2', 'FontFile3');
if (fontFile) {
fontFile = xref.fetchIfRef(fontFile);
if (fontFile.dict) {
var subtype = fontFile.dict.get('Subtype');
if (subtype)
subtype = subtype.name;
var length1 = fontFile.dict.get('Length1');
if (!isInt(length1))
length1 = xref.fetchIfRef(length1);
var length2 = fontFile.dict.get('Length2');
if (!isInt(length2))
length2 = xref.fetchIfRef(length2);
var properties = {
type: type.name,
subtype: subtype,
file: fontFile,
length1: length1,
length2: length2,
composite: composite,
fixedPitch: false,
fontMatrix: dict.get('FontMatrix') || IDENTITY_MATRIX,
firstChar: firstChar || 0,
lastChar: lastChar || 256,
bbox: descriptor.get('FontBBox'),
ascent: descriptor.get('Ascent'),
descent: descriptor.get('Descent'),
xHeight: descriptor.get('XHeight'),
capHeight: descriptor.get('CapHeight'),
defaultWidth: defaultWidth,
flags: descriptor.get('Flags'),
italicAngle: descriptor.get('ItalicAngle'),
differences: [],
widths: glyphWidths,
encoding: encoding,
coded: false
properties.glyphs = this.extractEncoding(dict, xref, properties);
if (type.name === 'Type3') {
properties.coded = true;
var charProcs = xref.fetchIfRef(dict.get('CharProcs'));
var fontResources = xref.fetchIfRef(dict.get('Resources')) || resources;
properties.resources = fontResources;
for (var key in charProcs.map) {
var glyphStream = xref.fetchIfRef(charProcs.map[key]);
var queueObj = {};
2011-10-25 08:55:23 +09:00
properties.glyphs[key].IRQueue = this.getIRQueue(glyphStream,
2011-10-25 08:55:23 +09:00
return {
name: fontName.name,
dict: baseDict,
file: fontFile,
properties: properties
return constructor;
var EvalState = (function evalState() {
function constructor() {
// Are soft masks and alpha values shapes or opacities?
this.alphaIsShape = false;
this.fontSize = 0;
this.textMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
this.leading = 0;
// Start of text line (in text coordinates)
this.lineX = 0;
this.lineY = 0;
// Character and word spacing
this.charSpacing = 0;
this.wordSpacing = 0;
this.textHScale = 1;
// Color spaces
this.fillColorSpace = null;
this.strokeColorSpace = null;
constructor.prototype = {
return constructor;