
1493 lines
49 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-03-04 09:36:46 -06:00
/* Copyright 2016 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Switch to using ESLint, instead of JSHint, for linting *Please note that most of the necessary code adjustments were made in PR 7890.* ESLint has a number of advantageous properties, compared to JSHint. Among those are: - The ability to find subtle bugs, thanks to more rules (e.g. PR 7881). - Much more customizable in general, and many rules allow fine-tuned behaviour rather than the just the on/off rules in JSHint. - Many more rules that can help developers avoid bugs, and a lot of rules that can be used to enforce a consistent coding style. The latter should be particularily useful for new contributors (and reduce the amount of stylistic review comments necessary). - The ability to easily specify exactly what rules to use/not to use, as opposed to JSHint which has a default set. *Note:* in future JSHint version some of the rules we depend on will be removed, according to warnings in http://jshint.com/docs/options/, so we wouldn't be able to update without losing lint coverage. - More easily disable one, or more, rules temporarily. In JSHint this requires using a numeric code, which isn't very user friendly, whereas in ESLint the rule name is simply used instead. By default there's no rules enabled in ESLint, but there are some default rule sets available. However, to prevent linting failures if we update ESLint in the future, it seemed easier to just explicitly specify what rules we want. Obviously this makes the ESLint config file somewhat bigger than the old JSHint config file, but given how rarely that one has been updated over the years I don't think that matters too much. I've tried, to the best of my ability, to ensure that we enable the same rules for ESLint that we had for JSHint. Furthermore, I've also enabled a number of rules that seemed to make sense, both to catch possible errors *and* various style guide violations. Despite the ESLint README claiming that it's slower that JSHint, https://github.com/eslint/eslint#how-does-eslint-performance-compare-to-jshint, locally this patch actually reduces the runtime for `gulp` lint (by approximately 20-25%). A couple of stylistic rules that would have been nice to enable, but where our code currently differs to much to make it feasible: - `comma-dangle`, controls trailing commas in Objects and Arrays (among others). - `object-curly-spacing`, controls spacing inside of Objects. - `spaced-comment`, used to enforce spaces after `//` and `/*. (This is made difficult by the fact that there's still some usage of the old preprocessor left.) Rules that I indend to look into possibly enabling in follow-ups, if it seems to make sense: `no-else-return`, `no-lonely-if`, `brace-style` with the `allowSingleLine` parameter removed. Useful links: - http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring - http://eslint.org/docs/rules/
2016-12-15 15:52:29 +01:00
/* eslint-env node */
/* eslint-disable object-shorthand */
2016-03-04 09:36:46 -06:00
/* globals target */
'use strict';
2018-04-04 00:19:13 +02:00
var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
var fancylog = require('fancy-log');
var fs = require('fs');
2016-03-04 09:36:46 -06:00
var gulp = require('gulp');
2018-04-04 00:19:13 +02:00
var postcss = require('gulp-postcss');
var rename = require('gulp-rename');
var replace = require('gulp-replace');
var transform = require('gulp-transform');
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
var path = require('path');
var rimraf = require('rimraf');
2016-03-04 09:36:46 -06:00
var stream = require('stream');
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
var spawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync;
var streamqueue = require('streamqueue');
var merge = require('merge-stream');
2016-04-26 23:28:36 +02:00
var zip = require('gulp-zip');
var webpack2 = require('webpack');
var webpackStream = require('webpack-stream');
var Vinyl = require('vinyl');
var vfs = require('vinyl-fs');
2016-03-04 09:36:46 -06:00
var BUILD_DIR = 'build/';
var L10N_DIR = 'l10n/';
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
var TEST_DIR = 'test/';
var EXTENSION_SRC_DIR = 'extensions/';
var BASELINE_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'baseline/';
var MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'mozcentral.baseline/';
var GENERIC_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'generic/';
var COMPONENTS_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'components/';
var IMAGE_DECODERS_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'image_decoders';
var DEFAULT_PREFERENCES_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'default_preferences/';
var MINIFIED_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'minified/';
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
var JSDOC_BUILD_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'jsdoc/';
var GH_PAGES_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'gh-pages/';
var SRC_DIR = 'src/';
var LIB_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'lib/';
var DIST_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'dist/';
var MOZCENTRAL_DIFF_FILE = 'mozcentral.diff';
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
var REPO = 'git@github.com:mozilla/pdf.js.git';
var DIST_REPO_URL = 'https://github.com/mozilla/pdfjs-dist';
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
var builder = require('./external/builder/builder.js');
var CONFIG_FILE = 'pdfjs.config';
var config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(CONFIG_FILE).toString());
// Default Autoprefixer config used for generic, components, minified-pre
2018-04-04 14:51:29 +02:00
overrideBrowserslist: [
2018-04-04 14:51:29 +02:00
'last 2 versions',
'Chrome >= 49', // Last supported on Windows XP
'Firefox >= 52', // Last supported on Windows XP
'Firefox ESR',
'IE >= 11',
2018-06-21 09:12:30 +03:00
'Safari >= 9',
2018-04-04 14:51:29 +02:00
'> 0.5%',
'not dead',
var DEFINES = {
TESTING: false,
// The main build targets:
GENERIC: false,
FIREFOX: false,
CHROME: false,
MINIFIED: false,
LIB: false,
SKIP_BABEL: false,
2016-03-04 09:36:46 -06:00
function safeSpawnSync(command, parameters, options) {
// Execute all commands in a shell.
options = options || {};
options.shell = true;
// `options.shell = true` requires parameters to be quoted.
parameters = parameters.map((param) => {
if (!/[\s`~!#$*(){\[|\\;'"<>?]/.test(param)) {
return param;
return '\"' + param.replace(/([$\\"`])/g, '\\$1') + '\"';
var result = spawnSync(command, parameters, options);
if (result.status !== 0) {
console.log('Error: command "' + command + '" with parameters "' +
parameters + '" exited with code ' + result.status);
return result;
function startNode(args, options) {
// Node.js decreased the maximum header size from 80 KB to 8 KB in newer
// releases, which is not sufficient for some of our reference test files
// (such as `issue6360.pdf`), so we need to restore this value. Note that
// this argument needs to be before all other arguments as it needs to be
// passed to the Node.js process itself and not to the script that it runs.
return spawn('node', args, options);
2016-03-04 09:36:46 -06:00
function createStringSource(filename, content) {
var source = stream.Readable({ objectMode: true, });
2016-03-04 09:36:46 -06:00
source._read = function () {
this.push(new Vinyl({
2016-03-04 09:36:46 -06:00
path: filename,
contents: Buffer.from(content),
2016-03-04 09:36:46 -06:00
return source;
function createWebpackConfig(defines, output) {
var path = require('path');
var versionInfo = getVersionJSON();
var bundleDefines = builder.merge(defines, {
BUNDLE_VERSION: versionInfo.version,
BUNDLE_BUILD: versionInfo.commit,
TESTING: (defines.TESTING || process.env['TESTING'] === 'true'),
2017-12-16 11:01:43 +05:30
var licenseHeaderLibre =
2017-05-03 12:17:18 -05:00
var enableSourceMaps = !bundleDefines.FIREFOX && !bundleDefines.MOZCENTRAL &&
!bundleDefines.CHROME && !bundleDefines.TESTING;
var skipBabel = bundleDefines.SKIP_BABEL ||
process.env['SKIP_BABEL'] === 'true';
2018-05-20 15:18:43 +02:00
// Required to expose e.g., the `window` object.
output.globalObject = 'this';
return {
2018-05-20 15:18:43 +02:00
mode: 'none',
output: output,
2018-05-20 15:18:43 +02:00
performance: {
hints: false, // Disable messages about larger file sizes.
plugins: [
2017-12-16 11:01:43 +05:30
new webpack2.BannerPlugin({ banner: licenseHeaderLibre, raw: true, }),
resolve: {
alias: {
'pdfjs': path.join(__dirname, 'src'),
'pdfjs-web': path.join(__dirname, 'web'),
2017-05-30 20:38:22 -05:00
'pdfjs-lib': path.join(__dirname, 'web/pdfjs'),
2017-05-03 12:17:18 -05:00
devtool: enableSourceMaps ? 'source-map' : undefined,
module: {
2018-05-20 15:18:43 +02:00
rules: [
loader: 'babel-loader',
// `core-js` (see https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/514),
// `web-streams-polyfill` (already using a transpiled file), and
// `src/core/{glyphlist,unicode}.js` (Babel is too slow for those)
// should be excluded from processing.
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
exclude: /(node_modules[\\\/]core-js|node_modules[\\\/]web-streams-polyfill|src[\\\/]core[\\\/](glyphlist|unicode))/,
options: {
presets: skipBabel ? undefined : ['@babel/preset-env'],
plugins: [
['@babel/plugin-transform-runtime', {
'helpers': false,
'regenerator': true,
loader: path.join(__dirname, 'external/webpack/pdfjsdev-loader.js'),
options: {
rootPath: __dirname,
saveComments: false,
defines: bundleDefines,
// Avoid shadowing actual Node.js variables with polyfills, by disabling
// polyfills/mocks - https://webpack.js.org/configuration/node/
node: false,
function webpack2Stream(config) {
// Replacing webpack1 to webpack2 in the webpack-stream.
return webpackStream(config, webpack2);
function getVersionJSON() {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(BUILD_DIR + 'version.json').toString());
function checkChromePreferencesFile(chromePrefsPath, webPrefsPath) {
var chromePrefs = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(chromePrefsPath).toString());
var chromePrefsKeys = Object.keys(chromePrefs.properties);
chromePrefsKeys = chromePrefsKeys.filter(function (key) {
var description = chromePrefs.properties[key].description;
// Deprecated keys are allowed in the managed preferences file.
// The code maintained is responsible for adding migration logic to
// extensions/chromium/options/migration.js and web/chromecom.js .
return !description || !description.startsWith('DEPRECATED.');
var webPrefs = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(webPrefsPath).toString());
var webPrefsKeys = Object.keys(webPrefs);
var telemetryIndex = chromePrefsKeys.indexOf('disableTelemetry');
if (telemetryIndex >= 0) {
chromePrefsKeys.splice(telemetryIndex, 1);
} else {
console.log('Warning: disableTelemetry key not found in chrome prefs!');
return false;
if (webPrefsKeys.length !== chromePrefsKeys.length) {
return false;
return webPrefsKeys.every(function (value, index) {
return chromePrefsKeys[index] === value &&
chromePrefs.properties[value].default === webPrefs[value];
function replaceWebpackRequire() {
// Produced bundles can be rebundled again, avoid collisions (e.g. in api.js)
// by renaming __webpack_require__ to something else.
return replace('__webpack_require__', '__w_pdfjs_require__');
function replaceJSRootName(amdName, jsName) {
// Saving old-style JS module name.
return replace('root["' + amdName + '"] = factory()',
'root["' + amdName + '"] = root.' + jsName + ' = factory()');
function createBundle(defines) {
console.log('### Bundling files into pdf.js');
var mainAMDName = 'pdfjs-dist/build/pdf';
var mainOutputName = 'pdf.js';
var mainFileConfig = createWebpackConfig(defines, {
filename: mainOutputName,
library: mainAMDName,
libraryTarget: 'umd',
umdNamedDefine: true,
var mainOutput = gulp.src('./src/pdf.js')
.pipe(replaceJSRootName(mainAMDName, 'pdfjsLib'));
var workerAMDName = 'pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker';
var workerOutputName = 'pdf.worker.js';
var workerFileConfig = createWebpackConfig(defines, {
filename: workerOutputName,
library: workerAMDName,
libraryTarget: 'umd',
umdNamedDefine: true,
var workerOutput = gulp.src('./src/pdf.worker.js')
.pipe(replaceJSRootName(workerAMDName, 'pdfjsWorker'));
return merge([mainOutput, workerOutput]);
function createWebBundle(defines) {
var viewerOutputName = 'viewer.js';
var viewerFileConfig = createWebpackConfig(defines, {
filename: viewerOutputName,
return gulp.src('./web/viewer.js')
function createComponentsBundle(defines) {
var componentsAMDName = 'pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer';
var componentsOutputName = 'pdf_viewer.js';
var componentsFileConfig = createWebpackConfig(defines, {
filename: componentsOutputName,
library: componentsAMDName,
libraryTarget: 'umd',
umdNamedDefine: true,
return gulp.src('./web/pdf_viewer.component.js')
.pipe(replaceJSRootName(componentsAMDName, 'pdfjsViewer'));
function createImageDecodersBundle(defines) {
var imageDecodersAMDName = 'pdfjs-dist/image_decoders/pdf.image_decoders';
var imageDecodersOutputName = 'pdf.image_decoders.js';
var componentsFileConfig = createWebpackConfig(defines, {
filename: imageDecodersOutputName,
library: imageDecodersAMDName,
libraryTarget: 'umd',
umdNamedDefine: true,
return gulp.src('./src/pdf.image_decoders.js')
.pipe(replaceJSRootName(imageDecodersAMDName, 'pdfjsImageDecoders'));
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
function checkFile(path) {
try {
var stat = fs.lstatSync(path);
return stat.isFile();
} catch (e) {
return false;
function checkDir(path) {
try {
var stat = fs.lstatSync(path);
return stat.isDirectory();
} catch (e) {
return false;
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
function replaceInFile(path, find, replacement) {
var content = fs.readFileSync(path).toString();
content = content.replace(find, replacement);
fs.writeFileSync(path, content);
function getTempFile(prefix, suffix) {
mkdirp.sync(BUILD_DIR + 'tmp/');
var bytes = require('crypto').randomBytes(6).toString('hex');
var path = BUILD_DIR + 'tmp/' + prefix + bytes + suffix;
fs.writeFileSync(path, '');
return path;
function createTestSource(testsName, bot) {
var source = stream.Readable({ objectMode: true, });
source._read = function() {
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
console.log('### Running ' + testsName + ' tests');
var PDF_TEST = process.env['PDF_TEST'] || 'test_manifest.json';
var PDF_BROWSERS = process.env['PDF_BROWSERS'] ||
if (!checkFile('test/' + PDF_BROWSERS)) {
console.log('Browser manifest file test/' + PDF_BROWSERS +
' does not exist.');
console.log('Copy and adjust the example in ' +
this.emit('error', new Error('Missing manifest file'));
return null;
var args = ['test.js'];
switch (testsName) {
case 'browser':
args.push('--reftest', '--manifestFile=' + PDF_TEST);
case 'browser (no reftest)':
args.push('--manifestFile=' + PDF_TEST);
case 'unit':
case 'font':
this.emit('error', new Error('Unknown name: ' + testsName));
return null;
args.push('--browserManifestFile=' + PDF_BROWSERS);
if (bot) {
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
var testProcess = startNode(args, { cwd: TEST_DIR, stdio: 'inherit', });
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
testProcess.on('close', function (code) {
return undefined;
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
return source;
function makeRef(done, bot) {
2017-02-24 15:12:02 -08:00
console.log('### Creating reference images');
var PDF_BROWSERS = process.env['PDF_BROWSERS'] ||
if (!checkFile('test/' + PDF_BROWSERS)) {
console.log('Browser manifest file test/' + PDF_BROWSERS +
' does not exist.');
console.log('Copy and adjust the example in ' +
done(new Error('Missing manifest file'));
var args = ['test.js', '--masterMode'];
if (bot) {
args.push('--noPrompts', '--strictVerify');
2017-02-24 15:12:02 -08:00
args.push('--browserManifestFile=' + PDF_BROWSERS);
var testProcess = startNode(args, { cwd: TEST_DIR, stdio: 'inherit', });
2017-02-24 15:12:02 -08:00
testProcess.on('close', function (code) {
gulp.task('default', function(done) {
2016-03-04 09:36:46 -06:00
console.log('Available tasks:');
var tasks = Object.keys(gulp.registry().tasks());
2016-03-04 09:36:46 -06:00
tasks.forEach(function (taskName) {
console.log(' ' + taskName);
2016-03-04 09:36:46 -06:00
gulp.task('buildnumber', function (done) {
console.log('### Getting extension build number');
exec('git log --format=oneline ' + config.baseVersion + '..',
function (err, stdout, stderr) {
var buildNumber = 0;
if (!err) {
// Build number is the number of commits since base version
buildNumber = stdout ? stdout.match(/\n/g).length : 0;
2018-06-29 21:52:10 +05:30
} else {
console.log('This is not a Git repository; using default build number.');
console.log('Extension build number: ' + buildNumber);
var version = config.versionPrefix + buildNumber;
exec('git log --format="%h" -n 1', function (err, stdout, stderr) {
var buildCommit = '';
if (!err) {
buildCommit = stdout.replace('\n', '');
createStringSource('version.json', JSON.stringify({
version: version,
build: buildNumber,
commit: buildCommit,
}, null, 2))
.on('end', done);
gulp.task('default_preferences-pre', function() {
console.log('### Building `default_preferences.json`');
// Refer to the comment in the 'lib' task below.
function babelPluginReplaceNonWebPackRequire(babel) {
return {
visitor: {
Identifier(path, state) {
if (path.node.name === '__non_webpack_require__') {
function preprocess(content) {
content = preprocessor2.preprocessPDFJSCode(ctx, content);
return babel.transform(content, {
sourceType: 'module',
presets: undefined, // SKIP_BABEL
plugins: [
var babel = require('@babel/core');
var ctx = {
rootPath: __dirname,
saveComments: false,
defines: builder.merge(DEFINES, {
GENERIC: true,
LIB: true,
BUNDLE_VERSION: 0, // Dummy version
BUNDLE_BUILD: 0, // Dummy build
map: {
'pdfjs-lib': '../pdf',
var preprocessor2 = require('./external/builder/preprocessor2.js');
return merge([
], { base: 'src/', }),
], { base: '.', }),
]).pipe(transform('utf8', preprocess))
.pipe(gulp.dest(DEFAULT_PREFERENCES_DIR + 'lib/'));
gulp.task('default_preferences', gulp.series('default_preferences-pre',
function(done) {
var AppOptionsLib =
require('./' + DEFAULT_PREFERENCES_DIR + 'lib/web/app_options.js');
var AppOptions = AppOptionsLib.AppOptions;
var OptionKind = AppOptionsLib.OptionKind;
createStringSource('default_preferences.json', JSON.stringify(
AppOptions.getAll(OptionKind.PREFERENCE), null, 2))
.on('end', done);
gulp.task('locale', function () {
var VIEWER_LOCALE_OUTPUT = 'web/locale/';
console.log('### Building localization files');
var subfolders = fs.readdirSync(L10N_DIR);
var viewerOutput = '';
var locales = [];
for (var i = 0; i < subfolders.length; i++) {
var locale = subfolders[i];
var path = L10N_DIR + locale;
if (!checkDir(path)) {
if (!/^[a-z][a-z]([a-z])?(-[A-Z][A-Z])?$/.test(locale)) {
console.log('Skipping invalid locale: ' + locale);
mkdirp.sync(VIEWER_LOCALE_OUTPUT + '/' + locale);
if (checkFile(path + '/viewer.properties')) {
viewerOutput += '[' + locale + ']\n' +
'@import url(' + locale + '/viewer.properties)\n\n';
return merge([
createStringSource('locale.properties', viewerOutput)
gulp.src(L10N_DIR + '/{' + locales.join(',') + '}' +
'/viewer.properties', { base: L10N_DIR, })
gulp.task('cmaps', function (done) {
var CMAP_INPUT = 'external/cmaps';
var VIEWER_CMAP_OUTPUT = 'external/bcmaps';
console.log('### Building cmaps');
// Testing a file that usually present.
if (!checkFile(CMAP_INPUT + '/UniJIS-UCS2-H')) {
console.log('./external/cmaps has no cmap files, download them from:');
console.log(' https://github.com/adobe-type-tools/cmap-resources');
throw new Error('cmap files were not found');
// Remove old bcmap files.
fs.readdirSync(VIEWER_CMAP_OUTPUT).forEach(function (file) {
if (/\.bcmap$/i.test(file)) {
fs.unlinkSync(VIEWER_CMAP_OUTPUT + '/' + file);
var compressCmaps =
compressCmaps(CMAP_INPUT, VIEWER_CMAP_OUTPUT, true);
gulp.task('bundle', gulp.series('buildnumber', function () {
return createBundle(DEFINES).pipe(gulp.dest(BUILD_DIR));
function preprocessCSS(source, mode, defines, cleanup) {
var outName = getTempFile('~preprocess', '.css');
2017-04-28 12:47:20 -05:00
builder.preprocessCSS(mode, source, outName);
var out = fs.readFileSync(outName).toString();
if (cleanup) {
// Strip out all license headers in the middle.
var reg = /\n\/\* Copyright(.|\n)*?Mozilla Foundation(.|\n)*?\*\//g;
out = out.replace(reg, '');
var i = source.lastIndexOf('/');
return createStringSource(source.substr(i + 1), out);
function preprocessHTML(source, defines) {
var outName = getTempFile('~preprocess', '.html');
2017-04-28 12:47:20 -05:00
builder.preprocess(source, outName, defines);
var out = fs.readFileSync(outName).toString();
var i = source.lastIndexOf('/');
return createStringSource(source.substr(i + 1), out);
// Builds the generic production viewer that should be compatible with most
// modern HTML5 browsers.
gulp.task('generic', gulp.series('buildnumber', 'default_preferences', 'locale',
function() {
console.log('### Creating generic viewer');
var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { GENERIC: true, });
return merge([
createBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(GENERIC_DIR + 'build')),
createWebBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(GENERIC_DIR + 'web')),
gulp.src(COMMON_WEB_FILES, { base: 'web/', })
.pipe(gulp.dest(GENERIC_DIR + 'web')),
], { base: 'web/', }).pipe(gulp.dest(GENERIC_DIR + 'web')),
gulp.src(['external/bcmaps/*.bcmap', 'external/bcmaps/LICENSE'],
{ base: 'external/bcmaps', })
.pipe(gulp.dest(GENERIC_DIR + 'web/cmaps')),
preprocessHTML('web/viewer.html', defines)
.pipe(gulp.dest(GENERIC_DIR + 'web')),
preprocessCSS('web/viewer.css', 'generic', defines, true)
.pipe(gulp.dest(GENERIC_DIR + 'web')),
.pipe(gulp.dest(GENERIC_DIR + 'web')),
gulp.task('components', gulp.series('buildnumber', function () {
console.log('### Creating generic components');
var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { COMPONENTS: true, GENERIC: true, });
return merge([
gulp.src(COMPONENTS_IMAGES).pipe(gulp.dest(COMPONENTS_DIR + 'images')),
preprocessCSS('web/pdf_viewer.css', 'components', defines, true)
gulp.task('image_decoders', gulp.series('buildnumber', function() {
console.log('### Creating image decoders');
var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { GENERIC: true,
return createImageDecodersBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(IMAGE_DECODERS_DIR));
gulp.task('minified-pre', gulp.series('buildnumber', 'default_preferences',
'locale', function() {
console.log('### Creating minified viewer');
var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { MINIFIED: true, GENERIC: true, });
return merge([
createBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(MINIFIED_DIR + 'build')),
createWebBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(MINIFIED_DIR + 'web')),
createImageDecodersBundle(builder.merge(defines, { IMAGE_DECODERS: true, }))
.pipe(gulp.dest(MINIFIED_DIR + 'image_decoders')),
gulp.src(COMMON_WEB_FILES, { base: 'web/', })
.pipe(gulp.dest(MINIFIED_DIR + 'web')),
], { base: 'web/', }).pipe(gulp.dest(MINIFIED_DIR + 'web')),
gulp.src(['external/bcmaps/*.bcmap', 'external/bcmaps/LICENSE'],
{ base: 'external/bcmaps', })
.pipe(gulp.dest(MINIFIED_DIR + 'web/cmaps')),
preprocessHTML('web/viewer.html', defines)
.pipe(gulp.dest(MINIFIED_DIR + 'web')),
preprocessCSS('web/viewer.css', 'minified', defines, true)
.pipe(gulp.dest(MINIFIED_DIR + 'web')),
.pipe(gulp.dest(MINIFIED_DIR + 'web')),
gulp.task('minified-post', gulp.series('minified-pre', function (done) {
var pdfFile = fs.readFileSync(MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.js').toString();
var pdfWorkerFile =
fs.readFileSync(MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.worker.js').toString();
var pdfImageDecodersFile = fs.readFileSync(MINIFIED_DIR +
var viewerFiles = {
'pdf.js': pdfFile,
'viewer.js': fs.readFileSync(MINIFIED_DIR + '/web/viewer.js').toString(),
console.log('### Minifying js files');
2018-11-23 12:06:07 +01:00
var Terser = require('terser');
// V8 chokes on very long sequences. Works around that.
var optsForHugeFile = { compress: { sequences: false, }, };
fs.writeFileSync(MINIFIED_DIR + '/web/pdf.viewer.js',
2018-11-23 12:06:07 +01:00
fs.writeFileSync(MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.min.js',
2018-11-23 12:06:07 +01:00
fs.writeFileSync(MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.worker.min.js',
2018-11-23 12:06:07 +01:00
Terser.minify(pdfWorkerFile, optsForHugeFile).code);
fs.writeFileSync(MINIFIED_DIR + 'image_decoders/pdf.image_decoders.min.js',
2018-11-23 12:06:07 +01:00
console.log('### Cleaning js files');
fs.unlinkSync(MINIFIED_DIR + '/web/viewer.js');
fs.unlinkSync(MINIFIED_DIR + '/web/debugger.js');
fs.unlinkSync(MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.js');
fs.unlinkSync(MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.worker.js');
fs.renameSync(MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.min.js',
MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.js');
fs.renameSync(MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.worker.min.js',
MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.worker.js');
fs.renameSync(MINIFIED_DIR + '/image_decoders/pdf.image_decoders.min.js',
MINIFIED_DIR + '/image_decoders/pdf.image_decoders.js');
gulp.task('minified', gulp.series('minified-post'));
function preprocessDefaultPreferences(content) {
var preprocessor2 = require('./external/builder/preprocessor2.js');
var licenseHeader = fs.readFileSync('./src/license_header.js').toString();
var GLOBALS = '/* eslint-disable */\n';
content = preprocessor2.preprocessPDFJSCode({
rootPath: __dirname,
defines: DEFINES,
}, content);
return (licenseHeader + '\n' + GLOBALS + '\n' + MODIFICATION_WARNING + '\n' +
content + '\n');
gulp.task('mozcentral-pre', gulp.series('buildnumber', 'default_preferences',
function() {
console.log('### Building mozilla-central extension');
var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { MOZCENTRAL: true, SKIP_BABEL: true, });
var MOZCENTRAL_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'mozcentral/',
MOZCENTRAL_EXTENSION_DIR = MOZCENTRAL_DIR + 'browser/extensions/pdfjs/',
FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR = 'extensions/firefox/',
MOZCENTRAL_L10N_DIR = MOZCENTRAL_DIR + 'browser/locales/en-US/pdfviewer/',
// Clear out everything in the firefox extension build directory
var versionJSON = getVersionJSON();
var version = versionJSON.version, commit = versionJSON.commit;
return merge([
createBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + 'build')),
createWebBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + 'web')),
gulp.src(COMMON_WEB_FILES, { base: 'web/', })
.pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + 'web')),
gulp.src(['external/bcmaps/*.bcmap', 'external/bcmaps/LICENSE'],
{ base: 'external/bcmaps', })
.pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + 'web/cmaps')),
preprocessHTML('web/viewer.html', defines)
.pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + 'web')),
preprocessCSS('web/viewer.css', 'mozcentral', defines, true)
2018-04-04 14:51:29 +02:00
autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ['last 1 firefox versions'], })
2018-04-04 14:51:29 +02:00
.pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + 'web')),
gulp.src(FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR + 'README.mozilla')
.pipe(replace(/\bPDFJSSCRIPT_VERSION\b/g, version))
.pipe(replace(/\bPDFJSSCRIPT_COMMIT\b/g, commit))
gulp.src(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfJsDefaultPreferences.jsm')
.pipe(transform('utf8', preprocessDefaultPreferences))
gulp.task('mozcentral', gulp.series('mozcentral-pre'));
gulp.task('chromium-pre', gulp.series('buildnumber', 'default_preferences',
'locale', function() {
console.log('### Building Chromium extension');
var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { CHROME: true, });
var CHROME_BUILD_DIR = BUILD_DIR + '/chromium/',
// Clear out everything in the chrome extension build directory
var version = getVersionJSON().version;
return merge([
createBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'build')),
createWebBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'web')),
gulp.src(COMMON_WEB_FILES, { base: 'web/', })
.pipe(gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'web')),
], { base: 'web/', }).pipe(gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'web')),
gulp.src(['external/bcmaps/*.bcmap', 'external/bcmaps/LICENSE'],
{ base: 'external/bcmaps', })
.pipe(gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'web/cmaps')),
preprocessHTML('web/viewer.html', defines)
.pipe(gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'web')),
preprocessCSS('web/viewer.css', 'chrome', defines, true)
autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ['chrome >= 49'], })
.pipe(gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'web')),
.pipe(replace(/\bPDFJSSCRIPT_VERSION\b/g, version))
], { base: 'extensions/chromium/', })
gulp.task('chromium', gulp.series('chromium-pre'));
gulp.task('jsdoc', function (done) {
console.log('### Generating documentation (JSDoc)');
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
rimraf(JSDOC_BUILD_DIR, function () {
mkdirp(JSDOC_BUILD_DIR, function () {
var command = '"node_modules/.bin/jsdoc" -d ' + JSDOC_BUILD_DIR + ' ' +
JSDOC_FILES.join(' ');
exec(command, done);
gulp.task('lib', gulp.series('buildnumber', 'default_preferences', function() {
// When we create a bundle, webpack is run on the source and it will replace
// require with __webpack_require__. When we want to use the real require,
// __non_webpack_require__ has to be used.
// In this target, we don't create a bundle, so we have to replace the
// occurences of __non_webpack_require__ ourselves.
function babelPluginReplaceNonWebPackRequire(babel) {
return {
visitor: {
Identifier(path, state) {
if (path.node.name === '__non_webpack_require__') {
function preprocess(content) {
var skipBabel = process.env['SKIP_BABEL'] === 'true' ||
content = preprocessor2.preprocessPDFJSCode(ctx, content);
content = babel.transform(content, {
sourceType: 'module',
presets: skipBabel ? undefined : ['@babel/preset-env'],
plugins: [
['@babel/plugin-transform-runtime', {
'helpers': false,
'regenerator': true,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
var removeCjsSrc = /^(var\s+\w+\s*=\s*(_interopRequireDefault\()?require\(".*?)(?:\/src)(\/[^"]*"\)\)?;)$/gm;
content = content.replace(removeCjsSrc, (all, prefix, interop, suffix) => {
return prefix + suffix;
2017-12-16 11:01:43 +05:30
return licenseHeaderLibre + content;
var babel = require('@babel/core');
var versionInfo = getVersionJSON();
var ctx = {
rootPath: __dirname,
saveComments: false,
defines: builder.merge(DEFINES, {
GENERIC: true,
LIB: true,
BUNDLE_VERSION: versionInfo.version,
BUNDLE_BUILD: versionInfo.commit,
TESTING: process.env['TESTING'] === 'true',
2017-05-30 20:38:22 -05:00
map: {
'pdfjs-lib': '../pdf',
2017-12-16 11:01:43 +05:30
var licenseHeaderLibre =
var preprocessor2 = require('./external/builder/preprocessor2.js');
return merge([
], { base: 'src/', }),
], { base: '.', }),
gulp.src('test/unit/*.js', { base: '.', }),
]).pipe(transform('utf8', preprocess))
gulp.task('publish', gulp.series('generic', function (done) {
2016-04-26 23:28:36 +02:00
var version = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync(BUILD_DIR + 'version.json').toString()).version;
config.stableVersion = config.betaVersion;
config.betaVersion = version;
createStringSource(CONFIG_FILE, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2))
.on('end', function () {
var targetName = 'pdfjs-' + version + '-dist.zip';
gulp.src(BUILD_DIR + 'generic/**')
.on('end', function () {
console.log('Built distribution file: ' + targetName);
2016-04-26 23:28:36 +02:00
gulp.task('testing-pre', function(done) {
process.env['TESTING'] = 'true';
gulp.task('test', gulp.series('testing-pre', 'generic', 'components',
function() {
return streamqueue({ objectMode: true, },
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
createTestSource('unit'), createTestSource('browser'));
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
gulp.task('bottest', gulp.series('testing-pre', 'generic', 'components',
function() {
return streamqueue({ objectMode: true, },
createTestSource('unit', true), createTestSource('font', true),
createTestSource('browser (no reftest)', true));
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
gulp.task('browsertest', gulp.series('testing-pre', 'generic', 'components',
function() {
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
return createTestSource('browser');
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
gulp.task('unittest', gulp.series('testing-pre', 'generic', 'components',
function() {
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
return createTestSource('unit');
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
gulp.task('fonttest', gulp.series('testing-pre', function() {
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
return createTestSource('font');
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
gulp.task('makeref', gulp.series('testing-pre', 'generic', 'components',
function(done) {
2017-02-24 15:12:02 -08:00
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
gulp.task('botmakeref', gulp.series('testing-pre', 'generic', 'components',
function(done) {
2017-02-24 15:12:02 -08:00
makeRef(done, true);
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
gulp.task('baseline', function (done) {
console.log('### Creating baseline environment');
var baselineCommit = process.env['BASELINE'];
if (!baselineCommit) {
done(new Error('Missing baseline commit. Specify the BASELINE variable.'));
var initializeCommand = 'git fetch origin';
if (!checkDir(BASELINE_DIR)) {
initializeCommand = 'git clone ../../ .';
var workingDirectory = path.resolve(process.cwd(), BASELINE_DIR);
exec(initializeCommand, { cwd: workingDirectory, }, function (error) {
if (error) {
done(new Error('Baseline clone/fetch failed.'));
exec('git checkout ' + baselineCommit, { cwd: workingDirectory, },
function (error) {
if (error) {
done(new Error('Baseline commit checkout failed.'));
console.log('Baseline commit "' + baselineCommit + '" checked out.');
gulp.task('unittestcli', gulp.series('testing-pre', 'lib', function(done) {
var options = ['node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine',
var jasmineProcess = startNode(options, { stdio: 'inherit', });
jasmineProcess.on('close', function(code) {
2017-01-09 15:43:45 -06:00
if (code !== 0) {
done(new Error('Unit tests failed.'));
2017-01-09 15:43:45 -06:00
gulp.task('lint', gulp.series('default_preferences', function(done) {
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
console.log('### Linting JS files');
Switch to using ESLint, instead of JSHint, for linting *Please note that most of the necessary code adjustments were made in PR 7890.* ESLint has a number of advantageous properties, compared to JSHint. Among those are: - The ability to find subtle bugs, thanks to more rules (e.g. PR 7881). - Much more customizable in general, and many rules allow fine-tuned behaviour rather than the just the on/off rules in JSHint. - Many more rules that can help developers avoid bugs, and a lot of rules that can be used to enforce a consistent coding style. The latter should be particularily useful for new contributors (and reduce the amount of stylistic review comments necessary). - The ability to easily specify exactly what rules to use/not to use, as opposed to JSHint which has a default set. *Note:* in future JSHint version some of the rules we depend on will be removed, according to warnings in http://jshint.com/docs/options/, so we wouldn't be able to update without losing lint coverage. - More easily disable one, or more, rules temporarily. In JSHint this requires using a numeric code, which isn't very user friendly, whereas in ESLint the rule name is simply used instead. By default there's no rules enabled in ESLint, but there are some default rule sets available. However, to prevent linting failures if we update ESLint in the future, it seemed easier to just explicitly specify what rules we want. Obviously this makes the ESLint config file somewhat bigger than the old JSHint config file, but given how rarely that one has been updated over the years I don't think that matters too much. I've tried, to the best of my ability, to ensure that we enable the same rules for ESLint that we had for JSHint. Furthermore, I've also enabled a number of rules that seemed to make sense, both to catch possible errors *and* various style guide violations. Despite the ESLint README claiming that it's slower that JSHint, https://github.com/eslint/eslint#how-does-eslint-performance-compare-to-jshint, locally this patch actually reduces the runtime for `gulp` lint (by approximately 20-25%). A couple of stylistic rules that would have been nice to enable, but where our code currently differs to much to make it feasible: - `comma-dangle`, controls trailing commas in Objects and Arrays (among others). - `object-curly-spacing`, controls spacing inside of Objects. - `spaced-comment`, used to enforce spaces after `//` and `/*. (This is made difficult by the fact that there's still some usage of the old preprocessor left.) Rules that I indend to look into possibly enabling in follow-ups, if it seems to make sense: `no-else-return`, `no-lonely-if`, `brace-style` with the `allowSingleLine` parameter removed. Useful links: - http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring - http://eslint.org/docs/rules/
2016-12-15 15:52:29 +01:00
// Ensure that we lint the Firefox specific *.jsm files too.
var options = ['node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint', '--ext', '.js,.jsm', '.',
var esLintProcess = startNode(options, { stdio: 'inherit', });
Switch to using ESLint, instead of JSHint, for linting *Please note that most of the necessary code adjustments were made in PR 7890.* ESLint has a number of advantageous properties, compared to JSHint. Among those are: - The ability to find subtle bugs, thanks to more rules (e.g. PR 7881). - Much more customizable in general, and many rules allow fine-tuned behaviour rather than the just the on/off rules in JSHint. - Many more rules that can help developers avoid bugs, and a lot of rules that can be used to enforce a consistent coding style. The latter should be particularily useful for new contributors (and reduce the amount of stylistic review comments necessary). - The ability to easily specify exactly what rules to use/not to use, as opposed to JSHint which has a default set. *Note:* in future JSHint version some of the rules we depend on will be removed, according to warnings in http://jshint.com/docs/options/, so we wouldn't be able to update without losing lint coverage. - More easily disable one, or more, rules temporarily. In JSHint this requires using a numeric code, which isn't very user friendly, whereas in ESLint the rule name is simply used instead. By default there's no rules enabled in ESLint, but there are some default rule sets available. However, to prevent linting failures if we update ESLint in the future, it seemed easier to just explicitly specify what rules we want. Obviously this makes the ESLint config file somewhat bigger than the old JSHint config file, but given how rarely that one has been updated over the years I don't think that matters too much. I've tried, to the best of my ability, to ensure that we enable the same rules for ESLint that we had for JSHint. Furthermore, I've also enabled a number of rules that seemed to make sense, both to catch possible errors *and* various style guide violations. Despite the ESLint README claiming that it's slower that JSHint, https://github.com/eslint/eslint#how-does-eslint-performance-compare-to-jshint, locally this patch actually reduces the runtime for `gulp` lint (by approximately 20-25%). A couple of stylistic rules that would have been nice to enable, but where our code currently differs to much to make it feasible: - `comma-dangle`, controls trailing commas in Objects and Arrays (among others). - `object-curly-spacing`, controls spacing inside of Objects. - `spaced-comment`, used to enforce spaces after `//` and `/*. (This is made difficult by the fact that there's still some usage of the old preprocessor left.) Rules that I indend to look into possibly enabling in follow-ups, if it seems to make sense: `no-else-return`, `no-lonely-if`, `brace-style` with the `allowSingleLine` parameter removed. Useful links: - http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring - http://eslint.org/docs/rules/
2016-12-15 15:52:29 +01:00
esLintProcess.on('close', function (code) {
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
if (code !== 0) {
Switch to using ESLint, instead of JSHint, for linting *Please note that most of the necessary code adjustments were made in PR 7890.* ESLint has a number of advantageous properties, compared to JSHint. Among those are: - The ability to find subtle bugs, thanks to more rules (e.g. PR 7881). - Much more customizable in general, and many rules allow fine-tuned behaviour rather than the just the on/off rules in JSHint. - Many more rules that can help developers avoid bugs, and a lot of rules that can be used to enforce a consistent coding style. The latter should be particularily useful for new contributors (and reduce the amount of stylistic review comments necessary). - The ability to easily specify exactly what rules to use/not to use, as opposed to JSHint which has a default set. *Note:* in future JSHint version some of the rules we depend on will be removed, according to warnings in http://jshint.com/docs/options/, so we wouldn't be able to update without losing lint coverage. - More easily disable one, or more, rules temporarily. In JSHint this requires using a numeric code, which isn't very user friendly, whereas in ESLint the rule name is simply used instead. By default there's no rules enabled in ESLint, but there are some default rule sets available. However, to prevent linting failures if we update ESLint in the future, it seemed easier to just explicitly specify what rules we want. Obviously this makes the ESLint config file somewhat bigger than the old JSHint config file, but given how rarely that one has been updated over the years I don't think that matters too much. I've tried, to the best of my ability, to ensure that we enable the same rules for ESLint that we had for JSHint. Furthermore, I've also enabled a number of rules that seemed to make sense, both to catch possible errors *and* various style guide violations. Despite the ESLint README claiming that it's slower that JSHint, https://github.com/eslint/eslint#how-does-eslint-performance-compare-to-jshint, locally this patch actually reduces the runtime for `gulp` lint (by approximately 20-25%). A couple of stylistic rules that would have been nice to enable, but where our code currently differs to much to make it feasible: - `comma-dangle`, controls trailing commas in Objects and Arrays (among others). - `object-curly-spacing`, controls spacing inside of Objects. - `spaced-comment`, used to enforce spaces after `//` and `/*. (This is made difficult by the fact that there's still some usage of the old preprocessor left.) Rules that I indend to look into possibly enabling in follow-ups, if it seems to make sense: `no-else-return`, `no-lonely-if`, `brace-style` with the `allowSingleLine` parameter removed. Useful links: - http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring - http://eslint.org/docs/rules/
2016-12-15 15:52:29 +01:00
done(new Error('ESLint failed.'));
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
console.log('### Checking supplemental files');
if (!checkChromePreferencesFile(
'build/default_preferences.json')) {
done(new Error('chromium/preferences_schema is not in sync.'));
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
console.log('files checked, no errors found');
2016-05-02 09:58:29 -05:00
gulp.task('server', function () {
2016-03-04 09:36:46 -06:00
console.log('### Starting local server');
var WebServer = require('./test/webserver.js').WebServer;
var server = new WebServer();
server.port = 8888;
gulp.task('clean', function(done) {
console.log('### Cleaning up project builds');
rimraf(BUILD_DIR, done);
2016-03-04 09:36:46 -06:00
gulp.task('makefile', function () {
var makefileContent = 'help:\n\tgulp\n\n';
var targetsNames = [];
for (var i in target) {
makefileContent += i + ':\n\tgulp ' + i + '\n\n';
makefileContent += '.PHONY: ' + targetsNames.join(' ') + '\n';
return createStringSource('Makefile', makefileContent)
gulp.task('importl10n', function(done) {
var locales = require('./external/importL10n/locales.js');
console.log('### Importing translations from mozilla-central');
if (!fs.existsSync(L10N_DIR)) {
locales.downloadL10n(L10N_DIR, done);
gulp.task('gh-pages-prepare', function () {
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
console.log('### Creating web site');
// 'vfs' because web/viewer.html needs its BOM.
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
return merge([
vfs.src(GENERIC_DIR + '**/*', { base: GENERIC_DIR, stripBOM: false, })
gulp.src('test/features/**/*', { base: 'test/', })
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
gulp.src(JSDOC_BUILD_DIR + '**/*', { base: JSDOC_BUILD_DIR, })
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
.pipe(gulp.dest(GH_PAGES_DIR + 'api/draft/')),
gulp.task('wintersmith', function (done) {
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
var wintersmith = require('wintersmith');
var env = wintersmith('docs/config.json');
env.build(GH_PAGES_DIR, function(error) {
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
if (error) {
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
replaceInFile(GH_PAGES_DIR + '/getting_started/index.html',
/STABLE_VERSION/g, config.stableVersion);
replaceInFile(GH_PAGES_DIR + '/getting_started/index.html',
/BETA_VERSION/g, config.betaVersion);
// Hide the beta version button if there is only a stable version.
const groupClass = config.betaVersion ? 'btn-group-vertical centered' : '';
const hiddenClass = config.betaVersion ? '' : 'hidden';
replaceInFile(GH_PAGES_DIR + '/getting_started/index.html',
/GROUP_CLASS/g, groupClass);
replaceInFile(GH_PAGES_DIR + '/getting_started/index.html',
/HIDDEN_CLASS/g, hiddenClass);
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
console.log('Done building with wintersmith.');
gulp.task('gh-pages-git', function (done) {
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
var VERSION = getVersionJSON().version;
var reason = process.env['PDFJS_UPDATE_REASON'];
safeSpawnSync('git', ['init'], { cwd: GH_PAGES_DIR, });
safeSpawnSync('git', ['remote', 'add', 'origin', REPO],
{ cwd: GH_PAGES_DIR, });
safeSpawnSync('git', ['add', '-A'], { cwd: GH_PAGES_DIR, });
safeSpawnSync('git', [
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
'commit', '-am', 'gh-pages site created via gulpfile.js script',
'-m', 'PDF.js version ' + VERSION + (reason ? ' - ' + reason : '')
], { cwd: GH_PAGES_DIR, });
safeSpawnSync('git', ['branch', '-m', 'gh-pages'], { cwd: GH_PAGES_DIR, });
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
console.log('Website built in ' + GH_PAGES_DIR);
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
gulp.task('web', gulp.series('generic', 'jsdoc', 'gh-pages-prepare',
'wintersmith', 'gh-pages-git'));
2017-04-14 14:28:46 -05:00
gulp.task('dist-pre', gulp.series('generic', 'components', 'image_decoders',
'lib', 'minified', function() {
var VERSION = getVersionJSON().version;
console.log('### Cloning baseline distribution');
safeSpawnSync('git', ['clone', '--depth', '1', DIST_REPO_URL, DIST_DIR]);
console.log('### Overwriting all files');
rimraf.sync(path.join(DIST_DIR, '*'));
// Rebuilding manifests
var DIST_NAME = 'pdfjs-dist';
var DIST_DESCRIPTION = 'Generic build of Mozilla\'s PDF.js library.';
var DIST_KEYWORDS = ['Mozilla', 'pdf', 'pdf.js'];
var DIST_HOMEPAGE = 'http://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/';
var DIST_BUGS_URL = 'https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/issues';
var DIST_LICENSE = 'Apache-2.0';
var npmManifest = {
name: DIST_NAME,
version: VERSION,
main: 'build/pdf.js',
description: DIST_DESCRIPTION,
keywords: DIST_KEYWORDS,
homepage: DIST_HOMEPAGE,
license: DIST_LICENSE,
dependencies: {
'node-ensure': '^0.0.0', // shim for node for require.ensure
2018-05-20 15:18:43 +02:00
'worker-loader': '^2.0.0', // used in external/dist/webpack.json
peerDependencies: {
2018-05-20 15:18:43 +02:00
'webpack': '^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0-alpha.0 || ^4.0.0', // from 'worker-loader'
browser: {
'fs': false,
'http': false,
'https': false,
'node-ensure': false,
'zlib': false,
format: 'amd', // to not allow system.js to choose 'cjs'
repository: {
type: 'git',
var packageJsonSrc =
createStringSource('package.json', JSON.stringify(npmManifest, null, 2));
var bowerManifest = {
name: DIST_NAME,
version: VERSION,
main: [
ignore: [],
keywords: DIST_KEYWORDS,
var bowerJsonSrc =
createStringSource('bower.json', JSON.stringify(bowerManifest, null, 2));
return merge([
{ base: 'external/dist', stripBOM: false, })
gulp.src(GENERIC_DIR + 'web/cmaps/**/*',
{ base: GENERIC_DIR + 'web', })
GENERIC_DIR + 'build/pdf.js',
2017-05-03 12:17:18 -05:00
GENERIC_DIR + 'build/pdf.js.map',
GENERIC_DIR + 'build/pdf.worker.js',
2017-05-03 12:17:18 -05:00
GENERIC_DIR + 'build/pdf.worker.js.map',
SRC_DIR + 'pdf.worker.entry.js',
]).pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + 'build/')),
gulp.src(MINIFIED_DIR + 'build/pdf.js')
.pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + 'build/')),
gulp.src(MINIFIED_DIR + 'build/pdf.worker.js')
.pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + 'build/')),
gulp.src(MINIFIED_DIR + 'image_decoders/pdf.image_decoders.js')
.pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + 'image_decoders/')),
gulp.src(COMPONENTS_DIR + '**/*', { base: COMPONENTS_DIR, })
.pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + 'web/')),
gulp.src(IMAGE_DECODERS_DIR + '**/*', { base: IMAGE_DECODERS_DIR, })
.pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + 'image_decoders')),
gulp.src(LIB_DIR + '**/*', { base: LIB_DIR, })
.pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + 'lib/')),
gulp.task('dist-install', gulp.series('dist-pre', function (done) {
var distPath = DIST_DIR;
var opts = {};
var installPath = process.env['PDFJS_INSTALL_PATH'];
if (installPath) {
opts.cwd = installPath;
distPath = path.relative(installPath, distPath);
safeSpawnSync('npm', ['install', distPath], opts);
gulp.task('dist-repo-git', gulp.series('dist-pre', function (done) {
var VERSION = getVersionJSON().version;
console.log('### Committing changes');
var reason = process.env['PDFJS_UPDATE_REASON'];
// Attempt to work-around the broken link, see https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/issues/10391
if (typeof reason === 'string') {
var reasonParts =
/^(See )(mozilla\/pdf\.js)@tags\/(v\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s*$/.exec(reason);
if (reasonParts) {
reason = reasonParts[1] + 'https://github.com/' + reasonParts[2] +
'/releases/tag/' + reasonParts[3];
var message = 'PDF.js version ' + VERSION + (reason ? ' - ' + reason : '');
safeSpawnSync('git', ['add', '*'], { cwd: DIST_DIR, });
safeSpawnSync('git', ['commit', '-am', message], { cwd: DIST_DIR, });
safeSpawnSync('git', ['tag', '-a', 'v' + VERSION, '-m', message],
{ cwd: DIST_DIR, });
console.log('Done. Push with');
console.log(' cd ' + DIST_DIR + '; ' +
'git push --tags ' + DIST_REPO_URL + ' master');
gulp.task('dist', gulp.series('dist-repo-git'));
gulp.task('mozcentralbaseline', gulp.series('baseline', function (done) {
console.log('### Creating mozcentral baseline environment');
// Create a mozcentral build.
rimraf.sync(BASELINE_DIR + BUILD_DIR);
2016-03-04 09:36:46 -06:00
var workingDirectory = path.resolve(process.cwd(), BASELINE_DIR);
safeSpawnSync('gulp', ['mozcentral'],
{ env: process.env, cwd: workingDirectory, stdio: 'inherit', });
// Copy the mozcentral build to the mozcentral baseline directory.
gulp.src([BASELINE_DIR + BUILD_DIR + 'mozcentral/**/*'])
.on('end', function () {
// Commit the mozcentral baseline.
safeSpawnSync('git', ['init'], { cwd: MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR, });
safeSpawnSync('git', ['add', '.'], { cwd: MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR, });
safeSpawnSync('git', ['commit', '-m', '"mozcentral baseline"'],
2016-03-04 09:36:46 -06:00
gulp.task('mozcentraldiff', gulp.series('mozcentral', 'mozcentralbaseline',
function (done) {
console.log('### Creating mozcentral diff');
// Create the diff between the current mozcentral build and the
// baseline mozcentral build, which both exist at this point.
// The mozcentral baseline directory is a Git repository, so we
// remove all files and copy the current mozcentral build files
// into it to create the diff.
rimraf.sync(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR + '*');
gulp.src([BUILD_DIR + 'mozcentral/**/*'])
.on('end', function () {
safeSpawnSync('git', ['add', '-A'], { cwd: MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR, });
var diff = safeSpawnSync('git',
['diff', '--binary', '--cached', '--unified=8'],
{ cwd: MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR, }).stdout;
createStringSource(MOZCENTRAL_DIFF_FILE, diff)
.on('end', function () {
console.log('Result diff can be found at ' + BUILD_DIR +
2017-05-03 12:16:37 -05:00
gulp.task('externaltest', function (done) {
fancylog('Running test-fixtures.js');
2017-05-03 12:16:37 -05:00
safeSpawnSync('node', ['external/builder/test-fixtures.js'],
{ stdio: 'inherit', });
fancylog('Running test-fixtures_esprima.js');
2017-05-03 12:16:37 -05:00
safeSpawnSync('node', ['external/builder/test-fixtures_esprima.js'],
{ stdio: 'inherit', });
2017-05-03 12:16:37 -05:00